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84"°'UU5006 <br />MORTGAGE _ <br />MORTGAGE LOAN NO. L Z3 , 796 <br />KNOwALLMENBVTHFSEPRESENTS:That P.egency Construction, Inc., Roger W. Luft, President <br />- -Mortgagor, whether one or molt, in considentmn of the urm of <br />Sixty-eight Thousand and No/100 ------------------ --------------------- noLLARs <br />laarxd to said mortgagor by The Equitable Building artd Lawn Association of Grand Island, Nebraska, Mortg.gee, upon 68D shares of stock of <br />said ASSOCIATION, Certificate No. L 23, 790 , do hereby grant, conve}~ and mortgage unto the said ASSOCIATION the foUowieg <br />described teat estate, situated in Hall County, Nebraska: <br />LOT ELEVEN (11) IN BLOCK ONE (1) IN SECOND <br />ADDITION TO HOLCOMB'S HIGHWAY HOMES SUBDIVISION <br />IN THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER <br />(NE;NEa) OF SECTION TWENTY-EIGHT i28), TOWNSHIP <br />ELEVEN (11) NORTH, RANGE NINE (9) WEST OF THE <br />6TH P.M,, IN HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br />tagethcr with all the tenements, hereditaments and appartenantxs there•.anto belonging, including attached floor coverings, all window screens, <br />window shades, blinds, storm windows, awnings, heating, air conditioning, and plumbing and water eyuiparent and acceswries thereto, pumps, stoves, <br />refrigeratoa, acrd otMr factures and equipmem now or hereafter attarhed ro or used in prnneciion with said real estate. <br />Acrd wheras the said nprtgagor has agreed and does hereby agree that the mortgagor shall and will pay alt taxes and a•-~^ra[s levied or <br />attesaed upon said premises and upon this rtrortgage and the bond secwed thereby before the same she!! becottx delinquent; to furnish approved <br />irwe[ance upon the buildia~ on said premtsses situated in the sum of S bs , 000, QQ payable to said ASSOCIATION and to deliver to said <br />ASSOCIATION the policies for said ~ r ;and not to cammrt o[ permn any wash on or about smd prsrmses: <br />in cue of defauh in the perlarntancs of any of the terrra and condrnons of ihu mortgags or the Iwvd secured hereby, the mortgagee shall, <br />on detstand, be entitled tc immediate possaion of the mortgaged prcmrses and the rrtongagor hereby assigns, transfers and sets over to the <br />tnortpgx all the rrnis, rexnues and incarne to bs derived from the nmetgaged prcmtses doming such isms as the mortgage indebtedness dull rccrnm <br />unpaid: and the rntxtgagee shall have the power [o appoint any agent or agents it may desire far the purpose of repairing aid premises and renting <br />Lire same acrd wlkctiog the rents, rrvzrtues and income, acrd it tnay pay out of said income all ex{crun of repairing said premises and neoemry <br />+mm~as and e:pemes inwrred in ttnting and [tumyag the same and of cn(ketm^ rentals therefrom; the halancs remaining, if any, to be <br />applied [award the disctatge oC said mortgage indebtedness; [base nghts of the mortgagee may be cxerctssd at any time doming the existence of wch <br />tkfartk, trrespectire of any temporary waiver of the satire. <br />These Presents, tnowever, are upor. the Condition, That d the scent Mtartgagur shall rtpay said loan on or bciare tttc mattuny of card shares by <br />payment; pay itrontbiy w szd ASSOCIATION of the win spetafied in tht Bond secursd hereby as inters[ and pr:,^apal on sail loan, on or txfore <br />the