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sot- uu~o~s <br />r~ i l <br />~...~ d <br />_, ';.. <br />i.~- <br />17t~;rart~e mala attd ehtared into tLi~, I,5th ~T ~ Segt.~ber, <br />I9 $0 by^ptdbetaretn MOLLY A, 6RcK <br />(herainaftu referred to ar utortgagor; aad the Administrator of the Stall Butuigert Adminirtratim, m ~ of-the <br />Government of the IItuted States of America (hereinafter referred W u mortgagee), xho mainttiurr as Dice a~ <br />plaesafilari~wat Empire State Bttllding, 19th & Farnttm Streets, Ottialia, Nl? 68102 <br />'Nrertren>Q, that. for the aartaidention hsranafaer sated, raeeipt oI which:. is bets adtaawlaiMi, the <br />;daes heeehy. maetsage, roll, Brant, ttw6o, told convey unto the erottgafiee, his aoeaearaes tend turiyM;all <br />of the following de~criird propereT ritnated tmd being la the GoontT of Hall <br />State of ATebraska <br />'Lot One (1) in Block Sixteen (lb) in College Addition to <br />West Latin, in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska <br />Tatpetlter tvidt sat! irtrltuliay, all buildings, all fixtures iac]uditty, but nw limited to al! plumbftng, heating, light- <br />isyt, vttttilatling, refrigerating, iacimratittq, air rondiliuniny apparatus, and elevator+ {the mort„agor hereby <br />deciarittg tkst it is igtended that the items herein enumrraied .hall br dremed to have bceu peemanendy in- <br />~laUed a. jNH o€ the realty), and ssU itnpro~ementa no+. or herraftrr exiatin~ tbercun; the heredi[attrents and <br />aptntrtewytce~,awd ail other rittht~, therruniq belon(;inp„ or in anywire appertdninp,., aqd the reversion aad re- <br />rersiaes, reamader atad remwiaden, all rights of redeatpiion, and the rertti, issues, and pra6ts of ehe above <br />de+teribtetl t~Ma'rty (ptmided, however, that the martfia~ur sba-i he rntitlyd In the po++es~ic,n of wid property <br />aad h--ralMet awl retain the mails, iastae~:, and profits ,tntil tkfault keeeutxlrr) , To Kaye and to hold the same <br />Etna. lke awrtgatpt~a:atad the =ttexet:sors is itattresi of the mortgagee fot+ever e'n €re simple or ruck otbrr estate, <br />if aat~ao~atata~hterHn. <br />~tt'r~ttitl>t/~c°atlrstttYtayat tiln4:l*a.iR htwd~p}t arRad aid -paarrtsed of srid hat tLs riglu to r~sH atgi oaareT wid <br />lraparty: t1ttN iiMR tune ~ ltr+n''tihrtr t#~~-except tt kRt~tiaa4aks ra+eitdt and -that; he >Igirahy bindr <br />hi~w{t and hh ~c4arrats u iosereM to ratrraat atld defend the title aforesaid thereto and every pan thereof against <br />tits.dy~httai all_4it~Mip Wires. <br />''p1~ia inrtrumeat it given to ad;urp the paytneat at a prorxitwrri,_note dated.. SeptQrt~ber 15 ~ • SO <br />'A~~~~~'~'~~~~~3iR,k0D:0~b"=';,4it!~~T Molly A Graaatick <br />iw M.bal€ „f herself <br />tiaA ts.. eat tf-T1ti fe~,bo Luau ~,. ONrbw- <br />