<br />That-the Mprtgagor will-pay: the indebtedness as hereinhefore provided.
<br />That the Mprtgagaris-lhe-~Swrter of said property in fee .simple and has gaod right and lawful authority to ;e!! and--
<br />convey the same and `that the satrte.ia free and clear of any lien or encumbrance: artd that Mortgagor will warrant and defend the -~~
<br />Ntle to said :premfaea agairtet:tAeciaims-nt-alt persons whrnnsaever:
<br />To pay°imraediateiy when'dtie and payableatl genera} taxes, special fazes, special assessments, water charges, sewer-serv•
<br />ice charges, and other taxes and charges against. said property, amt all taxes levied on the debt sera rvd hereby, and to furnish the
<br />Mortgagee. utwn request, wfth- the original or duplicate receipts therefor. The Mortgagor agrees that there shall be added tn.
<br />each monthly payment required hereunder nr under the evidence of debt secured hvrehy an amount estimated by the Mortgagee
<br />to be sv@iaent to enable the lHortgagee~: to pay. as they bes.•ome due, all taxes, assessments, and .imilar charges open the.-prem-
<br />O i3py-sttlijecY-thereto: any deficrency-because of'the in?ufficiency n[ such additional payments shall he fortttwith deposited by thv
<br />Mnrigagpr wvth the Mortgagee upon demand by the Aortgagee. Any default under this paragraph shall he deemed a rle(ault in
<br />payment of taxes, asseavmenta, nr similar charges requrred hereunder
<br />The Mortgagor agrees that there shall also br added to each monthly payment of principal and in[+,est requited here-
<br />! under an amount estimated by the Mortgagee [o be sufficient to enable the Mnrtgagm tr, pay, as it bernmea due. [he insurance
<br />/ice premium nn any insurauce policy delivered to the Mortgagee. Any detSetency because of the r cufticienry of useh additional pay-
<br />~rV/~; metric shall Ire forthwith depostted by the Mortgagor with the AgortgaKC'r' upon rivmand hu the Mortgagoe Any default under this
<br />W paragraph shall bs deemed a default ;n the pa}•ment of insu caner premiums If thv ;,Deity nr nolictes deposited are such as imme-
<br />ownets or ap risk (x>liries, and the deposits rs re in_cu(ficrent to pay the ~-ntrtr t>rnmtum, the Aortgagee roes- apply the depos4t to
<br />pay premiums nn asks rnquired to he insured by this morgage.
<br />Payments made by the Mortgagor under the aht>`•e paragraphs may. at the option n( the Mortgagee, he held ~hy it and
<br />commingled with other such funds or ,ts ow , tundc for the i,ayment ~~( n,rh nems and anal ~n applied, =nrh payment are hervhv
<br />pledged as security for Lhe unpasd halanro r>f the mortgage ,ode btvdness
<br />To procure, deliver in, and masntam for the h<•nrtit .d the Mort r;at;ee ~!~ nog the life nt this mortgaKC• ungmat pobcrrs ;end
<br />rerewsls thereof, deiive red at is-sect ten ,lass to-{ore the ,~spi ra txon of ant uch pohnrc insu nog against tier and other insu cable
<br />}taarda, rxrstratties, and c»ntingencies as the Morteaxer may reuuire, ,n an :;meant •y,+s/ to the ir:d~biedn~ ~ -n~urr.i }.*y ibis
<br />Marfgage, and in companies aeceptahte in the \lortgsKrr. wrth Ins: payable <iaucr m tav,.r ~d and in term accep[ahle +., the ...•,rtga-
<br />gN'. In the event any polio- rs not rene+wnt3 :- .,r twfor.• sin ~lavti ~,f as rs;uraisor. the 4lortgagrr may prr;cura= iss cane; on tPte
<br />improc ernenLs, pay the premtam th+•rr to r, and ouch ,oat .hat; i.ct.n ;;nmrdrand<• ~inr and patches ++rth mtrrvat ate the rate set
<br />forth in said note ua L! yard and shaiI he arureai be ihr: murigaKr rF It iiu rr :m the part .d the bl~rtgagnr n. turmsh such r rvwals
<br />av are }:seem regmred ur £adare to pa< any mums advanced hrmunder -h:al, at the -,nt;ur: of the ]Sorteacee- . ons !tne.~ - tdr€ault
<br />vader the terms of this martgaKr T. he deli ve n~ „t ..uch e,.a ,-ir-; shat: ~., ~. . ,eat -,r .lrfeuh ~ ~.na+t utr an ac>ignmrnt ..f the an
<br />earned premium.
