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<br />6 <br />rate of such aelertion ar (ii} tran:;fer or exchan~,e any Bond of Series G or <br />portion- thereof so-selected foi`-- redemption; and the Corporate Trustee <br />shall noL be required to anthent.icate and deliver any Bands of genes G <br />during-the period specified in (i) above or in lieu of Bonds of Series G ar <br />portions thereof selected for redemption. <br />The previsions of Sections 3.G4 to :3.G8, inclusive, of the Indenture <br />shall, so far as applicable, apply to and govern the redemptian of Bonds <br />of gestes G, except that rang installment of interest which by the terms at <br />the. Bonds of Series G is due and.payable art any Interest Payment Date <br />aecurring nn or prior to a redemption date shall be payable to the per- <br />sons in whose names the Bonds of Series G were registered on the <br />1•elevant Record Date, and except a, otherwise exprPSely prossided in this <br />tiinth Supplemental Indenture. <br />S~.~Ttox I.G:3. ?as anti for a rnandatory Sinking Fund for the Bands of <br />~`~ L=, the Company shah, except as hereinafter provide i., thi, Sr-e- <br />tion 1.03, pay to the Corporate Trustee at least one business rfay prior to <br />August I, ICI, and August 1 al each year thereafter to and including <br />August. 1. 20(I~, each such August l being hereinafter called a "Sinking <br />Fund Payment Date", an amount in \ew York Clearing 13ouse funds <br />sufficient to redeem :b8,33t),t)GO principal amount of the Bonds of Series G <br />un Auga.St 1. 1941, and on each Augilst 1 thereafter t-o <and including <br />august 2, '2IXYI, at a price equal to IG{t% of the principal amount. thereof, <br />hereinafter called the "Sinking Fund Redemption Price". linking Fund <br />moneys shall not be applied 6o the payment of interest on the Banda of <br />Series G, but the Campanv shall otherwise provide far all interest ac- <br />crued to the Sinking Fvnd Payment Date on the Bonds of Series (, or <br />portions thereof called for redemption throti¢h the operation of .ueh <br />:?tnkmg Fund- on such date. <br />in addition to the Sinking Fuad payment required by the immediately <br />prect~ding pa.ra~raph. the f.:ampany mac elect in the manner hereinafter <br />pro4~ided to snake, at least one business day prier to each Sinking Fund <br />Payment Date, an optional Sinking Ftlnd payment to the Corporate Trus- <br />tee in as amount =_tet in excess of `+1'l,4$S,GGG. Tlae Pxercisr of such eiec- <br />tion shall not have the effect of reducing the amount of any Sinking <br />Fund pat-tntmt which the Company shag be required so make pursuant <br />to- the imrnediateJy preceding partsgraph. The election shall be nan- <br /> <br />