ND REAL ESTATE MOATGAGE~--With lax Cisuaa 'rho xattmaa Qnaornt SuDP1Y ftaaao. Liacoln, Sebi.
<br />-` ~, ~,~ f}4'~: arrow .AT:T. MEid BY THESE PRESENTS:
<br />TFIAT 1 or WE, A=go Development Company, Inc.
<br />of Ball County and State o{ Nebraska
<br />"FIVE THOUSAND ANU NO/100 ($3,000.00) ----------°---~--
<br />in.hand pa7,d, do hereby SELL and CDAr[~EI~' uxta
<br />E. Dean Wolfe
<br />of Ha1I Count}; and State of Nebraska
<br />sitratcd in Hall County, and State of Nebraska
<br />Lo[ 19, Warren Subdivision,Hall County, Nebraska-
<br />in cansidcratitrn of the sum o{
<br />, (mortgagee),
<br />the {vl[n:tang descritied pre»tues
<br />to-oat:
<br />The intewtian being to convey Aerrhp ,n a7solute title in fee sinpie rntluding al# the rights of hamertead and dasvzr.
<br />TO HAIrE AIJD TO HOLD the premises abo2~e described. oath all the appurtenances t!.eretrnta belonging unto
<br />the said mortgagee or neartga<,7ees acrd to his. her er their heirs and ossigns, former, j*ra,aded alzrrzys, and chess pres-
<br />ewts arc upon the express condition tFtat i{ tJte s¢id mortgagor ar rnortoagars, his, bar or their heirs, executors, adtttiw-
<br />istrators ar assigns shall pay ar c¢use to be paid to ttte said mortgagee ar martnagees and to his, tier ar their heirs, ex-
<br />etyttors, admitristrators or assigns, ttre sum a{
<br />give Thousand and no1100 ($5,000.00) rot[ars, payable as {oUou=s, to-unit:
<br />Due uiron Sale of Lot i9, Narren Subdivision,liall County, NE
<br />tNtk intsrest t)tttreos at i2 per cent per annum, to}^ablc xxic~pt aunuala}, ¢tcording !o the tenor and ejJect o{
<br />1,4s promissory note :with interest coupons attached o{ lard 3lortgagars, bearing even daft' zzath these pres-
<br />tstr, and shall pay all tales and any #merest or{, ur rrwtnring installtnc»ts of principal, duo on any prior rnortgaga and
<br />assssrmewts levied upoa said read estate and ¢!1 atJtzr tares, lezsts and assesnnents !cased upon this mortgage or the
<br />note sodrich tisi;t mortgage is g :esr to secure, be{ore rite sane beto+nes delinquent acrd keep tt:e buildings an said
<br />prtnusas ittswad for the suns ~ ,lass, ij any, ~ayab[a to sorb ~nrst sr:urtgagees :,, tkts rnarigagee, ar both, '
<br />tiltts ttiatn presents be void, otherusse to be and rrtrutin in {ul! farce.
<br />IT IS FLXRTHLR .~3GREED (t j ?'hat if the said mortgagor shall fail to pa}~ such tax<°s and .ncch interest an,
<br />or +twlrriwg instaU»tents o{ principal, due an any prior rnnrtgage and procure such iatsttrcrtte, fiten tJtis ntertg¢gae sna}
<br />pay tuc& tasex and such interest on, ar maturing in.cta[lrnc~sts o f principal, due on s:tcit ; rior +uortgage and prarnre
<br />srr~lr inncranre, and tk: sgsn sa adv¢rrad ua#h interest at nine per cent stroll be paid by said ruurtgagur, and this rnort-
<br />ga~,sttoid s#and as secrsr'ity fm' the same. ezj That a {¢ilure to pa}~ arty of said money, either principal or interest ¢n
<br />#Jaii +!r awy pt~tr martgaga, ttrTaEn tke same becomes dxe or a failure is comply oath any a{ the faragaing agreements ,
<br />slgtU.tatr#e the :edtale sent of money kerein secured to became dtte and tallectab[e at ante at the opttan v{ the snort-
<br />g~u, i
<br />#T ;S RURT`HE~2 _~GREt;fl Thai sand mortgagee, pending forectasura a{ this martg¢ge and a{ter decree and
<br />tr~D stay fLsa•ear ar appear therefrotn end pending sale o{ premises mortgaged, rr:ay pay such taxes and maturing ~
<br />iatsrest wr ntYtatrit~ s'tutuldments o{ principal, an prior mortgmles, pratura suelt irtsuraruz and such sutra shalt ba ~
<br />adL1 to !!ir ortostwt, titre ox decree and upon canfsranatia» of sale by t!t^ evert ordered t¢ke» cut of prareads a{ sale;
<br />or if redte.ud t~rrixyt -stay, agptral ar sale, sulk anaountr _<ha11 b~ eoitertcd t3e.~ s,=.vue as fharegh ii rc:arr a part at such
<br />tiecrse. r
<br />St`psted this ~ day o{ `-„ ,r~~.A-fw. - %g ~'O f
<br />Xn I'resen«- o{
<br />f+r$e Developement Ccrtapany, 7'nc. BY
<br />