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X30-- U U 5 0 i'7 <br />1, TM=aet~Horee~aoawpatidagteer~fwll»irs: <br />•. He will P~Pilf W7 the indebtedatr eridmted by acid promirory note at the times sad in the <br />tawnrr theaeia prorided <br />b. Ha witl pal all taus, aaaesrmenta, water rates, sad outer goeermteatal or mttttieipal ehatHea. fieea,-aK° <br />iipasitiana, for which prw~iaim hr taut bean treads hereinbefot+e, and will pe~ptly deliver the otlbeial »eeipta . <br />therefor to the acid mortgagee. <br />c. He will pay each expenses and fees as may be incurred in the protection and maintenance of rid <br />property, including the fees of any attorney employed by the mortgagee for the collection of any or all of <br />the indebtedness hereby secured, or for forecloanro by mortgagee's sa{e, or court ptoceeding0. or in sap other <br />litigation ar proceeding affecting said premises. Attorneys' fees reasonably incurred in any other way shall ba <br />paid 5.y the mortgagor. <br />d. For better security of the indebtedness hereby secured, upon the request of the mortgagee, its eua <br />ceesore or assign0. he shall execute and deliver a eupplementa! mortgage or mortgagee covering any additioru, <br />improvements, or betterments made to the property hereinabove described : red all property acquired by <br />it alter the date hereof fall in form satisfactory to mortgagee). Furthermore, should mortgagoe fail to curt <br />any default in the payment of a prior or inferior encumbrance on the property described by this instrument. <br />mortgagor hereby agrees to permit mortgagee to cure such defaul4 but mortgagee is not obligated to do eu; <br />sad such advances shall become part of the indebtedness secured by this inatrumen4 subject to the same <br />terms and conditions. <br />e. The rights created by this conveyance shall remain in full force and effect during any postponement <br />or extension of [ht time of payment of the indebtedness evidenced by said promissory note or any part thereof <br />secured herebv. <br />j. He will continuoueh• maintain hazard insurance, of such type or h•pes and in such amounts ae the <br />morlg:gee may From time to time require on the improvements new or hereafter on said propertv, and <br />M7 P*OmPilY when dtte say premiums therefor. All iaanranoe shall be carried is companies acsxptahk <br />to mortgagee and the policies and .renewals theres .hall be held by mortgagee and hate attached thereto <br />her payable claaaea in favor of sad in form atxeptaak to the mortgagee. In event of laa0. mortgagor will give <br />immediate notice in writing to mortgagee, and mortgagee may make proof of for if mt made prompily by <br />mortga•gsr, sad each iaattrance oampany sxaxeraed is hereby authorised sad ditrcted to make payment for sorb <br />Iar directly w ttsoetgagee instead of w mortgagor and mortgagee joiaily, and the iororanoe prooeeda, or my <br />part thereof, may be applied by mortgagee at its option tither to the reduction of the indebtedner harohy <br />seeneed or to the realaration or repair o[ the property dam^ged or destroyed. Ia event of foreelsraee of this <br />mortgage, or other tramfer of title to said property in tstinguiahment of the indebtedner secured hereby, all <br />right, title, and iateroat of the mortgagor is and to any itrursace policies rhea in ions shall par to the <br />purchaser or mortgagee or, at the option of the mortgagee, mat be surrendered for a refund. <br />R. He will keep all buildings and other improvemeate on said property in good repair and condition; <br />will permi4 commi4 or suffer no waste, impairmen4 deterioration of said property or any part thereof; <br />in the event of failure of tht mortgagor to keep the buildia~ta on said premises and those erected on said <br />premises, ar imprevtasents thereon, in good repair, the mortgagee may make such repairs as in its dixretian it <br />may deem neeerary for the proper pitottvation thereof: and the full amount o[ each and every each payment <br />shall be immedialdy doe and payable and shall be secured by the lien of this mortgage. <br />h. Ht will not voluntarily create or permit to be created agairut the property subject to this mortgage <br />any Ilea ar liras inferior w superior to the lim of this mortgagr. without the written consent of the mort- <br />gagee; aod.furilser, ha will keep and maintain .the same free tram the claim of all persons supplying labor or <br />material for tomtrvdion of say and all buildings or impruvemeaU now being erected or to be erected on <br />acid premises. <br />i. Ht wil! not rent or aesiget any part of the rcpt of said martgsgrd propertv or demolish, ar remove, <br />or subatantislly alter any building without the written consent of the mortgagee. <br />j: All awards of damages in eonrseetion with any condemnation fur public use of or injury to any of the <br />paoperly sstbjeet to thi. mortgage ue hereby arigned and shall be paid to mortgagee, who may apply the <br />sWwt te., payment of the insil.3latenta last dtre under said note, and martgagtt is hereby ^ntboriaed, in the <br />name of the mortgagor, to execute sad deliver valid acquittances thereof and to appeal from any snc6 award. <br />k. The mortgttgec shall have the right to inspect the morega€ed pr~isea at any reasonaby time. <br />2: De(ttttl4in s*r of Ala covenattts ar toaditiom of this inetrustegt or of the note ur doan agrrement secured <br />h~sehy. t~ItliwJl--tctmioate the mortgagor`s right to poseessian, oat, and enjoyment of the property. at the option of the <br />saKl~ae or his arsigtu (it bring agrtred that the mongagar shall have such right until default). upon any such <br />default. the mortgagee shall bernme the owner of all of the rtnts and profits accruing after default as security <br />f~ir'tlw iadehtadnas rs~cstrtd hereby, with the right to.agtar upar said property fur the purpose of collcc¢ing such <br />reMU sad pntt4. Thin iastntmeat shall operate u-an ar3gameat of any rentals on said property to that extent, <br />