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$©- 005013 <br />UNIFORM (OVl'NANTS. BnrrnWe: anJ l,emlrr ~o~rn:rot and agree as kdlnws <br />t. Fayttteot of Principal and INCrest. 8nernwer chap prnmptdy pay when due tfie principal of nail interest tin the <br />indebtedness evidenced by the Note, prepayment and tare charges as prmided in the Nntn. and the principal of and interest <br />nn ant' Furore AJvanees seaind E,y Chic Deed of trust <br />2. Ftatsds for Taws aad Insnnaee. Subject to applicable I:nv or to a written waiver by i.ender. Berrower shall pay <br />to Lender nn the day monthly installments of pan, opal .roil imenst arc payable under the Note, until tfie Notc is paid in fall, <br />a sum (herein "Funds") equal to one-tu~cifth of the yearly talcs and asc,;estnents which may attain priority over this <br />Decd of Trust, and ground rents an the Property, ,(any, plus one-twelfth of yeart}' premium installments for hazard insurance. <br />plus one-1Wd[th of yearly premium mstalintenis fur mortgage imarance, if any, all as reasonably esumatcd inihaily and from <br />time to time by Lender on the basis of assessments and hills ;mJ reasonable estimates thereof. <br />The Fords shaft i>e held in art institution the Jeposit.c :rr accaums of Which arc insured nr gu;trnntead by a Federal or <br />state agency tinduding f-ender if I-coder is such an instrtunnn). Lender shall appl}' the Funds to pay said taxes, assessments, <br />insurance premiums and ground rents. Lender may not charge for su holding and applying the Funds, analyzing said account <br />or verifying and compiling satil assessments and bills, unlcu Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and appticable taw <br />pertnhs Lender to make sucfi a charge Borrower :mil Lzndrr miry agree in writing at rhr time of execution n( this <br />Decd of Trust that interest nn the Funds ,hall he paid rn Borrower, and unless such agrcemem is made or ttp{SItcable law <br />requires such interest to be paid, Lender sh:dl not 6e required to pay Borrower any tnterect or earnings on the Funds. Lender <br />shah give to Borrower, without charge, an annual accounting of the Fundc .bowing credits and debits to the Funds and the <br />purpose for which each debit to the Funds Was made. The Funds are pledged as additinnaf security ft;r the sums secured <br />by thrs Dud of Trust. <br />If the amount of the Funds held by Lender. together with the (uutrc monthly installments of Funds-payable prior to <br />the due dates of taxes, assessmentc, insurance premiums and ganuxi rents, shall exeeeJ the amount required to pay said tars, <br />assessments, insvance premiums and ground rents as they Tali due, such rtcess shall ire, at Aorrnwers option, either <br />promptly rtpaid to Borrower ur credited to Borrower nn monthly mstatlmcnts of Funds. ff the amount of the Funds <br />held by Lender shag not tae sufficient to pap taxes, assessments. insurance premiums and ground rents as they fall due, <br />Borrower shall pay to finder any amount necessary to make up the deficiercY w•dhin 10 clays from the date notice is mailed <br />by Leader to Borrower requesting oay'ment thereof. <br />Upon payment in full u( aB sums secured by this DrcJ of Trust, 1 ender shall prnmpHy refund to Borrower any Funds <br />held by Lender. If under paragraph IS here, f the Proprny is sc!d or the Property is oiherWise acy ttire6 by Lender, Lender <br />shall apply, no rater than immediately prur W the sele of the Pr<+pcrn' or its acquisrtron by Lender. any Functs held by <br />Le~ttler at the time of app! patina as a c:cad:t against t r sum, s cured ` this `,-- '-rust. <br />3- Applkatba of hytaea!s. Unless applicable dau provide, othcru irs^c,eali rpa}menrs iexttveJ by Ltmder ynder the <br />Note and paragraphs I and 2 hereof shall he applied by d.cndcr first rn payrnrnt of annxints papabte~nr Lender by $orrvwer <br />under paragrsph 2 horcaf, then to interest payable nn the Mete, then to the prinapad of the Note. and then to intrrost and <br />prmetpal art any Future Advancm. <br />~• ClarRa; lt3ea Borrower shall pay ail rases- assessn-,enn ar.J other charges. fines .mil rmnnvtions attrihutahie to <br />the Prrapttty which may attain s priority over this Deed of Trust. and leasehold payments or ground rents, if any, in the <br />mttaoer provided under paragraph 2 hereof nr, if nor paid in such manner, by Bnrrawer making payment. when due, directly <br />to the payee thereof. Borrower shat( promptly famish to T-ender all nonce. of amounts dr:r under this paragraph, and in the <br />oven[ Borrower shJt make payment directly, Burrower shall promptly furnish to Lender receipts rvrJrncmg such payments. <br />Borrower ahadl promptly discharge any lien which has prtanty over the Deed of Trust, provide). that Bnrrawer shat! not tx <br />requittd !o discharge any such lien so Fong as Borrower shall agree m wrtturg to the payment of the ubhgauun secured by <br />such dies in a manner acceptable to under, yr shalt m grxrJ tauh contest such d;en hy, or Defend enforcement of such ben tit. <br />legal PProcrxdin s which operate to prcveat the enfurxtnent tit the ben ur Eortevure of the Property or any part thereof. <br />S. ~lasaraaee. Borrower shalt kup the improvements m?w caisung or herestter rrectzd on the Property insured <br />against los by tiRrc. Ftaurds induded within the term "extendeJ coverage". and such other hazards its lender may require <br />and in such amounts and for stub periods as Lender may require: provudrd. coat Lender shall oat reGwre that the amount of <br />such rnverago exceed that attwttnt of coverage regmred to pay the some secured h}' this Decd of Trust. <br />The ituuntttt carrier providing the insurance shalt be chosen by Bc -rawer suhlect tr, appros;d by i ruder, provide). <br />that spelt approval shall trot Ile unreasonably withheld. .All prcmrums on msurmce pnbaes shall hz paid in the rnatlner <br />provided tinder paragraph 2 hereof or, if nut paid in such manner, by Borrwer making payment, when due, directly to the <br />iatutaatt carriv. <br />Alt itrsurance peJicies and rc newals thereat shalt he in corm acceptable r,~ I ender and shad: ir,.lude ,, srnndard mongage <br />douse in Savor of and in form acceptable in lxnder. .-ender shall have the right to hnlJ the p.,dsc,ec ,:rJ reneuais thereof. <br />and Borrower shall prompih furnish to lxmiee ail renew ai nuucrc and ail rc:ripts tit pail prcmnrms I=-. the event of less. <br />Botrowtr shag give prompt Hence to the insurance carrier anJ I ender ! ender may mat: penal of loss :i nor made promptly <br />by Harrower. <br />Unhxs Linder and Borrower otherwise aerzr in wraing. ,nsurance procezds ,hail t+r :,ppiirJ n, re,toration ur repair of <br />ihr Property damaged, provided such resa?ration or repau n cc.• tca,dalr ..::J the ,cc,inn of th:, Decd of Rust i. <br />not rhertby tmparod. It such resrorauon nr repair is not cram+vucalir tcasihie :w .I the srcurrty nl ihr. Dee) .,1 1 nut uur,ld <br />be impaired. rite insurance proceeds shall t>t upptieJ l.a t(1c sum, arcured by chi, Uccd .•f T rest, u iih the e,-c',.. +i arsy. part <br />to Harrower. If rho Property is abandnnzJ M' Bnrrawer, ur d Brrnrwer tad, to ircpund to i_er,der uit}u r, 3(3 dot, learn the <br />date rtntitt is mailed by I_ondtr to Borrower that tnc insurance earner otter, to settiz a ;!aim for imuranrr benefit+.. i ender <br />is autilxiud to caBect and apply ttu tnsurancr prcxezds .,i i-cnde(s option enact to nst.aatum rr rrpa,r of ihr Pn,pzm <br />or to the sums secured 6y this Used of Trust. <br />Ua1as Linder arnl &~rrower atheru tar agrcz ,n unung, tin} such .+pT,iicauon a( prrkerJs to pnncrpal ,halt nut extent <br />ar ptxstpntle flu due date of the monthly vntalimznta referred to :n put agtaghs 1 anJ_ boreal rr rh.urge rhr amount of <br />such instatlttlems. if under paragraph I1: htrcut the Property „ acyuurJ h} l enJzr...