<br />MottTCAGE _ _
<br />MORTGAGE, LOAN NO_ L z 3 , 7 75
<br />KNOW ALL MEN BYTEIESEPRESENTS:That Helen M. Nabity, and Stanley F. Nabity, M.D., her
<br />husband
<br />- Mortgagor, whother one at morn, in mrtsideratbn of the sum of
<br />Sixty Thousand and No/100 -------------------------------------------------------- Dot.LABs
<br />laarsed to :ed mortgagor by 71te Egttaabk 6tdtding and Lawn Association of C,sartd !stand, Nebraska, Mortgagee, upon 6DD stores of rtttdc of
<br />slid ASSOCIATION, Certifirate No. L , do hereby grant, conaey and mortgage uato the said ASSOC[ATION the foBosritg
<br />dtatrxibed real estate, strafed in Ha0 County, Nebraska:
<br />together rich ail the terternenis, htteditatrtcrtts and appurtenances thereunto belonging, including attached floor covervgs, all vrintbw aneeos,
<br />wirdovr shades, bliads, storm windows, awnings, heating, air cnndi[ioning, and plumbing and water equipment and accessories thereto, pumps, stoves,
<br />refrigerator, and other fixttnet and equipctent now or hercafttt attached to or used in cannectmn with said real estate.
<br />And whereas the said mortgagor has axreed std does hereby agrx that the raortgagar shah and will pay aU taxes and asta~ents levied or
<br />a~esaed ~ said premises and upon this rnongatpe and the bond secured thereby before the smote sha;i becorne debngtrrnt; to famish approved
<br />ireroasroe upon the buildings an said premises situated m the sum of S E7 ,DOD. DO payable to said ASSOI'IATtON std to deliver to said
<br />ASSOCIATION the policies for said htsurance; and nest ~ commit or perttut atry waste on or about sod prcnttses;
<br />In testae of default in the performance of any at the terms and covdinons of this mortgage or the bond secured hereby, the mortgagee shall,
<br />on demand, be entitled to immediate possession oC the mortgaged premises en6 t'te mungagor hereby assigns, transfers and sets over to the
<br />mortgagee all the rrnts, revenues and income to be derrved from the mortgaged prennses during such ti-rte as the mortgage mdebteditesf shall remain
<br />unpaid; and the rnortgasee shall hoax the paver to appoint any agem or agents a may dc~re Car the purpose aY repairing said prerttises and rcntiug
<br />the same wd collecting the reri[s, resentars and irarome, and it may pay am of said inwna all expenses of repairing said premises and ttetxaary
<br />a»moitaons and exprnses utcurred in renting and trutuging the same and oC colkdttsg rentals therefrom; the ba4na remaining, if any, to be
<br />toward trig discharge of sad rmngage ;mtebtedness; thex rights of the mortsatec may 6e exercised at any firm doting the existrna of inch
<br />t, irrespective of any temporary waiver of ttte same.
<br />Tltes Presents, however, are upon the Coedition, That d the sad Mortgagar shall repay rod laan ~- _. before the maturity of said shares by
<br />payment; py monthly to said ASSOCIATION of the sum sptofirA m the Bond secured hveby as interest and prineapal on said loan, on or before
<br />lire 7`rrtatieth daY of each and every month, until sad tom a folly pad; pay alt lases and assaatents ksied agrtast said premises and on this Mortgage
<br />and lire Hord segued thereby, before detinyuency: funds approved insurance upon the 6utldtngs thereon m the sum oC S 6D , DDO , DO payable
<br />to said ASSOCIATION; repay to sad ASSOC1ATION upon demand all money by n pard tw such taxes, assesvnents and insurance with interest ai
<br />the mfsiaa® kyl rate thereon from date of payment ati of which Mortgagor hereby agrees to pay; permit no waAe on said premiss; keep and wmply
<br />with a6 the agreetnenta std conditions of the Bortsi for S 6D , OOD. DD this day gtven by the said Mongagar to ad ASSOCIATION. and comply
<br />with all the requirements of the Canslitutiov std of raid ASSOCIATION; then these presents shag bemrm nuH and void, otherwise they
<br />shah remairt is fait force and any be foreelosed at the option of tM said ASSOCIATION after Cailtue far three months to matte any of said
<br />ptymeats or be th[ec months in ureux m caa-ing said rrtontttly paytnert[s, or to keep and usmpiy wtth [he agrexments and axiditions of said Bond;
<br />a>~ Mortgagor agrees to have a cecetver appointed iortttavith in such forech»me praxzdings.
<br />If thug is say cltaose m awrcrship f t_he real estate mortgaged herein, by sale or atherwtte, thrn the entire remaining uttkbtt:drtess lurcby
<br />ttsaarod ~dt. at the option of Tire Eq+titattie Building and loan Aaoci:tian of Grand island, Nebraska, become imtnediaitty disc std payable without
<br />ftrther no[itx, and the arauuat rentrtiairtit due under said borut, and any other band for any additions! advances mrde thercundsr, shag, from the
<br />date of exeras of and option, bw irtterea at ttu nsanmwn legal sue, and this mortgage may then be forecbsed to satisfy the amount due on sad
<br />boad,adl aey other bawd tar adtlittonai advances. totether with all stones pad by said 'ihz Egtdtabk Bitdditeg and I-om Aswcaation ai Crau1 Islard,
<br />Nebraska for inwuance, taxes and a>aeaments, and abstractisgt ex[trnston clurges, witA interest thttean, from date of paymna[ at the maximum
<br />tepi rate.
<br />As provided in the Bind secured hereby, while t2tis mtntyge remains m effect the icongagee may hereafter advance addixiatul runts to the
<br />matters of said Bond, their ssvpts ar sucezssors ,rt tntetza, which vacs stub be withire the sectuiry of this tmortgage the same as the iurtds originally
<br />revved tbtaeby, the total arttarat of principnt debt mt to exuscd at any ume ifx original attwant of this mortgage.
<br />ilia dart of A. D., 19
<br />~7 ~
<br />Stanley F. Nabity, M.D.
<br />STA7E OF NEBRASKA, ~ ~ On this day u[ 19 ,before ore,
<br />the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for sad Catmty, persaoally c+sne
<br />Nelen M. Nabity, and Stanley F. Nabity, M.D., her husband i wha are perwnstlykrtownta
<br />list torte rise ideaticsl pert+on S whose aarrse S are afifued to the above instrwnent as rybrtgagor 5 and t heY seaeraliy
<br />atgcaawkdged the said ittsirttmeat W bo their volsmtary act and decd. ,
<br />1VITNF3S my fund std Notarial Seal the cute afareaitl.
<br />My Ca a u t ~"~ A. Z,l ~~~'
<br />__-._
<br />t-Y- t ~ ,;
<br />.~__
<br />xt&At sc3YaYY • Scats a: Yrbtasts ~ - __ _. .
<br />` "~latary -
<br />t-747M at p JUY M. B~AZLEv ~ /
<br />t .... ~Y (a-m;:~. sp. :icp4 1.7981 ( e.
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