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~o-'" ~aso~2 <br />MORTGAGE _ <br />MORTGAGE LOAN NO. L 23 , 769 <br />IO-0ON'ALLMENBYTHESEPRFSENTS:That Regency Construction, Inc., Rager W. Loft, President <br />Mortgagor, whether one or more, m consideration of the tatm of <br />Forty-four Thousand Eight Hundred and No/100 --------------------------------------ZJpLLARS <br />batted to said mortgagor by The Equitable building and Loan Association of Grand Island, Nebraska, Mortgagee, upon 448 shares of Node of <br />aid ASSOCIATION, Certificate No. L 23 ]$g , do hereby grant, convey and mortgage unto tAe said ASSOCIATION the fobowrio6 <br />described real estate, situated in Hall Counryr, Nebraska: <br />THE NORTHEAST ONE-HALF (NE'=) OF LOT FOURTEEN <br />(14) AND LOT FIFTEEN (15} EXCEPT THE <br />NORTHEAST TWENTY (20) FEET THEREOF, <br />IN BLOCK THREE (3) OF SECOND ADDITION TO <br />HOLCOMB'S HIGHWAY HOMES SUBDIVISION, A <br />SUBDIVISION OF A PART OF THE NORTHEAST <br />ANDRAEPART OFELOOTRFOURS(44UMAINLANDEr~NNla) <br />SECTION TWENTY-EIGHT (28) TOWNSHIP ELEVEN <br />(11) NORTH, RANGE NINE (9) WEST OF THE <br />6TH P.M., IN HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br />togexlter with all the tenements, hereditarrmats sad appurtenances thereunto bebngmg, mrludsng attached noor coverings, ail window screenx, <br />window shades, blinds, storm w[ndows, awnrngs, heating, arc wnditioning, end plumbing and water equipment and actxssoriea thereto, pumps, Novea, <br />refrigerators, and other fixtures and equipr[xnt now or herrstter attached to ur used m connectiur, with said real estate. <br />And whereas the sand [mortgagor has agreed and does hereby agree that the nwrtRagor shall and will pay all taxis and astearttents levied or <br />asteaed up[sn said premhes and upon thrs mortgage and the bond secumd tF.creby before the same stsat! berbrnc delingrmnt; to furnish approved <br />insurance upon the buildings on sa[d prem[scs situated in the sum of S 44 , BDD. OD payable to sad ASSOCIATION and to deliver to said <br />ASSOCIATION the policies fur said insurance; and no: to ~mmst ur permit a,ty waste un ur about sand prermscs; <br />In case of default m the performance of any of the terms and condruons u( thrs rrwrtgage yr the bond secured hereby, the rttortgttgee aSaB, <br />on denund, be entitled to immediate possemon of the mortgaged premises and [he nwngagor hereby assigns, tramsfen and sets over to the <br />r!nrtgaBee all the rents, rmnims and income to be denved from the mortgaged prsm~<rs dwvig such trme as the mortgage mdebtedrtas sttal/ retmin <br />unpaid; and the mortgagee shall have the power ro appoint any agent ur agents it may deuce far the purp[sse of repauirrg sod prcauxs and rentittg <br />the same and rntkctsng the rents, revenues acd mcnrr~, and it may pay "'at of ra[d income al! rzpcnses rat repairing sad premises and nettfory <br />>.+< and expenses [ncurred sit renting and [rnnagmg the sarrre and of collecung rentals therel loin; the balance rcmainittg, if any, to Ise <br />applied toward the dtsuhargs of said mutt Rage indebtedness, these rsghts ul the mortgagee may be e;ercrsed at any ttrtm during [he existenix of sudt <br />default, inespectrve of any temporary warver of the same. <br />Thex Presents, however, arc upon the Cund:tron. chat ,t the Baia Mortgagor ehail repay said loan un ur be[ure the ~aatunty of card shares 6y <br />pryrmnt, pay t[rotrthly to sand ASSOf~t.4 RUN ~.sf the sum specr; [ed m [he tkma xcwed hereby as inceres[ and prmc[pal un said loan, on or before <br />the 7\erontieth day of each and every rrnnuh, anal said tuasr a Cully pasd; pay all taxis and assrssrnents leveed agau•.sr said prcmrses and un this Mortgage <br />and the Bond secured [hereby, before dehnqueniy, Cwnish approved tnsuraacr upon the buddmgs ihcreon m ttte sum of S 44 ,8D0. DD payable <br />to said A.SSOCIATt0r4: repay to said ASSOCIATION upon demand ail tnuney by a t,,;d for suc3r taxes, assessmrents and insurance with intereN at <br />the rtratamum legal rat;: thereon Cram date of payment all of which Mortgagor hereby agrees to pay, perms nu waste on sazd premtasn; keep and rnmpiy <br />with all the agreements and amdnwns of the Band for S 44 , BOD . ~~ thrs day Riven b~ the said Mortgagor to said ASSOCIATION, and comply <br />whit ail the cegwrements oC [he Cunststutiaa and By-Laws oC saed ASSOC`I.ATION; then these presents shall become null and wed, orhrrw[se they <br />slraii remain m full force and tray b< foreclosed xt the aprian ut the said ASSOCIAATION aver failure for there momhs to make any ui said <br />payttmnu or he three months m anea[s en making sand mun[hiy payrtmn[s, ur w keep and comply wsth the agrcemenu and mndihona of said Bond; <br />and Moatgrigor agrees to have a receive[ appuimted #or[hwuh ui suds furecluswr pruceedtngs. <br />!{ there is airy change in ownership of the real estate mortgaged herein, by sale or otherwise, then the enure rernauung mdebtedtress hereby <br />stxured siutl, at the op[k~r of The Egwtabk Bitiltiing sad L[um Azwcaatnsn of Grarsd Island, Nebraska, becutm immediately due and payable without <br />fsnthet twtiix, and rim arrtoutst rentatnmg due undo card bola!, and any utimr bond for any addcwnai advances made [hereunder, shat!, from the <br />dale of exercise o£ sad option, bear murrsr at the :rtaximiem legal rate, and tha rrwrtgage [nay then be foreclosed to satisfy the amount due on said <br />bond.,atd any otteer bond for additional advan Ys, together wish all suers pard by said Thr E-gwubic Building and Loan Association of Grard Ishnd, <br />Nebsaf3ca Farr itawrance, taxes aid asae$[rmnts, and absinctmg eztenswn ctsargrs, with mieresi thereon, from date of payrrsea[ at ttu maximrun <br />iya2 rate. <br />As provdecl in the Bond secured hereby, w,yile thrs rawigagc reinauts in elfea-[ Ihx rrsungagec may hereafter adsance additional sttma to the <br />[ttaken of ssd Bond, their ass~ris or suraxsrurs en mterrri, wheels sums shad br wsthm the sYCwrty ui [his rtasngage the sairsc as the funds ori~i[utty <br />secured thereby, the total amount of prinupai deist rsot to cx red at any rmx the ur>Qrnal a[nuunt of thrs mortgage. <br />Dared this 11th day ar September ~ 1, . i~ 80 <br />R cy Constru ti an, inc. _ __ <br />r !" ~ _ <br />Roe W. Lurt, resident <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA, ~ ss. Oss this <br />eDL#rm ~ ttALL <br />Regency Construction, I <br />line to be the do-rtaeai perszur <br />adutowkdged the said irratrsv <br />wrrNfss~ <br />My C.umm~ <br />t~7aYY al 'I ~Ji'~. ~' <br />.fir., r, ~.. <br />11th dayct September lq 80 .Mforettr, <br />[he undrrstgncd, a Nuury Pubitc in and for said C"ounty. pers[rruily nsnrr <br />~~qer W, Loft, President who 15 perustubykrwwnto <br />iri[t~`. ~~.~~~`,3 5 affizcit tea the abcvc urstrua~in as rset-tgagot amt he rdslil~y <br />~~Brl `. ~>y~,tmiary act and areal <br />IIItRfRS Seal @x ate aioresaut. <br />i <br />r Vutsry f'ubht <br />