`.1 t,ht title ant intrrc-sl n! Bnrrawer <br />m soil to any insuranre l~li:.ta and m and to the pracec-cis ihzrrut resuir~i:;; lrum daaragz to the Property poor to the utr <br />or aequisitiatt shalt pass to Lender to the e:,trnt ,=t rhr sums socutrJ h} inrs`DecJ ,+t 1 rust ;,umr;rratel} pt~e,r to ,uch ,ale ,rr <br />aCgtliSifiiM. <br />f. Toesen'atiso and !-lalaienaace of Pro~ert}; l.xaxhaWs; C'ondumiRiums; Planttrd t'rtLL i)rvtiapmrnts. Bnrinurr <br />,hat! ktYp thz Prapeny n g.>nd rc pan enJ nh:ril rret .,•^,mn ,,astc .•r p: ir:;it :a ip,,ur meat ,u ~rtenoratu,n ,~( ;hc PruperR <br />aad shad comply with the p^rovrstnns rat any Rase if ihrs I)ce.d ,,f I tux n tin .; Ic.:ach~alJ it thn Drrd .,t Truer in ,,;, a unu ,:, a <br />coodominitwn nr a phannzd umt develo{anznf. Borrow zr shalt pecfartn all of Borrowr(s ohiigation, under the Jrc.aration <br />x covenants coating x go, erasing rhr rndnm,nium .,r y lannzd iin:i der-rlopmenr. the ~}-Sawa ant rceulauona ,•i the <br />cnndotltinium or pdanaed aniE development, and cnnstiturni d,r<umrnt, )t a ,nnJt,mtmia_m ur piamrcd i:nit Jevct,+pmrnr <br />ridtt is executrad by Borrower and rtrs:nieJ 1oGetfrer with ;hrn Decd tit T roar, ;hr ,u,eu::nts ant :rgrr,~~nrm, ,+t ,uih r,Jc•r <br />shaft lee ttlcarpo[atai into and shad! amcstJ ant auppirn;2~rrt the :+++cnants ant egret mrnta r,t rhr, Drrd „~ 7 nr,t as ,f the r,Jcr <br />were a part !cereal. <br />'f. Troleclioa of t.eaitt'a ~ecnrity. if Isoruruer fails to pet lirmt the cc,vctaanis ar,J age ti;ment, .on; m iM, <br />Otxtf Of Trust, at if an) action ur pmceri(me is commence) .chub iuatri,aih .i !feet, I enJor, ~nierr,t ~^ i},_ Proprny. <br />tttdurling, but not limited to. rutincnt dnmaur, .ns{,i.racy.:nJc c•nlo .corent_ ,+i .,ir.mgcmqu..n nn„r<durs, , ,.dtu,i; .. <br />trankropt ar deczdtnt, then Lender at Lender's npu.,n, up,,n notice to Non,>wer, niay make ,u.h ap}x•-,ian.c, :!,.t"n,c ,.rch <br />Gums and take su:h action as is neeca,an to psntett Icnilet, uue:est, nschnimg. n:n n,~t i:nutcJ i•,. J.,h:.u,rnionr .a <br />reasnrtablc attorney's fees and crtn upon rhr Prupenv to tit., t,c rcPeir, it Icu lcr rr,tu+a r,i ,. ,,:igagr u,,:;+.,n.c <br />condiuvn of ntattng d,t loan stw u: rJ ht this Itccd of Trust. li:+rn+ucr sh: a p.,t the p;rnuuins n•sunvJ n+ ,n,i.i", ,,.h <br />insUrarir:e in effti:t unli3 such time :e, the reyuorr.:rm !ar suite +naurance rennmate, in ., c„ntencc with ii„r;,.u,r .i,3 <br />LcntfeYs wrilttit agrzcnxmt or applicah`=c taw (i,~n c.w ri ,h;,~d pin .hr amosnn ~ , .iii nu+rtgagc gyn.:n.+nec i'r cr.:. n,,,.:~~ rt,. <br />manner ;+rovided under paragraph ? Irerecrf. <br />Any Si~lttnis JtsYntraed by pur>u:,m ..: rhr. ri.u egr:,pft 7 adh nncrr,i thereon •~haii i+ct„nu~ :,i,i r;, ~: .,i <br />uslchiedness of Borr~wYr secured I*Y this Dt'+ii rat Tni,t f'n(rc, Bnrrnu-cr xewl d eritlrr -,tree t< other icon, of v.,+,,,c rat <br />anu'runlsshaSF t±z PayabTe upon ounce !.ender to Brrtrnwr, rcytie,uirg duq~nicra rtec;.:,7..,~at ,i„i. 4;<.,: , ~,_ c,i ; _ ii,~ <br />daft of dislrurstmont at ihr ruts pa}ahdc from clone b, trine an =vn,t-s n,bng pant:oai nailer the '~o,. ~ .,..:, ha} n,eni •,; :n:,~,. ,, <br />aT SAidt tale wtsufd ire c:Unitafy iu appnc~at.n- taw. rn whrth teem - •._h can,:,:~r. -i,all he„r ,.,ter,^,i _ i., ~;;nc.i rare <br />permipibk ttruttr apt;iica:rte law. !'~ashmg a*ntttincd m rhr, pa r.igraph •: b::,~ r::yu,rr I ender t,.:n.w .Sir} rslx•ii~r .. i.,tr <br />any action hertuntier. <br />g. faa~attiao. (-coder may mask:..[ ,nr:sW to f>r• made rrau,:r.+hlc <~,: r,r~ ~; p„+, •;ii.l ~nst.c, i,~:n, . ih_ ':'r: ~trcrt, I~•r .:,I„i <br />that i.;cnder shall gla'C But rawer r'.t+tue Ix;or 4, .en} >uch us~.POn ,paih,nr re,h~•n.d:ir .., u,i ihr, of ai ict.dcJ to I : ~~Jci , <br />+nteFeii in lilt PSOt1ertV. <br />