<br />.::;-~ 3. The mortgagor covenants and agrees that if ht shall fail to pay acid indebtedness or any part ^therrof when
<br />dse orsltsll fail to perform any rnvrnant or age«mtnt of thiainetrument or the promeaeory note scented hereby, the
<br />e1,5[re ~indebtrdnese hereby secured shall immediate}y beeotttC doe,. payable, and collectible without noel«, at the
<br />a~trott of the mortgagee or assigns, regardless of maturity, and: the mortgagee ar his assigns may before or after dttry
<br />ael~,tu+~ property without appraisement (the mortgagor having waived and assigned to the mortgagee all rights of
<br />a fp~ai6cment)
<br />1 t 1 at judicial sale pursuant to the provisions of 28 U.S.C. 20011 a) ; or ~ ,
<br />(n) at the option of the mortgagee, either by auction or by solicitation of sealed bids,'for the hialaR,~d~A
<br />beat bid twmplyia; with the terms of sale and manner of paytacnt specified in the published notice otitis: fii+t,=;".
<br />giving four weeks' notice of the time, terms, and place of such ale, by advertiaemtnt not less thiut°'oaea '-;
<br />during. each of uid four weeks in a newspaper published or distributed in the raunty in which uid.propetKy :`
<br />. w ntuated, all other noti« bring hereby waived by the mortgagor (and said mortgageq or any patron: on
<br />bdralt o{ uid mortgagee, may bid with the unpaid indebtedness eviden«d by said note), Said sakihall`bo,,
<br />Kehl at or oe the property to 6e sold or at the Federal, county, or city courthowe {or the county in which ells-
<br />ProPrKT u located. The mortgagee is hereby authorized to a:scuts for and on behalf of the mortgagor and'to,
<br />debvrr to the purchaser at each sale a sttlficitnt conveyance of aid property, which coeveyanee shah tontaia:
<br />retitala r to the happening of the default upon which the ezeeution of the power of uk herein granted "
<br />dtPr°drt and the said mortgagor herby constimtts and appbinte the mortgagee or any agent or actor :yy of the .
<br />mr+tPEK. tbt agent sad attorney in fact of uid mortgagor to make such reeitab and to ezeeate raid---
<br />eoareyaaee sml hereby eavenaau and agrees that the reeitala eo made shall be edeMUal to bar all-equity or~
<br />right of redemption, hotneatead, dower, and al} other exemptions of the mortgagor, all of which are hereby
<br />txpreesty waived and conveyed to the mortgag«; or
<br />(ut? take any other appropriate action purouant to state or Federal statute either in state or Federal
<br />court or otherwise for the diapwition of the property
<br />In the event o(a ile_y iier`einabove pi`uvideil~ t[iein rS T~agor ar any person in possession under the mortgagor shall
<br />tin ~t°e and#bo"iiaatiesiMlding, aver and shill Forthwith deliver paseessien to the purchaser at sorb uk or be
<br />suaamrrtly dispa~tessed, ur accordamct with the provisona of law applicable to tenants holding over- The power
<br />and ~y ht«~' !Ra°tt~ are rouPkd witi- an insrrea6'' and are irrevocable by death or otherwise, and art granted
<br />r eumnlativc to +tlte retaedies9 for ce$eelien of said indebtedness provided by law.
<br />4- The proQeda of say oak of said property is a«erdan« with the preceding paragraphs shall be applied fist
<br />a pay the caw aad espeaaea of uid ark, the a:penaer ittcarred by the mortgag« fw the purpose of protecting ormain.
<br />t°tvnE aatti Property. sad naiooabk attorntva' fees; aetondly, to par the indebtedness aerated hereby; and thirdly,
<br />m par say wrpim or eaceas to the person or perfom legally entitled thereto.
<br />$- L the evattt acid preptety it sold aE a jadieial foreelosurr uk or pursaaot to the power of ale hereinaltnrt
<br />granted. and the ptveeeds are not ssrfciau to pry the total indebtedner secured by this iaatromeat and eriden«d by
<br />Brad ~'Om~y a°th t~ mortgagee will be ratified to • dc6cieaey judgmeatt for the anrooat of the deJieimey tuisbostt
<br />+~aard w n-lt~saawt,
<br />b. 1a flay event eke ntorigagor fails !o pay arty Federal, state, at beat tax aastrsotcnt, income tag or other to Iim,
<br />chugs, fee, or other expense ebuged aRarnst the property, rite uwrtFagee is hereby authorised ae his option to pay
<br />the sane. Any setae ao Paid by the mmtg~ shall 6e added to and become a pan of eke principal amount of the
<br />iadeLtedsseas evidcaeed by said notq subject to the assts ternuy and conditions. If the mortgagor shall pay and
<br />drehuge eke iadrbted~ rvidettced by uid promiawry note, and shalt pat such sums and shall dischuge all to:a
<br />s Ni~.ud flee coats, fora. sad rzpeoaes of grlring, eafoeciag, aad ertcuting this mot
<br />;;] ~iai nsrtzaiered. lgage, then this mortgage
<br />crt~lt-ani P~ ~~, riall bind sad the beaefiu aad advaetaFea shall inure to the rnlte~tive sast>
<br />'~r.+Ri flee rs o(an 0eaiar sisail iuadade all padrrr, ~~~ R°~r shall irchsle the pineal. the plnnl the
<br />0' ~ ruvar ~ mN` kerein or of the obligatim secured beady shall at arty elate thereafter be held
<br />es 4 a wsirsK et else asst hereof or at the rase srrttred
<br />hardy.
<br />C.P.Ie. I~lI,7,( +aatirA 101.1 f d) o{ eke Raka aatd Rtgttbliotr of the St+saU
<br />tsylwtptst k ~ yo 8asiaar Adtaisistntion ('13
<br />orrwd tad saferead is accardaoos with arplieable Fodorrl law.
<br />H'' ]~ orlarr .r ' ..~
<br />ea(~taauW,sltaU sot y >Ira lt'+lac~t kolatstg •nY Wowtaiwa or portion of thin iastrttment inraiid nr eta.
<br />say y isytair u praladt toe eaforcretent of flea reraaiainR proviyotyt or portions of
<br />rs4 ts.s sat israt
<br />