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so-sa~os4 <br />SUPPLEMENTAL INDENI`URE, dated as of the 1st day of July, 1981), <br />by and between Bvxt,ttvGrox NoxTxFwu Inc., a corporation drily arganizecl <br />and .existing under the lgws of the Matt of I?elaware (hereinafter same- <br />times c-ailed the "Company"), Party of the fit-st part, snd Ct~'ta:~t~x, iV:~. <br />(successor by merger to The First National Bank of New York), a na- <br />tional banking association duty organized and existing under the laws of <br />the United :+tates of America (hereinafter sometimes called the "Trus- <br />tee"), par#_y of the second part. <br />Great Northern Railway Campanv has heretofore msde, executed and <br />delivered to The First Nat.ianal Bank of the City of New Y"ork, as Trus- <br />tee, its General Gold Band tlfortg~tge (hereinafter r=ailed the "Original In- <br />denture"} dated .January 1, 1921, anti supplementvs thereto dated respec- <br />tively 3~Iarch 19, 1936, as of .January I, 1937, April 18, 194=1, as of July 1, <br />1944, Mamh 20. 1945, as of .Juf~~ 1, 1945, two supplement:, dated as of <br />January 1, 1946, ss a! doh ?, 1953 and as of September 1, 1954, under <br />which General itartgat~e Bands of several series am outstanding By <br />further supplement dated ss of 1larch ?, 1970, the t'ompany: in accord- <br />ance with the provisions of Sc~etion 2 of Article Fifteen of the Original In- <br />denture, has sncr..eeded to. and been subst.itatecl far, Great Northern <br />Railway Company, with the same effect as it it had tx~en named in the <br />Original- Lndeature as the party of the first part thereto; and by a second <br />supplement dated a, of ALarnh 2, 1970, the (company subjected w t:he lien <br />of the Original Indenture, as theretcifarr: supplemented and modified, <br />property acquired by the Carnpany by reason of the ruerger of Chicago, <br />Burlington & Quincy Railroad Company- into the Company and cie- <br />seribed the mortgage which ryas a lien un such property- and the amount <br />of bonds secured thereby. By further supplemenr; dated respectively us <br />of July 1, 1970, as of January 1, 1971, <i~. of January 1, 197x, as uF July 1. <br />1975 and as of January 2, t978. the Company authorized additional se- <br />ries of General 1lartgage Bands (the Original Indenture as heretofore <br />supplemented and modified being hereinafter svmet-imc~~ t~alied the <br />:. ~Lortgage";. <br />The Company has by proper corporate action authorized the issuance <br />under and purst;-ant to the terms of the ~laxgage as supplemented and <br />modified by this Supplemental Indenture of 580,135,(100 prittcipai amount <br />of its General Ziortgagr $oncir;, Series :~ (said Bonds being hereinafter <br />somiet.imes referred to as the "Series ?ti Bands"). <br />.,., ~- <br />i_.. <br />