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<br />~Q~ U~5C3C <br />MORTGAGE <br />MORTGAGE LOAN NO. L 23,791 MGIC <br />IotldMAl1.MENBYTfl@SEPRFSEN1S:That Silly E. Van Dorn and Opal M. Van Dor^, each in his <br />and her own right, and as spouse of each other <br />Mortgagor, whether one or more, in cansidentitm of the aura of <br />Sixty Thousand Two Hundred and No/100 ----------------------------------- ----- I>OLI.ARS <br />laaoed !O said mortgagor Dy The Fquitabk Building and I.tsatt Association of Grand Island, Nebraska, Mortgagee, upon 6D2 shares of atotdc of <br />aid ASSOCIATION, Certittpte No. 123, 79IMGI C , du hereby grant, convey and mortgage unto the said ASSOCIATION the foltosrhyt- <br />dtasaibed roil estau, situated in Hall County, Nebraska: <br />LOT THIRTY THREE (33) IN CAPITAL HEIGHTS <br />SEVENTH SiJBDIVISION, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br />together with a0 the [ertements, hcrrditatntnts and apptmtmaac~a ihtrcunto belonging, including attached floor coverings, all window aaams, <br />rindow shdes, blinds, storm windows, awnings, Mating, air wnditioning, and plumbing and water equipment and accessories thereto. Pumps, atones, <br />refrigeratoa, std other fuctura and equipmeat new or hereafter attarlted Eo or used in coanectton with said real estate. <br />Atd vrhertuts the said mortgagor has agreed and does hereby ogee [hat the mortgagor stall and will pay all taxes and asss,~.m-nts tested or <br />aaeaed upoa sad promiss and upon this tnongage and the bond secured thereby before the same shag become delinquent; to furnish approved <br />ittastattce upon the buildings oo said premises the sum of S6D , ZDD. DD payabk to said ASSOCIATION and to deliver to said <br />ASSOCIATION [he policies for said insurance; and not to commit or pertm: any wLatt on or about said premises; <br />to cafe of defatsh in the perfortrtantx of any of the terms and coadifians of this mortgage ar the bond seauzd hereby, the morigages sFaB, <br />0o dettmd, 6t eotitkd to imroedute posaesvon of rite mortgaged premises and the mortgagor hereby assigts, transfers and sets own to the <br />trttsrtga~gee ail the rears, reventttx and inmm to be derived from Ghe ntortgated premises during such time as the mortgage indebtedness shag remain <br />ttttpaid: and the mortgagee shall haw the power to appoint any agent or agents it may drairc for the purpose of repaving said promoas and renting <br />the same and colkctugt the rasa, revenues and inwme, and it tttry pay out of said income all expenses of repairing said premises std necemry <br />otrmatitpiorta std expemes incurred in renting avd tttanagug the same and of collecting rentals therefrom; the balance remaining, if any, to be <br />applied toward the discharge of said mortgage indebtedness; thew rights of the mortgagee may be exercised at any tithe daring the existetta of audt <br />atth, irrespective of say temporary waiver of tlr same- <br />ilses Presets, however, are upon the Condition. Thai if the satd Mortgagor shat] repay said loan on or before the maturity of said shares by <br />pytttent; pay monthly ro said ASSOCIATION of the sum spedtied in the Bund secured hereby as interest and principal on said loan, on or before <br />the Twentieth day of each and every month, until said loran is tttBy paid; pay ilt taxes and assemnents lasted against said premiss and on this Mortgags <br />std the Botd secured lttcaby, before delinquency; furnish approved metrance upon the buildings thereon in the sum of 5 6D , 2 DD . DD payabk <br />to stid ASSOCIATIO~t; repay to said ASSOCIATION upon demand all money 6y it gad far such taxes, assements and instuana with interost at <br />ih ttsuirntun legal rate ihereort fm,nt date cf payrrtent aA of wtic}r Mangagae hzroby agrees to pay; permit nor wane on said premiss; keep and comply <br />with all its agrrxments std mnditiom of the Bond far 5 6O , 2DD. DD this day grwu by the said Mortgagor to said ASSi,CiATiON, sad coatply <br />with aH the requitetreNs of the C.onuitution std By-Laws of said ASSOCIATION; then etrne presets shall become Hutt and vrrM, otherwise they <br />shill remain in ftt11 force and may 6e farecbsd at the option of the said ASSOCIATION after failure for three months to make any of said <br />paytotets ar be thra months in anean in nta{ting said monthly payments, or to keep and comply with the ageements and conditions of said Bond; <br />std Mortppur agrees to haw a receiver appointed forthwith in such foreclosure proceedutgs. <br />if there is say chartpe in owtttrstup of the real et[ate mortgsgod haein, 6y sale or othtrwts, thin the satiro rettsainittg indebtedness hereby <br />Leaned shag, of the option of The Egtetabk Bttiidiog attd Loan Aawcntion oC Gratd ]stand, Nebratita, become immediately due and payabk without <br />ftttther notice. std the atoount romaiaitta due wader said Good, and any other bond far any additional advances made therounder, shall, from the <br />drat of eatrtiae of aid option, ben interest at the mattimttm lets] rate, arrd this rrongagc tray then be foroclosd to satisfy the araotmt due oo said <br />bond,aod anY Other bond far additional advances, together with alt sums prod by aid The Egtaubk Btu7ding and Loan Astociation of Grand Island, <br />Nebraka for ittsttratstr, taus and ttstteanrents, and abstractitta cxtertvoa chuges, with interest Thereon, from date ai payment at the nraximttm <br />ie*1 att. <br />As pmvitkd in the Bond severed hereby, while tins mortgage retrains en effeu the ttnrtgagee may hareilter advance additiotud suns ro the <br />rackets of acid Bond, Chair assigns ar sucttstvrs in interest, which sutra shag be within the sctuity of this mortgage the same as the funds origintily <br />wasted thereby, the toW attww:t of principal debt not to exased ax any rim rlre original amount of this mortgage. <br />31t d,yof Septett~er A.L'.,19 80 <br />~~~~ <br />y Y n t3clrn /~ <br />i l'eU~~ ~~ ~: <br />1 M, Van Dorn <br />STATE ElF NEBRASKA: ~ ac On this 11th . day of September 1980 ,before ate, <br />cauHrr of luu. <br />the trtakrsigttea, a Notary Public in and for said County, personally pane <br />Si31y E. Yan []pre and Opal M. Van Dprn, each in his and her own rigqht, and as spouse of <br />edCh other d`hO are Ptxaonallyktwwnto <br />ass to ba the idaatiwl parnrt5 whore rtanec S are affexed in the above rnstrutacat as mortgagor S <br />atitttawlpdgsd the acid itutrtm,mr to be the' r voiuatary act and aced. ~ <br />ttR'ITiF~ ~ had and Notrriil Staff the date afore~d. f <br />Aly Cotpmaaitst+ expQa ~ :i <br />U769a at /'{~~~ ~t~'Skk N Elaer <br />A#A€S W, rstSt~i <br />and they severally <br />ip~, t.," <br />f ~ ~i ~- <br />__. -_- NoW~yP-ublic~ <br />