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<br />gOr. ~iGl~0~~3 <br />~,~ ~~~ <br />1V.~{}~TGAGE <br />c~ <br />'ttii. tttiade and entered into this ~ Z- I r day of ~ ~ p `}' am }, e,r ~~ <br />19$ 0 ', y and between DOUGLAS D. ETCHER AND MARIAN G. ETCHER, husband and. wife <br />(hereinafter referred to as etortga6ar) and the Admiautrator of the Small $miaeaa Adtotiniatratuota; m astmey of !ha <br />Goverummt of the United States of America (hereinafter eeferred to as mortga6ee), wbo itaaitntaioa as Dios and <br />plaaeo(boParat Etopire State Bldg., 19th & Farnam Streets, Otoaha, Nebraska b81t)2 <br />w-rt~ttr, that far the twaaideaiim hereStu(ter sLted, receipt of which is hetebT s~nwled~sdf';tihe <br />mert~ tllaut hereby motigagc, aa1l..ttrant, ari6at, anti convey unto the matt6a~ee, 6ia waoawn sa+i arngr,~ all <br />of the followitag daatuibed property aitnatsd and being in ebe ComtY cf g~ <br />State of Nebraska <br />LOT NINETEEN (19), BLOCK TWO (2) SOUTHERN ACRES ADDITION TO THE <br />CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA <br />Together with and inetudiag ali buildings, ail 6xturet~ including but not limited !o all plumbing, healing, light- <br />itaa;, verrliiating; refrigerating, inrineratirtg, air rnnditiunin~, apparaiu., and eievator5 (the morlragor hercl,~ <br />deeiariug that it i, intended that the items herein enumrratetihail hr ,ieemrd to have been prrmanrntiy in• <br />+tallee2 a~ prrl of thr realic), and a!1 improvement> now ur ltrrcafler essstin:; thereon; the hereditamenU and <br />appttrttnanres and alt outer rights thereunto brlongiue, or in anywise appertaining, and the rever=ion and r,e- <br />ver-firms, remainder and rcmainden, all rights of redemption, and the rent:, issue, and profits of the above <br />de*etsbed property f paovided, howPVrr, that the rnort~a~<.r shall hr retitled )o the po..r-,.ion oi' maid proprrt. <br />and to t,oliert aed retain the rcntxk iasttes, aad ptv&ts until drfault hereunder). To have and to hold the eanrr <br />unto theeaaetgagee-atad_the strK,tasors in intereH of the mortgagee forever in fee eimpir ar such other estate, <br />if any, as is stated herrio, <br />7~t-ate, ert~arrrta-tkat he » Lartttily riaad gad poaaared of and hu ilro right to rill • grad convey wid <br />Pt'alartyt- tiaR the, tratra. it (t+re franc all menaahrattoeu a:caps w hersinabove recited; and that he hereby birada <br />hirlttrdl'arailtiaattt> warrant and •iafmd tba title a(orsaaid thereto and every part tharooi asaioat <br />tba abt~aa~f alt=~riaiatrilar.aower. <br />7'ltia inetrttment is given to secure the payment of a promiaaorv note dated {%~ par ~- ~n ~ ~ -: r ~a ` ~'' ,~ <br />isFilut~imipabattsep(,;-.Sg00t~1.00 ~+it1Md-~y Douglas D. Eicher and Marian G. Eicher <br />in hehalt.,i 13teaselve8 <br />SIIA r,r~.9iJ ~ if!! t -rwfw [~idr ~,~ O~„4b. <br />°~E C i ....,, _ <br />