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84-- E~05~a5 <br />MORTGAGE <br />MORTGAGE LGAN NO. L Z3 , 78:: <br />KNOWALi.MENBYTHFSEPRESEN'15:That John E. Pfeffer and Lois A, Pfeifer, each in his and <br />her own right, and as spouse of each other <br />---------------- Mortgagor,whetheromormore,incansidentiesofthestttaof <br />Forty-eight Thousand and NoJ100---- _____ -------------------------- lloLtrtRs <br />kraned to said mortgagor by The Equitable Building and [.uan Association of Grand Island, Nebraska, Mortgagee, upon 4$D shares of atodc of <br />aid ASSOCIATION, Cs~tiliare No. L 23,7$5 , do hereby gnat, convey and mortgage unto the said ASSOCIATION the folbwiog <br />ilesarbed real cuate, sstuatcd in Hail County, Nebraska: <br />LOT FIVE (5j IN BLOCK THREE {3) COLONIAL ESTATES SUBDIVISION, <br />CITY OF GRP.ND ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br />together with all the teaemrnts, heredinrrtenu and appmteetances thercuato tseh,ngmg, mduding atndted floor rxrverings, all window screens, <br />window sfudes, blinds, norm windows, awnings, heaturg, au rnndihorring, sad pltuntring and water equpment and acoesvories thereto, ptrtrrps,strrves, <br />rcfrigeraton, sad other fixtures and equipment now or hereafter attached to ar taed m conrtectwn wish satd real estate. <br />And whreas ih aid rrarigagor has agreed and does hereby agree that ;nc mortgago: shall and wrtl pay all taxes and asseman[s levied or <br />afteaed opoc said premors and upon this ttrortgage arfi ttu bond secured •hereby lxiore the ranee shalt bemnx deiirrtutnt: to Cornish approved <br />msrrzrttce upon the builditrg on sad prerrrraes sateated in the sum of 3 4$ ,ODD. QD payable to sad ASSOCIATION and to deliver to said <br />ASSOCIATION the policies fm sad irmuance: and nai to evmrmt cr permit any waste as or about sard prem>sza: <br />in rase of defardt in tfre performance of any ed the terms and candrtmns ai this mortgage ar the bond scoured hereby, the mortgagee shall, <br />an demand, be rntitkd to rrmoediste pussessmn of tf,~ nmrtgaged premises and the mortgagor hereby asagns, vansCers and alts over io the <br />taor[gagee all th rrnts, mvaures and mcorrc to be derncd from tSe mortgag.~d premtes dutrng such cunt ss the mortgage mdebtedrreas shall ravain <br />trnpoid; sad th rrrortgagee shall have the power to appoint any agent or agrnts it may desire far the propose of rcpaf[irtg sad pterrroes and renting <br />the same and rnllectiaig th rents, rerrnrrea and income, and it may pay out of said intonte all expervcs of repairing said premises and neocaary <br />cosa~ons std expeeuea incurred in rrnturg and managvrg [h same and of ~nikctitig rentals therefrom: the balance remaining, if any, [o lie <br />appied toward the diary of said mortgage indebtedness: these righu at the otortgiq;x mar h eaerct+ed at any time daring the czisteox of such <br />tfefiril. irre>pe~tire of any ttmpo[aty waives of the name. <br />Thee 14eaents, troweter, art upon the Conditioa, i tut d the card Mortgagor s3ta6 repay card loan on or before the maturity of said shares by <br />paymem: pay manthty to said ASSOCIATION of the sum specified in the Bond sccurtd hereby as mterese and prmopal on card inert, on or before <br />the Twertreth day of each and every rrtonth, until sasd loan rs fully pad; pay