80- UJSi~~7
<br />3. The mortgagor covenants and agrees that if he shalt fail to pay said indebtedness ar any part thsrt~of rlieo=~'
<br />due, or ehaU fail to perform any covenant or agreement of this ieatrument or the promissory mate esc»red hetieby, tba-
<br />etRitc indebtedness hereby secured aicall immediately become due, payable, and callrctible without notice,:tit tbe_
<br />option of the mortgagee or assigns regardless of maturity, and the mortgagee or his assigns may btfore or after.entry-~
<br />asU%said propertr without appraisement (the mortgagor having waived and assigned to the mortgagee all righa of:`
<br />appraisement) ;
<br />~ t 1 at judicial sale pursuant to the provisions of 3f! LLS.C. Y001(a) ; or
<br />(u) n the option of the mortgagee, either by anetion or by aolieitation of sealed bids; for the hie6est rod.:
<br />best bid sampfyiag with the terms of ask and magnet of payment specified is the published aotioe oriole, 6rot `:
<br />giving four weeks' notice of the time, ierma, and place of such Bale, 6q advertisement not less than ones
<br />daring cash nksaid tour weeks in a newspaper published or distributed in the county in which said property
<br />is situated, all odrer notice being hereby waived by the mortgagor (and said tttartgaga, or any;pattte~ o~.'
<br />brhaU o[ said mortgages, may bid with the anpaid indebtedner evidenced by said note). Said sale shall bs-•
<br />held u or on the property to be sold or at the Federal, counh', or city courthowe for the county in which the
<br />property is located. The mortgagee ie hemby authorized to execute for and ~n behalf of the mortgagor and to
<br />deliver to the purchaser at such ask a sufficient conveyance of said property, which conveyance shall contain
<br />teeitaL r to the 6appeaing of the default upon which the execution of the powsr of sale herein granted
<br />depends: and the said mortgagor hereby constitutes and appbinta the mortgagee or any agent or attorney of tPre
<br />mortgagee, the agent and attorney in fact of said mortgagor to make each recitab and to execute said
<br />eooreyanee and hereby eovensnL and agrees that the recitals so made shall be effectual to bar aU equity or
<br />right of redemption, homestead, dower, and ail other exemptions of the mortgagor, all of which are hereby
<br />e:prerfy waived and conveyed to the mortgagee; or
<br />(tnl take any other appropriate action pursuant to state ar Fedenl statute either in state or Federal
<br />court or otherwise for the disptssition of the property.
<br />In the event of a sak as hereinahove provided, the mortgagor or env person in poseeasion under the mortgagor shall'
<br />then become and be tenants holding aver and shall forthwith deliver paeeession to the purchaser at such sak or he
<br />summarily drsposseaeed, in aceordanee with the provisions of law applicable to tensntx:ltahlingbver Thc,power
<br />and agency hereby granted are coupled with an interrat and are irrevocable by deatfi or otherwise, and are granted
<br />a. cumulative to the remedies for coiiectioo of bald indebtedness prcwided by law.
<br />4. The pneeeds of my sale of said property in aceordana with the preceding paragraphs shall be applied Gtat
<br />m pay the sssr aatd etepenses of said sale, she aapenses incurred by the nrertgygee far the purpose of proteetiog or male
<br />raining said property, and reasonabh attorneys' fees; secondly, to pay the indebtedness secured herebr; and '!tirdly,
<br />to pay any sarplua or e:tws to the person or persons legally entitled thereto...
<br />5. L the event sail property is so}d :t :judicial foreehtwsre sak or pnrsoant to the power of sak hereieabore
<br />grated, and tie pavoeeds ate not auisient to pay the total indebtedness aecared by this irrtrvoiwt and evidenced by
<br />aatd prosrssary trots, the mortgagee wiU be eatitkd to , de6aency judgmetat for the amount of the deJleietsry roit6osir
<br />reennd to spprstiaew~sr,
<br />b~c-1e rheerreetthe tsrortitager faih: to pay nor Federal, sate or local tax aeecasment, income tea or other tai lies,
<br />charEs, fee, or other rapeatse charged against the property, the mortgagee is hereby aulhoriaed at his option to pay
<br />the Hass. Any srnts so patd by the mortgagee shall be addtxi to and become a part of the principal amount of the
<br />erideoeed_ by said notes anbjeet to the same terms and conditions. If cite mortgagor ehaU pay acrd
<br />dsteiarge the indebtedness evidenced bf said promissory nuts and shah pay such sums and shad discharge all taxes
<br />and Hews and the epta, fees, sod expetues of making, enforcing, and executing this mortgage. then this mortgage
<br />sinll fie eaaeeled std arrteetleeed.
<br />~' The soreatanu betels wutained ehaU bind sad the benefits and advantages shall itmrs to the respective sue-
<br />eataeso atai aipts st tie pnrtieolteeets, >pltenerer used. the aiogahv aotnber ehaU inehtde the pbinl, the phanf tie
<br />~lati endtio nee of v! tlr~ akaU inslnis aU gender.
<br />!k ~+ wairae of aq covenant herein or of the obligation seemed hereby shalt at any rims thereatter be Kehl
<br />to be ^ w+tivsa e! tie teems bereef ar of the tiers secured hereby.
<br />9• ~ tide ssetigts i01.1(d } of tits Rules and Rsgtslatiass of the SrwU Boainer Admiaistntion (13
<br />GF.1G HRlf~l].dtia iMetrtwtte ia~ k se~atensd and sn[asnd in aeeordanee with applia6le Fedenl law.
<br />ItR A jndiaitd doeran, cedar, w jndlpneat he an
<br />ant{ y P-m'ision or portion of lhis itgtrutetent invalid or un-
<br />+rtfft'an`le sia8 nol in any tray imRoir or precirde the eoforoeetent of the reotaioiag provisiow or portiottr of
<br />
<br />