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$O--Ui~5023 <br />MORTGAGE <br />MORTGAGE LOAN NO. L 23 > 7$$ <br />(OdON'ALLMENBYTHESEPRESENTS:That Regency Construction, Inc., Roger W. Loft, President <br />---- Mortgagor, whether one ar more, in consideration of thesttm-of <br />Sixteen Thousand and Na/100 ------------------- -------------------------- <br />-- DOLLARS <br />loaned to said ttprtgagor by The tyuitabk Building and Lunn Association of Grand !eland, Nebraska, Mortgagee, upon 160 shares of stout of <br />old ASSOCIATION, Certifinte No. L 23,JHH , do hereby gent, convey and mortgage unto the said ASSOC[ATION the folloarios <br />described real estate, situated in hall County, Nebraska: <br />THE EASTERLY ONE-HALr (E'2) Of' LOT Ttr10 (2) IN BLOCK <br />SEVENTI' (i0) IN THE ORIGINAL TOWN, NUW CITY OF <br />GRAND ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br />together with all ilte tenententa, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto Ereiongutg, mclutling attached floor coverings, all window screens, <br />vrittdow shades, blinds, storm windows, awnings, heating, au condtiiontng, and plumbing and water egwptttent and accessories thereto, pumps, stoves, <br />refrigeratoa, and other fixtures and equipment now or hereafttr attached to or used m cnnnecteon wrth seed real estate. <br />Atrd whtaeas the said mortgagor hu agreed znd does hereby agree [hat the mortgagor shall and will pay all taxes and asse:sstneais levied or <br />sowed upon said premises and upon this mortgagt and the twnd secured therctrv_ bt[nre the same shall buortx delingttenL to furnish approved <br />insurance upon the buildings on said prcmtses stunted in the sum of S ~ 6 , 000.OD payable to said ASSOCIATION and to deliver to said <br />ASSOCIATION the poll: ies for sad insurance: and not to comma ar permit ,ny waste on or about :aid preretses; <br />In .yse of defaah in the penormantx of any of the corms and caoditiuru of thts rrwrtgage or the frond secured htroby, tht mortgagee vhail, <br />m demand, be enLKkd to itnatedute possession of ?he trwngi,ged prtmtses and the mortgagor hereby assgns, transfers and sets over to the <br />mortgagee all the rents, revenues and income to he denved fram [lee trtorigaged prcmzsts during such time as the mortgage indebttdnw shall remain <br />unpaid; and the mortgagee shalt have the power to appoint any agent ar agenu tt rmy desue lot the purpose of repairing ratd premaes a~ renting <br />the suae and ao}keting lix tents, revrnues std itteortse, and et troy pay out of said income all expenses of repairing said premises amt neceaory <br />cotamioirms aed expenses incurred in renting and rrttmatsinB the saint and of catkctmg rentals therefrom: the baianoe remaining, if any, to be <br />appttod towed the discharge of sod tntrrtgagc mdebitdttess; these rights ai the mortgagee ntny tie ezetctsed at any brae during the existence of such <br />defat:iL L•mspective of any tetnpnrary waiver of <he saint. <br />These Presents, however, are upon the C~nditwrt, ?'hat d the seed Mortgagor shat! repay rind loan un u: betore the maturity of satd shares by <br />paytttent: pay ramtldy to said ASSOCIATION .~C ttte sum specified m the Band secured hereby as interest and prmctpal orz satd loan, on or before <br />the Tivetttieth day of each and erery aarnih, until said roan is fatly paid; pay all razes and assessments kwed against card prtttuves and on this Mortgage <br />and the Bind secured thereby, bxfore dalittquency, fturttsh approval msinance upon the buddings thereon m the sum of $ ~ 6 , 000.00 payable <br />to old ASSOCIATION; repay to said ASSOCIATION open demand all money 4ry rt pnd Iur such taxes, assesxments acrd insurance with interest at <br />the rttaaimttm legal rate thereon Crom date of payment all of which Mortgagor hereby agrees to pay, permit na waste on seed prtntisea; keep and aomply <br />wi$ aB the apeemenrs std ausr'.st~rts of tfte Bon.". for 3 16 , 000.00 :.ils day brex-; by the sad Mo; [gaga:::; sad ASStDCIATiON, and wmply <br />will[ aB the tiaquirtrmmts of the Canstitu[ion and $y-I~ws of said ASSOC9ATION; [he.: these prexnts snail beccreste null and vod, otherwtx they <br />~ raattia in fuB fortt and rtny ix foreclosed at flu spoon a€ the sad .'LSS(X'IATION after faittue for three awnths to [hake any of said <br />prym~u rn lc three tttonihs in arrears in rttaking said monthly paytmnts, or to keep and wmpty wnh the agreements and conditions ut said Bond; <br />std Mrntpr~ta agree to have a reaiser appninied fotthwttlt in such Fareciusure prtreeedings. <br />if there it any clunge in awtrrship uE tree real estate mortgased herein, try sale or otlserwise, rhea the rntue rcrrtainutg indebtedness hereby <br />rinsed shall, at the option oSThe Pquirabk Building and Laan Assocutwn of Grand ls:and, Nebnska, becr>me atttnxduteiy dtee and payable without <br />farther notice, and the amotmt remaining due under sad bond, and azq algr bond for any additiutw! advansxs made xhercureder, shaII, from the <br />date of exerc~ae of said optimt, bee interest at the ntaxuntun regal rate, std this mortgage cony then be forecloted to satisfy itte amount due on said <br />6o~d,aad aaY other bunt! for additiotul advartcea, togetfter wtih all sutra paid by said The tquttabk Budding and Lean Associagon of Grand island, <br />Nt~taka fix ittwtanoe, raze and assetrc3rtems, std altstractmg txtereswn charges, with interest ihermn, fram date uC payment at the trtaxunum <br />lapi isle. <br />As ovided in Lhe Band tecured hereby, while this ttwctgagt rtnsatnx to effui the m3rigaget nay ftereafta advance addnwttal sums to the <br />ttnakers of t~iA Btrnd, t}teir apcigns or succtswrs in intorxst. which sortie sifal3 ix wtttt:tt the srs:urrry at this tnattgage t_ht saute as Lhe f ands originally <br />sawtod ~therebY, the torsi amount of ptrtecipat debt nee[ to exceed at any torte the origins! amount of this mortgage. <br />Dated title 11th day ar September A. t~.. lv 80 <br />_ Construe ion inc. ___ _ <br />r: .-tuft, Pr i nt <br />~'~~ ~ ~~~' ~ a. On title I i th day at September iv HU , befart tyre, <br />cfxfNTY [~ HALL <br />tilt uttderstgtted, a Natary Ptebitc m and far sand Caunty, ptrtoewity crow <br />Regency Construction, Inc., Roger W. Loft, President <br />s wfW 7 S personally knawn to <br />sae tP be the idetttsrai patron ;~~}~ twi 5 atlixrd to cite above ttts[nureertt as murtgagw and rte ?Sd4~Y <br />rite train instr - a~*c~±rF: ~~e ~''~luatuy se;i and deed. <br />WITNESS Il~datu! Nntu~xk('1ttte afatesatd. <br />t a <br />it,s tit f~r; +~ ~ ,!'` s. <br />N.ttaty i!- ut>tie <br />tsrazss at •. <br />s <br />f <br />~~~ ~.~ <br />