all taxes and assesstaats Ievtzd a <br />gamst card promises arrd on ttus Mortgage <br />arrd the Bond seeuted thereby, before delutyurncy, furnrsh appraved tnsuranet upon fix buddutgs [hereon m the sum of 5 $ , QDQ , DQ payable <br />Eo said ASSOCIATION; repay to sad ASSIX'SA170N upon 6trmrid aU mancy by n pard Cor sur•At taxes. assrtssmeats and msruance wrth interest at <br />Ilse era=i s legal me threaa fram dais of payment all of which Mortgagor hereby agrees Eo pay; perrmt na waste on sad premises; keep and comply <br />with sit the agreements and canditrons of ttx Bond far S ~$ , OOD, DOthis day given by tht sane Mortgagor to said ASSOCIATION, and wmpiy <br />vrith a!! the regsss~aenu of the C::xrttitution attd B!`-Laws of said ASSO(:tATiON; ihr t.`.cst presents shaft bc,x~ntt soli and void. otherwise they <br />sWi rsna~ is tit{; Corte amt may 1>e forcr;ioaed at the opuon of tits sad ASSOClAT10N after fa;fwe for three months to make any of said <br />pgntaets ac be state rtrmths :n atrtars in au#turg sad mwtthty payments, of to kcep and campiy with xhe agrcmtstts and canditioos of said Bond: <br />sad Mtutgapr agrees to have a rativer apptanted Carthmth in such forecfostue prucxe,iings. <br />iC there ix say change in ownership of th real plate axrrigsged herein. by sale ar othrwrse, then the ensue rearainurg irrdebtedaea herd-y <br />sacaued shalt, a[ the option of Z'h Equitable Building and L.em Asxtciatrtra o! Gland Island, Nebraska, 6eaane rtnraedutrly due and payahk wiihoot <br />fyrther ratios, aed the anrouet remairiutg doe turdee serf bwd, arrd any other band foe any additiorui advances aside threurder, shall, from the <br />dirte rrf exercise of said option, bru inures[ at th coasimuro legal rate, and this rrrorigage toay thn be iorcciosrd to atisfy the artwunt due on sad <br />heart, and soy otter bond for additiorral advuron, Iogtih: whit aU sum pax{ by said Th Egrritabie Btrifding and Lour Asnciatioa of Grand Island, <br />NaCrsaaka for irrsuraooe, toes and aaeatsrcnts, std sbstractiog cxtettswn charges, with inteteSi thcceon, from date of payment at the maximum <br />kpl rate. <br />As pravdal m the Bonr# sectued fxetbv, while this rnarigagt retrrains in ctfei;i i.x oleo tga may I-~R..eaftr, advsurct additional sums to the <br />aWters of said Bond, their assigns ar srrctxssors m rntersst, wlti.-h sums shalt be wrthm the serrutty of this rnairtgagt the same as the ftrntfs origitully <br />saasaed thereby, th total amount oC { " 'debt test to cxaxd at aay trine the arigviai amount of ibis r:sirtgage. <br />`~ Ilth '~' mgr September A. [>., iv 80 <br />E. ei r f ------ <br />Lf~is A. Pfeifer <br />3fATE OF NRBkASgCA. ~ n beftxt roe, <br />COliN7Y OF [iAIJ.. s<. On Ih;s ~ ! th day of September tg„0 <br />the uraferxrgittd, a Natary i'trbbc sit and fat sau! County, personally carne <br />otherE. Pfeifer and Lais }er, each in his and 'ner own right~,h~ndrt~e spo~as~en~,yfk~e~~iQ <br />C , i;2 <br />tea Fn be the ideatital pera[m 5 `~~~Mr `~' a wtq~s ,~j.! Yt+p at7ixtd to the about uuirwutut ;u; mortgagor 5 and L liEy sar~traily <br />"4S <br />~ th raid' - -#~ ~`'~hei~~~' ~-.. i~it4stary act and deed. <br />M9TNPSS handed Ii1Fat5ilfSeat t~j~e d~ afQaee~. , <br />M Cor ~ t;i~,j~ f ice: r / %~ ~ j % / L ~f / <br />r Natary Puhltc <br />Mrtaaa y ~}, <br />v <br />