80~- t~ J 5 019
<br />MORTGAGE _
<br />MORTC.AGELOANNO. L 23>787 .~~
<br />KNOgYALLMEN6YTHESEPRESENTS:That Jack L. Cramer and Diana L. Cramer, each in his and her
<br />own right, and as spouse of each other
<br />Mortgagor, whether one or more, in cotisidention of the nun of
<br />Twenty-seven Thousand Nine Hundred and No/100 -------------------------------------ppFy,~
<br />toarted to slid rnortga8or by The Fquiubk Budding and Lnan Asrociation of Grand /slard, Nebraska, Mortgaget, upon 2 J 9 shoes of node of
<br />old ASSOCIATION, Certifuate No. L 23 , JBJ , do hereby gent, convey and rtiortgage tmio the said ASSOCIATION the foBawieg
<br />described real estate, situated in flail County, Nebraska:
<br />together with all the tenements, hereditamrnts and appurtenances thereunto belonging, inclirditrg atuched floor coverings, ay window scmru,
<br />window shades, blinds, storm windows, awnings, heating, air conditioning, and plumbing and water equiprnen[ and accessories thereto, pumps, stoves,
<br />rcfrigenton, and other fiz[tues and equipmrnt now or hereafter atuched to or rued in connection with said real estate.
<br />And whereas the said sitortgagor has agreed and d~ s hereby agree that the mortgagor shall and will pay all taxes and assessments levied or
<br />asnaed upon said premises and upon this tttortgage an~ _ie bond secured thereby before the same shall become delinquent; to futniatt approved
<br />itrsttraerx upon the buildings on said premhcs situated in she sum of S 2 J , 9DD . DD payable to said ASSOCIATION and to deyver to said
<br />ASSOCIATION the policies for said insurance; and not to commit or permit a.iy waste on or about said premises;
<br />!n i~ of default in ilu performance of any of the terms wd amditions of thrs irtortgage or the bond secured hereby, the srwrtgagtx shall,
<br />on demand, )x entitled to immediate possession of the mortgaged premises and the rirorteagor hereby assigns, transfers and sets over to the
<br />roortgsgee all [M rents, revrntns a~ inwine to be d«ived from rile mortgaged prern*ses during such time as rho mortgage indebtedness shall rennin
<br />tutprid: and the mort8agee shall have the power to appoint any agent or agents it may aesirc fur the purpose of repairing sad prcmives and renting
<br />the sates and colkctirsg the rents, rerenues and inwnse, and it may pay out of said income aU expenses of repavin8 said Prc~'~ ad Y
<br />ooteati>mons and expenses incurred is rrntirg and muug..tg the same and of colktung rentals therefrom; tree balaoa rernai[ting, if any, to be
<br />applied towed the disrltuge of sad mortgage indebtedness; these tights of the mortgagee rmy be ex««sed at any time diuirrg the existence of strdt
<br />default, irreryecuve of any terc~tsrary waiver of the satin.
<br />These Prcsnts, however, are upon the C.ottdnion, Thai if [Fs said Mortgagor stall repay said icon un or before tfie nuturity of said shares by
<br />payment; pry monthly to sad ASSOC7AT1ON of the sum specified is the Bond scented hereby as interest and princtpa{ on sad loan, on or before
<br />the 7rtentieth day of each and every month, until sad loan is fully paid; pay all taxes and assessments levied against sad prcmisrs and on this Mortgage
<br />std the Bond secured thereby, before delingitrncy: furnish approved insurance upon the budttings thereort m the sum of 3 2 J , 9DD , DD payable
<br />to hid ASSOCIATION; repay to said ASSOCIATION upon demand all axasey by tt pad for <,,,;h taxes, assessmrnts and insuranm with interest at
<br />the mateimuar legal ate [hereon I rom date of payritent ay of wench Mortgagor hereby agrees w pay; permit no waste on said prcntises: keep and comply
<br />vtrah aV tin agxmeuu and txtrditions of 4'u Bond for 5 2J , gOD. OOthis day gtvcn try the said Mortgagor to sad ASSOCIATION, std comply
<br />tvitlt a8 tin regtriretttenu of the Constitution sad By-Laws of card ASSOCIATtflN~. then these presents shall becarm null and void, otherwise they
<br />shay reaaQt in fuel force and may be ioteclosd at tM option of the said AS'S(7CIATlON aft« tailuro for three months to make any of said
<br />paymeets to be thra rrtarllht in areas in retaking sent monthly payments, or to keep and comply with the agreements and conditions of said fiord;
<br />red Mortgagor agrees to inre a rcoeiver appointed farihwith in such foreclosure pruoeedutgs.
<br />if there is any ia~ge in ownership of the real estate mortgaged hrrcvt, by sale or otherwise, then the ensue rernarsting indebtedness hereby
<br />secetett shay, u Ilse option of The fquitabk Bsoldirrg std Lem Asrociatiait of Grand tstad,Nebnska,became imntediarcty due sad payable without
<br />ftaither ttotioe, and the atntttmt remaining due larder said bomi, and any other band for any addrtionai adnnces made thereunder, shay, from the
<br />desk of ttlerege ai tasid opti[m, ben ins«ea at the murmum kyl rate, and arts mortgage may then be loredused to satisfy the amount den on said
<br />band,ard arty other bond tot additional advartxs, together with ay sutuc pasd by said The Equuabk Bttifdiog std Loan Assuciatirtn of Grand Island,
<br />NAratita Fri ioaerae¢, taxes and:sse®ents, and aburactirrg extension chargrs, with merest thereon, from date of payment ai the ntaaimiun
<br />)qd talc.
<br />Aa provided in the Band secured ~reby, wh7e thn mongagF remains m effect the mortgagee tray hereafter advents additional sums [o the
<br />rsicas of sad Bond, tbeit assigns as straeesntirx in interest, whtcti sums snail be wrthin the secserity of the tttortgage the same as the funds originally
<br />>~rad thereby, the total account of prirtdpat debt not to exotxd se any dine tree original amount of this mortgage.
<br />..~~u~a this 11th day of September A. o., tv 80
<br />Jai f~. gamer ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ -----
<br />Diana L. Cramer
<br />C(WNTYCiF BALL s. On this 11th day of September Iv HD ,before me,
<br />the urdertagned, z Noury Pnbtic m and far card County, personalty nine
<br />Sack L. Cramer and Diana L. Cramer, each in his and her ewn right,wr~nd as spot~~~~kenovntn
<br />other. are
<br />set W lye ten itiksttita{ ptaaon 5 whose name g are affutrxt W tin above instrmrigrit as aw gagat S and they scveral3y
<br />aakeowletlged the said ittArunturt to be the 1 r voluntuy act and dad.
<br />'"-7
<br />9YITNESS my hand and Notuial Sal the dsu :foresail.
<br />~'
<br />My Comtiinimr expires t 7 - ~ ~,~ ~ ,r "
<br />EEIiL7ki aOiAdY - State o: Nebsasti ~ _ ~3'"'Bf ~~- " r'--~'
<br />bia7Y er ~ lL7Y t9, 6E?ZLEY -- ~
<br />My (:o ~Y:1. Er~..'.~v~,i. 1. 19251
<br />