<br />~Q--{uuf15053
<br />,,
<br />aaChegticated-(in the case of stteh Bonds} and- delivered, valid, binding
<br />and legalinstrurrxents in accordance with their respet:tive terms:
<br />1~Dw, THEREFfxRE, THis NttiTx StrPPLE,iIF.N'1'AI. INDE.\"rC~it l;: ~~~t'r\liC:SETEt:
<br />That Prir and in cons-idoration of the. premises, and in ronsider>rtion of
<br />the sum of Ten Dollars 1+10:00) lawful monet cif the Iinited St.a.tes of
<br />America f.iul~• paid by the Trustees to the Compartg at the time of
<br />rlelivert of t-his Ninth 3upplemert:x! Indenture, the receipt whereof is
<br />hereby acknowledged, the Conxp;tn}• has executed and delivered this
<br />Ninth yupplemenikll Indenture ;and, for the same purposes as the original
<br />propertc described in or otherwise covered bt the Indenture, hiss rnort-
<br />gaged, pledged, granted, given. bargained, sold, ;aliened, remised, released,
<br />conve}•ed, confirmed,.assigned, transferred and set Deer and ~t these pres-
<br />ents does mortgage, phxlge. grant. give, bargain, ,ell, alien. remise,
<br />release, convey, confirm, assign, transfer and set oaer unto the 'I•rtlstees,
<br />and to their successor c:r surcessors in the trust- clod their assigns
<br />~IO,i33.000 principal amount of C;eneral Mortgage I`2%~q"~ Bond,. i;irries
<br />L, Dr~~ .,`anrrary i. ~ttiit, issued ender and putauant to the Great North-
<br />ern Rsihvav Compan}''s General f;ohl Bond 1lurtgage, dated J:anuarv 1.
<br />1921, as supplemented and amended. •
<br />To Hare avD •rn ttoLn the pral,lertc hereby coot°eted, as n part of the
<br />"trust e3tate" tmrler the Indenture. onto the Trusters, their successor or
<br />3ttCCC-:~orS Ln LPURt and thl'ir E2~iEQnS, IOTF 1"P r;
<br />ScR~ECr, ncwEaER• to Efcepuad Encumbrances.
<br />Brr L> ret_r ~EtERrttEL.E:~ for t.'rr rclual and proportionate benefit :red
<br />secur•it}• uF all of the present anal luture lroidc+rs of the I3ouds ;;r rlefinf:d
<br />in the Indenture) and of an}° r^oupons xppurtenarat thereto. ;red fur the
<br />f>nfor•~ment of t.hP pravmrt.t of the prncipal e>f the Bonds nand the
<br />prenriunl, if may, and interest thereon. as and when parable, and the Fm*-
<br />farruancc~ of and rompiiancr ~•it;x the f-ovenarrrs and r~nnciitirrns of the tn-
<br />dentare and this ?Ninth ~uppienaental Indenture, withoat preferene~,
<br />priority ar distinction as to fir=n ur cithertx•i,~t= cYf anE i3ond o~ ~r tree t~thr~r
<br />Bored of the same rrc-ant other series bt re-aeon of prioritt in the issue far
<br />negotiation car mataritt thersof or rztherx•i~-e, sa that each anfl evrrv
<br />Bond-shad. h~~'r the :tame right, lien and privill~e under the Indenture
<br />and-this: Niuf#t Supplemental indenture, and the principal of, prrmiunx, if
<br />J
<br />
<br />