l g(j-~l_O ~ Q 6 v3 MORTGAGE
<br />Zfiis"Mottgagg'isentaned;intobetvreen ~ L• ~ aTtt3 CYIJ'1fffA H. C'L~; ~Sk~t
<br />end- i~€e; ~artd EAKifl'~JE~- G LT~$2INE a2ui IDIS A. ~j,,_~~tbe~n~ o~rtgagar"hand
<br />'~ ~+ bID NATTLA~AL BAbI[C GiF' GRRND SST+AltHl. C~3fx1 Is9.a.`~r ~~~;`a
<br />(heiteia"Mo~tgi>geer'~
<br />_ .~ __
<br />- Mortgagor.is indebted to Mortgagee in:ifie principal sum of ~ 70,000.00
<br />evidenced=LX MortSi~o€'s ao6e_' r
<br />~~- ~ ~~erein "Note") providing for payments o€ principal and interest,'wtth the balance of Elie
<br />lydllrtkdheae, if not soorterpsld, due2sd payable oa: r 1 S 1_986,-
<br />Tosecure the paymentof the-Note, with interest as provided therein, the papmentof alt other some, with in6atcat, .
<br />" advanced by MOrt~ee to protect the security of this Mortgage, and the perfotarance of the covenaatsand agreeaienta a[ '"
<br />thz Mortgatirir cenCrtned herein, Mortgagor does hereby mortgage- and convey to Mortgagee the toliowina.cYCr46ed
<br />properig located in hall ~~ County, Nebrsska:
<br />L,3t. Rtrstir (Z) , Argo Fift~t Subdiirisiorl, an Addition to Aida, Hall Ootxrlty,
<br />-_ -• - ~diikd ~-
<br />'lfogelher with alt buildings, improvements, tixiuces, -tenets, alleys. passageways, easements, rtgttG, prvlieges and
<br />appttrteaaaces located [herron orin anywise pertaining thereto, :rod the mots tssw~. and profits, reversions and remaiatiets
<br />t6ereot, iodudtag, bat rrot liarited Go, heatir•g sod cooling equrpment and such personal property that is attached to We
<br />- improveraeats sQ mm to twastitate a 5s:ture; iii of which, irniwling mplacements and additions thereto, 'rs hereby declared
<br />to b~ a pact oCZhe rent entire secured by the lien at this Mortgage and all of the tomgotng being referred to herein sa the
<br />Mortgagor further otmvenaats-and agrees, wrth Mortgagee, as f~rltaws
<br />- t. Payareet. To pay the indebtedness and the inure.[ thereon as pen: idrd rn thrs ktartgage and Che Nole.
<br />- _ 2 't5tta ]trtgagor is-the owner of the Property, has the right. and authtrnty ea mortgage the Property, and
<br />wall<aats tlpt lire lien mated hereby cs a trst acid pear lien asrt the l4operty, except as mat otherwise be *et forth herein.
<br />L7 'llle t}operty is subject to a Mortgage wtieriyn
<br />is UMt~, rno,rded at Hook __.. Page _._ ...._. of the Mortgage Rc~urds of ___.___._.__. _- County.
<br />.. N~h~aelta, 9rh-eh-Marge is a lkn poor to the iicvt rrvatcd hereby.
<br />C(1iGe[,pricrl'tetrsorernrwnbtanct~:_..~.------ - _.__._-. _-- -__ ._ _. __. ._~_._.___
<br />3, 1lrcaa,.Mneapaartte. Ib,pay when due ail lairs, special asments and aft other charger against the Ropetty
<br />acrd; trp04 t'i1Uln deraaad be ~, to add io rite payments required untkx the lore secured heiehy, such amour! as
<br />aayr-be suf#reteat to eaa6le tltr 4£artgsjec to Pay such taxes, asse~menls or other rhargvs as they be~ttw due.
<br />. 4. lawtra~art.. 20 t'~P- the iaspprtrerrvanis raw o[ hereafter located r,n rite real estate described herein insured
<br />#~ lRy;~t aed such-other tutxar~ ~'rtartgaeee rely require, in arrtotmtK and w"rtlrcotapanitsaa~eptable tothe
<br />+.1atn Payable t:t the Mortgagee, In cxs-r of loss under such polictts the Mortgagee is autliorlxed to
<br />~_catiact aid oo~yroaaiae, to ire dicctrtion, alt--.claims therettndrr ai 4ts sole option, authoriaedtueitherapply-the
<br />! w tie atgs4:ot ;ke pi+opexty or stpoa the ~1!ledne~s ~€ured hesehy, lent-paytaeats herermder shall eon-
<br />- - tiptte aaitii the attas!c ate hereby ate pai$ #a full:
<br />3. '3 . For Tsaaaaa~ lttraasca. `otw°ithatanding as#ythine tronta[ued in patagtaPhs 3 and # her$ol w the
<br />~atY• tdaetlagoe' a6aN. pRl! to the Murtgagt~e at the lime of fM}tag the monthly ittsWiments of principal and interest,
<br />i7atttveltth of t0u paaaty Lttes, aaa~rsnas, haatTd instvapcr prrtautn~s< and ground zenls tit anvil which may attain a
<br />#taoastY w+r tMY 1rlalttil~e, iii is ~aawtlwx'aat«~l from titpe tv lrtrle try thY Morlgagt!e,'IRte amo>,rtp so paid ahdl ba
<br />Meld bl cur lllot+~yw' iyttMorrt rnteyayt i•Rad applied tti tpr payatent of the Items in
<br />dgocilyd. '[Fc a.+as pant to ~retmder are resPe~'t fir which such amoutttc wece
<br />ibtt~yrt pled~4tt as ;Ydditiona! secutty for the iadrbtedaeas secured by this
<br />lleea~ip- AMR snap MY ~ . the atnopat of atop deficiency hetvreep tl>k acwttat taxes, asxvsaaxnts, (naatanae
<br />i~ and Powt6 +rnts and~te depoe6ta tserevnder;witltin'iQ days aRer dgraandle trade aPoa Mortgagor regaestinK
<br />payment tJ•eivo(:
<br />C ~tlra. MMtMMtia tlMit IJaa. 7b prrttnptjy erprlr, resttsre or rvbulld any buildings or improvvmeats now or
<br />lrrea[Nr oa ~ pr~age+tk; Lo ~ tar! 1~ L+!-goads swidititstt and repair, wlthou; wastct, and frea frtrm nteehanle's ar
<br />- atlrtliatia riot e:Pa~i `=~`-""'~`.-~.'~sl to tpe tlat.kieoelt[Fito~'ta~make, su:€vr rr pur~itany nui9attce to t~ti3l. oar to dinun-
<br />fii of taipalr (he vaiir of tilt 1§lrperty ay #ny. ack or omlasi+cm to acl; and ca comply with alt tetluite€tiants of law wilh
<br />. _ - :. rnApe'cl fir the fittl9kHp, _ -_ - -
<br />