<br />Any sums r crr.eci t.v ihr ?Ficrt;tagee `, ~a.o.~ -.i .~., ,. ... „ .n.. ,.• seams ma. .a ..-.n.u~~i by !h.~ '.L.rrca:;rr
<br />and applied toward iFm payment •.C the :9ebt ?n srbc ~rured. ~ .,t she ~~puon ,~f the "lcrlraKee s ich~r.unts .~nher ,. hcdly ~ r m
<br />part may 6e pasd over is the LSort K.v.er hr i,r .. r~i ;,, ret>a:r suuh ~:addrngs or .a head ~.rw hudri~nes ~. ~h.~,r t~tar. ~ ., r am'
<br />other purpose ar vb}eel sacrsfactcry to the '.1l r,rtKaprr .v rtbr,ur aff='ctenK the- Len =,a the mnrigaKe iu me hilt am ar < rred h:~ -
<br />bY before such payment ever txic ;,lace ~~~ r rv
<br />To promptly repair- restore or rriom!d a huadsngs ~ r ~mprm ementx .r herrart r.-r ,;. one , < ..r. .. mrh may t>z-
<br />cotnr damaged ur dtntmyed, to #;erp card premisrsnm awxa` ct+nditu,n an<i repair amt fre•~ tram a,.. ,-«~t,enu al~r-n r.r other Len or
<br />claim of Lien not esprrsslw subordinated to the lien herrcf nor to suffer .. rmrt ,. ,, -n--tai u,< .,f : ursamv- to .•usr nn
<br />card PinpertY nor to twt met waste on :Lard psrmsvs .,:rr ... dc; soy other a,~t whert~~by the property t.c rrtiyn~ v ved -,hall become
<br />3~ valnabie, nor to dunmt~: ur:mparr a ealue by aay set nr ,-m+s,.r_n to act .r~ :~nmph :. rth :ell rr-qu~rrmr-nrs rya law- with n-.peel
<br />to the mortgaged ptrmrses and the use tt;erranf
<br />Thai should the prrmssrn , r ._ !hrn•of ks~ rai«~u .iamaKr•i by n ... n, ~.i ..n ~,.rt.i;: ,. ••+. ,.,~ n. „~n,i.~;n net inn
<br />procxxrirrg, yr under the right of e Went 'rt~mrasn, ~~. rn any ocher rnanrnr, the Mortgagee ->hall tx rnir,texl to all compensrt4scns.
<br />awards, and any other payment or relief therefor, and shall },e• entitled, at its opisun, to commence. ap(x.xr :rr and prasttvtr in its
<br />cover t:eatte aay aetran c+r prut'redmK, ur to rusks soy com;xornrsr +.r settb~mrnt r; onnectna:.a srh ,uch urkmg or damage All such
<br />tiab, a+rards, damages, right of action anti yrurcn.ls see hereby assigned tr, the Rtnrixager, who n>_a+~. after tferluctrng
<br />thorefraas ail its ertpeos~ release anu mnnexs so reiptyetf by si, ur app#y the saner cat aay ;nd€fits: kr:rss ~-urrd hereby. "!'he Mort-
<br />ga{atatteea tt. eaacvie-sut'.h futlrttr affiignmenis of any .r>mpen~itn.,n. award+. ctamaga~s. artd :i€hts ~rf aa~i:<a, sad prrnv-r<is as the
<br />Mesf•,slfer-tYI' rigour.
<br />That rn case of failure to T,erfurm any of the c:ovrnants hereof. fix ?.lnrigagee may dt, ;,n the Rlortgagnr's behalf rv.-rything
<br />so rovenanted; that [he Mortgagee may alas do any ace st may dea•m rm'x•sur+ ~~. ;~rutert the I:c-:~ thereof: that the t~tortgagor wsN
<br />repiry ufxrs cLaetard aay moneys paid ar disbursed by t}re Mortgagee for any of the above purbnssrs, ante such menevs together with
<br />inieraat tlteteon at-the raW.-provided in said notF shall httwtne .:~, much aildiksonxf rndrbtrdnr,s hereby ~-evrcvf and relay Fw ia~
<br />ClirdFd iA any dn'.eet fareclosir~ {his mortgage and t,e F>ard out ..t the rrnu or proceeds of sale :,f caul (srrmesr>. rf nut oche+'w:s+e
<br />paid; fecal at shall not be oHigainry upon t:x Morttagee to snqutre into the vaiidrip uC any hen. enevmbrarurs..:r claim +n uu-
<br />vaOClbj awneya. at a(zosa auttterized, but twt}siag herein cantatned shall tie construed as rryurrure the Mortgagee to :reivanre a
<br />n4ansyf foc•apy-set~r.purpiare our W do any acK hereunder; and that Mortgagee sha(1 not rstrur env #,errursa( ltabrtity hecauxe• of any-
<br />tiiltt:it twy do-or omit°to da herfytrtder,
<br />Ili-the aveAt of t}.c default bg Mortgagpr ;n the ;laymen: of any r<<tstal(mcnt, an requuetl by the itiatr secured hereby, +,r
<br />in the Pttrfarmaace of the obligation in this mortgage cr in Lhe note secured thereby, the Murigagrr shad M entitled to dx(arr ihr
<br />debt itftenreti:hereby rioa, arxi payaiula without nnticx, anti the Mnregagea shall be entitled a# its option, without nufser, either by tisel!
<br />ar by-a :recaivct tube apponti+d by the ctwrt thereof, and without regard to the adequacy of any securty for the indebtedness se
<br />cured tialeby', to enter uPerr-and'Lrke patsescian of the mortgaged premises, std to coiled and receive the rents. issues and profits
<br />~~. ~aPf+~Y tfte settee,-teas arses of operation and rcllection, open the inetebtrtineaa secured by this mortgage; said rents,
<br />castles sad pnsirts 6daB hereby rifsi(tred-to flee Moe#gagee as Iurther security leer the payment trf all indebtavlnc:ne: st>eurPd hetrtsy.
<br />Ttre* MarEga[CS shall have leis power to appcrini any agent nr ageris ri srray desire for the purpcxtr nt rrparring wad prem-
<br />ripl; r°aottrK sty: :eclat,, tdlll6`#inE; tiq? retats, rexrnura anti :ircurrrc, and h may pay nut of .card income all expeenses sncurrcd to rent-
<br />r!1R, sad mat~isir~ the seine and o! onlierding the rentals therefrom. The balance rematntng, if any. shall ba• applied toward tier
<br />rliaGh4rp of tht.irturiEiRa. iarkbkrdTtess, 9'his assigrunenl is u, terminate and become null and void upon rrl<•a;,r of then mortgage.
<br />
<br />
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