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i - <br />t <br />r c +hin3 405 b27 acres, , or lass, co-ether wi*n a r n <br />Row swnsd cr Y.ereaf e -c-;--ed * ~ 1: c_ 2 r1~lL, ti Gle, and interest <br />or t of t,.e !".ortaTagnra in :,aid ^r opzrty, includin8 s1i hui ldiage, ir..provsr~en is, fixtures, . <br />aDMarte;tsness Lti_, ,on e herza ILer - e- th^rec;.^.: a?1 water, irri~aticn. ar!C ,!^einage ^. ~;: LS: cpe tere:nen LS: <br />'feted+tszsset: CS. at:C appurten Inc ref 'ie .n saves, crc s. and <br />t2,e '+c -gam, nr ri~tts is the h - d+..,ain era y wee forpsec ~s a_rising tro^: ,.ail lands: and , i. <br />i,~4 G 1^e3 D Mart <br />±r~f 1 ce-ZSes. qr ^rtvi Azs..s, apyurten=t. or *~onsr.Pcrrsenant o ~;ai;: rorU,.-sReC r2iai sea. na cr~real terli isuels~~xtendea, <br />">~ e. reneweC to LAe N~rtgay ors b3 .De i7tti LeC S;atz,: ,~ re, start Sn which Pthe above-descr!DeJ Property =s lncaczd ar <br />±n~ &-[y.yC^~ai`G~+~:7t, C„rz3~~. or ags;;uy L*. e:za_'. <br />i "`'-3 ar t~ge given - 'ec sa a ,,^.rc~si cs <br />i e S ven Gate herewl t,^.< caeca GP1 ny nRrroa .,, ..,... , <br />~ he ~.^.', a. of FOi;R HIII~DREfl SEVEiPYY-S ~^•r°' °,• ~~• Li,~e°saa. :n <br />'' P~vaDi-_ w2th inLer?fst ac-eriing .c .,.e ere ,. se+EVEN THOUS PrQ TWO HUNDRED AAtD NO/100 <br />~JLls1A5, <br />- ~- a, to}•rettt Deng ^.tte anC payaDlz un w*,s~f first =?ay <br />----~^--r- iT=?s - nv_y a_;.. ,hsi, ,:? void upon the P~y~nenL of said pr~lssory note. <br />€ :-.2hss_'racir~gage is'suD~ett is the grovisTaz=s a* "Ha PA,gM ?^,•, <br />-->,*,sreLO. ?Y[e pt~xeads of the .oan secured AernDy will Dd mP`~ kCf a:~a aii acts s~enCacory thereof or snppie:aentsl <br />ctstirxn ..*ar ~:lw :oat. aad a+,UhorizeC Dy said „c - p+=r'Dcses specific,. in the Mortgagors appli- <br />j ~ ll.vf~the le~h of thaw, AzreDy ,zarrant ~haz t!;ey are tee :whets nr tAe ~ctrtgegeC real prapertY: tAat they <br />tt~: .will keg, ail ~esgafASt s,l claimaxtts wht7ms3zver. .ehd *_Ast ssi:; ^roPer*_y is free Lr;rzh all sacurnbranczs; tat <br />itt~reve;•:en^.L,=, zt::res. atr rs-cen.-noes eccup}zC sr.C in n h <br />wrests: ',aC Laay wlil relan~ulsh a:.i rights „I hems. r ~, .a ^isa^ 8ao_ repair and Permic ao acts ::t ' <br />as it+llar,s: .'L`tdc~veaant and agrsz wits; ttis t~ortgagaz, <br />' - ,t ~ `- tl;ey w:ll '~'~' hx:e:, dz'2 'l1 taxes. iier:s, u` ts, m ss ssssrs ants which may De iawfu3 _y assesssd against <br />' the ;--rP*vsrty t:erein martgaga~, ~n <br />,:t}f ~iT~a,s ts;ey wf12 ins:;TS aatd t;ep -rstse u ~-. gs -.^ l;s„r,.~emwLLn ~ t=oa• e,n s which Rfsy hsreaf t.e: be y:.a~c~+i <br />p:^~alsas to the ssttafa.