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$0- ~050~~ <br />been paid or retired in full, or adequate provision satisfactory to the <br />Trustee: shall have been made far their payment and to this end the <br />provision contained in Article Four of said Supplemental Indenture dated <br />as of July I, IB44, modified as aforesaid, to the effect that at such time as <br />all of the Compan_y's General Mortgage Gold Bonds, Series K, I., :4I, !V, <br />O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, t% and VV shall have been paid or retired in fu31 or <br />adequate provision satisfactory to the Trustee shad have been made-for <br />their payment, said covenants shall become null and ~•oid and of no <br />further effect, shall be dcemed to be by this Supplemental Indenture ap- <br />propriately modified. <br />~iRTICLE FOUR <br />CONCERNING THE TRL'ST~ <br />The Trustee hereby accepts the tnrst herein declared and provided and <br />3grt'£± f[s ~x±~'f4t'P~ ~!' vv~rne upon +hr is?.rm~c :ind nartrii Yinnc in tha 4~I{~rt- <br />gage set. forth and upon the following terms and conditions: <br />The Tntsue .hall not be responsible in :inp manner whatsoever far or <br />in rnstzert of the validity or sufficiency of this Supplemental Indenture or <br />the due exretttian hereof be the C'empan~ or for ar in respect of the reci- <br />tals contained herein, all of which reeitals are made by the Company <br />satelti•. The Trustee ;hall be under no obligation to see to the filing;, regis- <br />it-attoa or rncording of this Supplemental Indenture or to the refiling, re- <br />registration or mrecording hereof but the Conrpanv covenants to effect, <br />xhen and as tna}- be required b}• iaw in order to protect the right, here- <br />under of the holders of the Series ~ Bonds, ~,he tiling, regtstrauon +.r <br />t~rrding and the refilinR_ reregist.raiaon ar rereeerdin>; hereof. 'hhe 'I'rus- <br />toe may authenticate and deliver env of the Sertes l Botuls hereto <br />provided for withoui waiting for any such riling, reQtstratton. rc+ti~+dir; <br />or re@linR, ttregistra4ion or rerecording. In general, each attd eier~ fern: <br />and conditiau contained in article Twelve of the Mortgage sha2i apld~ tr.> <br />and farm a part of this Uupplemental Indenture with the .erne force and <br />edt~t as tf the same were herein RPt forth in full with suds cmissiansa 3•art- <br />ations and itt~rtiatts ss may be aplaropriau to make the tatnr ~-vrfarri <br />iv thin a"upp~mentai Indenture. <br /> <br />u <br /> <br /> <br />