Twetitkth day of tech arsd every month, nnnl said iaan as fully paid; pay a3i taxes card asu~rsatcrts kned against card pranuses srrd on this Afortgage <br />aid the Goad secured thereby, before delmqurncy. fwnrsh approved msunnct upon the buildings thereon m the sum of S tzd , DDD . DD payable <br />to said ASSOClAT10N; ttpuy to aid A556CIATiON upon demand aH ntaoty by « paid far such taxes, assessmtnta arsd msurazxx wrih interest ai <br />the maximum kp! rate thereon fzarrt date of papmeni ail of which Martgagur hrcct+y agrees to pay; permit nu writs tin card premises; keep and comply <br />vritb aB the agteemeatts aNt swtd:t~ of tax 8o."d fat 5 ~ , DDD . DO t:.ts day y-:v;. by t.`:< satu ;;ai-rgags,r to sand ASiiYiIATiON. and cotrrpiy <br />with aU she tegtmraxnta at the Ctxo sntian and BY-t,aws of card ASStX:L4TiON: then rirex pastents shall i+ecorue null and vox1, otherwise they <br />shi8 roman in fttli farix acrd tray tin fvreclored at the aptror, of the card ASSOCtAT30N afttr latlurc iw thrix tnanths w make anq of card <br />pytneets ar be there rtronths m arrears in [staking said mrutthiy payments, of to kttp and cumpiy wrih [lx agrssmtuts acrd caudrtions of card Band; <br />aed ttioittgagor agrees to have a receiver appornted forthwith in sutdt f ortctasure prurxedrngs. <br />If there is my change in oamersivp of the real estate mortgatrd hsaem, by sale ar atirerwese, they the enure rcrnataing urtitbtedness hereby <br />sarwed [tali, at the option of The Equitable Budding and Loar. Aswciatttur of t:racrd [sfarrd, titbras-a, became rmrercduteiy due and payable a~itbout <br />findrer acstsce, and Ehe aatouat reauining due under said bond. a[d ar[y other bold for any additional advances nude tlsereutrder, shall. tram the <br />dau of exuciae of aid gptian, bear irttuest a the maximum kga{ tall, atsd this teturtgsge may then bt foretdrsed w satisfy ttrc amount due cis raid <br />hoed, and any other bond fur additional advunxs, together with sB wtra pad by said The Equnabk Building and Luxe Asstrc;atiun of Grand Island, <br />Nebradta for iruauanae, taxes and assesements, and abatrutmg extension charges, wsth usterest zhettoo, frarn date of payrtxnt ai the ntaxunum <br />~ ~. <br />As proviitt+d in the Bond scoured hsreisy, while this awrtgage rsaratns m etftct the mortgagee taay f~rsaltea advanut addnwrul wins to the <br />nrtdtsn srf Bait! Band, itteir axsrgtts ar sun,"tsyars m mteaest, whuh stuns shall bs wa3un the security e;i this nwrtg:Se it rsrne as trite funds arigirtai3Y <br />seared tXta~r, the total artruura of priruipal debt nut to exceed st any zrmt the angora! artraunt of rho mot[gage. <br />i?vted thin 11th daY at Sept~slber A U . 1 y RU <br />/~[~y ~atlStrUCtian, inc. ------- <br />sTA~1i~lijEBRA3KA' sa, Ortthis 11th day of Septemtler Iy 80 ,btfutcnx, <br />COt1NTt` OF BALL <br />the undsrngatd, a Nntaey Public m and far rani CowuY, persnnatty attne <br />RegeRCy Construction, I y ~~r W. Loft, President who js pcrsuru:ly knokn to <br />,, <br />Person £. ~ _.:.. ~, <br />tae &s bC ate ldanucAt .;k~,".~P ~ al3ixsd w the alwvt msrrurneot as ouxtgagvr ,cnJ ~e iFJadtlily <br />ackeoytodged the ant arstrw iyy,~~'~,1>t '.. hi 5 •. .' .yit~~,n~ary act utd decd. <br />wITNk'S.S X `_ ~`~y~ '7K'`L~~' aftxrraid. i <br />MY C - s~itest~(~ 7 ~ ~'~ !7 ~ ~` !~f ?s'/ ~C ~ ~~~~~~~_..-- - <br />Ia7Fatl alt 'rI, - -,'~> 'Vx,fa~ ~ Prdrt~ <br />,1~.,-~. -..,. <br />