- ass -_ ~,a _r a ~.~-r- y hall De endorsed wit: a t <br />wl D TS@ :ass t~~f'E"ssuier tC De rte:. a}t e - -e n, tg~a •~; '[ mRS'tgage cause <br />;sf its das~w5yzil it~+raveartn•s• or 1* na s xj ~ '~- rz a yc.i ~iy Da useC to pay far recons tructicn - <br />~. '- '"*wi~r. at nK ~ptior. cf t,+s tf;rcgsgea, De appiiod 1 , Payment of <br />1..s~btYCness, tGaEnred ar ran~t-:,~eu, se,:.ur_u Ay .-s.;r-° <br />_~ags. <br />i 9 '~ ;.ay ail f"ah;.s, fees, or t`aaz~ss nca uua sr to beccera - a order the terms of each lensa, pax;cit, Licet=ae, an . <br />'.rs4e eEe as tha_ puDilt dtsga.a wA.ah is ,,y7x, x.en-a.: r ara,,pt.rteaanC to the morGg-aagged Pre:~ises, w.^.Leh has bo;,r, <br />~_rid?~, a' t~:x~eC ~y `.~lta,t fates r e S.aGa ih which xAe above-described property is ieeaisd; and <br />_, to F+tri..~r, aGti aIl88fYS-every act eavshaa ecx wl .h xC st I?aSa-,ion nersssary to kesp each rsi tT1e saga i^ ic;:d <br />s Rn4i th; end to sans, evaty-aaeeasa-i step *a asss- to r-~.,svr, renew.~l~ er ext ersien cf each of the saws: ani tc <br />as1~, rs: vs. yie~a, r~r 2i~idnrae tc ~Le ?s, r.p each :ease. peryit. ?iceuse. or privl iege if roregt~3ora= rights <br />=q ~=.~_ d~ct.':t are rauu;•.reC by tfe+rGgagee t:.r s®c;:rity ;;+u•poscs. <br />?. ~'~~- "'u~.~ r:.. uses s7tie r~rtga,~ee `e-a ~ -y ; aa, i:igasleih affecLin3 LAS secul'1 ty Gr C?la iiea of !4s~ms,yrt- <br />i~+e +8 '~' ~ao:it ry tLe i~t;^.LgagtP fu•~._a~.e ..S-s +s,~rt.a rr any s',,it in wAS ch the P1are;ta$se rarvv is rta,^~.;4 <br />i * ~+. Ce~a, a 1, wflic,5 +s is ctA isle*art - ,.e_e e Y rights cr I+e.:, fncludir,g eundamrw,tiran an:I bankruVtc=.~ <br />t ez.eas >. ~, .t ih.: . ~v z,r.~ ,gay inwur 3?Yji&Pi a a~.d sdascncesp€,ys~ixt ,,*ar aDSt.^art fees. a4.toraev Sees ,exo eP+ r., ., <br />i z ~, c4st~;, ezDepses, trod :,user er~~es, ~ .,= <br />%'-t 145aL lr. [h, ever --he <br />isairztain ~: ,r « e ,*Yftsra ~ s Sze Ir -. to green rs, yr sbx n ,t ~ <br />M<srsiraga~ c?~+1ca3c^gE`a lg~~'~ to sa~ssae cs, <br />R5i"6It, 1„ t 4 ;r ,, r age' c Kett- , ~' ~ ~ oAarr, un a =te ar[a s,tv ,a <br />- az~i'~as a: tit,. ,~~. ih'L !1:-g~a is re~3tre.1 ~> 1[ e.xpr[ x fir nth ~[rsc~ * € ~,: ~z e, t.~?. <br />~ ~seticn +~ItY. 3e,igr. 1[tti !p.+rigsga man ?a,ic such hx,•ms . v 19e + n u,.-. <br />eir iR^uT' euc ,~,3,ta$14t anQ the amc;iriL paid tt:e sfirr steal Aacar, + art ~ r. .,, €. ,e _a to C t -r <br />still ~SY~ ~~ Siiw~lls*_ajy. t+z[d shat i Y,asr .nterast £rura ,iia =1a .r of . ~.yndi,! xt :I,e . ars. rxt , `t., ,,= crva 3e + . <br />~ .., _ •.u.,. <br />