$Q---pp5041 MURTGAGE
<br />T~S MOIETGAGH is made this.....12th ................... day of.... ,Se}etember ;
<br />.......,
<br />t9. .S .,between the Martgagor,.~i~s. L., McVgY.>3. ~.~AS1e.Ps:i`SRA .aIId. Hi:ldy .Fi..Iatt3asx:a.singiea
<br />...Ee3'~i>N............ there4tt "Borrower"), and the Mortgagee,. ~~!p~>f,a47, ~~S}Oi'~1
<br />Sav and I,oatt Association .., a corporauan o d and existing."
<br />Nebraska .,...
<br />un r law~ o~~f ............................ .............whose address is.. 433)1...., ~ .fit, . .
<br />,~, tebraska fi8132 .......... themes ..Lender„j
<br />WaeRtaas, Horrawe 'indebted to Lender in the principal sum of...T.l???"'~. Five thcvsand, ax}d .Np(tU0
<br />.~'.~~-~----~'~`- ~~~ ~~~Q • Q4 }..... .... .. Dofiats, whicfi indebtedness is evidenced by Borrower"s note-,
<br />dated. _ Segtetober .12, , IJ80_ . , , . (herein "Note"), providir:g for monthly installments of principal andinterest
<br />will[ the balartce of the indebtedness, if not sooner paid, due and payable on .... Ooinbet:.1, . 2R1.t1 , , . , , .. ; ,
<br />Te S£CURE to Lender {a) the repayment of the-indebtedness evidenced by the Note, with interest thereon,--the
<br />payt~nt of all other sntns, with interesx thereon, advanced in accordance herewith to protect the security of tlvs.
<br />Mortgage, and the performance of the covenants and agreements of Borrower herein contained, and fb) the repayment-
<br />of any future advances, with interest thereon, made to Borrower by Lender pnrsnant to paragraph 21 her°of (hereitr.
<br />"Fhttste Advances"), Borrower does hereby mortgage, grant and convey to Lender the following descdtxd pmpertp
<br />located in the Coanty of..liall ................. ................... State of Nebraska.
<br />Ali of Lot Nine { 4) ?~ccegt tl:e ` rx.~'~ 3y Savau ~y Fast (S ', if') tl-zarea~ iu niocic fih.*~ee
<br />(3) in Dickey Secotad Subdivision, hall Cotmty, Nebraska.
<br />a+hich has the addrats of, ...2755 [?~ £~~'tLt.>w8au .......... . . ..... .
<br />.. ...... vZ'e3tacl .islat_ti........ ,
<br />CSYre+li tCetyy
<br />. 't~tt; .688©~, . ...... (harem "Property Address"};
<br />CMl1€l ~4! EiR o~tU
<br />Tvrte7xtati +rhkt sN the ituprovemettts now en hereafter ercctecl on ttrt property, and ate ea€ements, rights,
<br />~, rem, rpy~da, ttrittersl, oil and gas rights arld prrfitc, eater, water rights, and water stick, and ail
<br />IrJwMt'txt hW!CiLlea' aftacAed i'.? iha ptaperty, sit of whi.h. i~vlnding replasenee€ses and adlitiurn iheretu, ~hatl he
<br />tiAewtd to laa utri. trasain t pars of tite piaQcrty covered hr this Mortgage; and ail nF [lee foregoing, t,rgethcr with :raid
<br />p)[ts(}Crty {ter tha iesr-estate if tlu'tr: IM~gsg* is c.,ri a lames-tat3ist) arz, he-rsi;t rc€,:rred to as the "f~rcperti"
<br />)1o[r~ssCr eavertatnh thtt 8orrosrf.° is 9swfull}' seised cef thr estate he rekx} aanvcyed and has the right a, m+~ngage,
<br />grate and. ctsnvey the Propetty, that the Pttyterxy is uttc;rcamb;:rccl, and shat Bnrrzzwer will warrgnt and ;#tfctul
<br />getttrally the title to the i'rope{ty ~~ ap chinas and demands, oabiec€ =c+ an4 rfeciaranans, easezxerntt or r; ti6t-tions
<br />t%ted f`ns schadule of e7t~ieans to cxrvcr3ge in xnp tltie insararrcr p<>tir3 in<anng 9 rnalc€ + ;n€arest t=e the I'r„g,r.tYl
<br />~_.,d Aa4 fsmatr~--~i,"5~=-fISWWftllilG sMifiall 3Nitt1Yt1[Itt .4..:-- --_. - _,-
<br />