8~-U 0500 MORTGAGE
<br />THIS INDENTURE, made thie__ 29th day of AUgU51_-----___.__. , I9 _~fl_, by and 6etwean
<br />Andrew 31ock and Joanne A. 81ock, husband and wife, each in his and her own right.and.
<br />as spolrsa of the other, _ _ _ _
<br />of Ha 11 County, Nebraska, as mortgagor S , aml Grand Island Trust Company of Grand Island, a wrporation
<br />organised and esieting under the leis of Nebraelta with its prin©pal office and place of business at Grand Island. Nebiaslte, as mortgagee:
<br />W7TNESSETH: That said mortgagor 5 ,far and in cotrsiderarion of the sum of
<br />Fifteen thousand Farty dollars and Oo~100 ***************** ~f~($ 15:G40~fl0__ l•
<br />the receipt of which is hereby ackrowledged, do ___- 6y these presents mortgage and warrant unto said-mo -
<br />rtgagee, its succesaoreaed'assigas.
<br />forever. aQ the following described real estate, situated in the County o! _.-_ _ Hd 1 1 _ _ _ _.
<br />and State of Nebraska, to•xit: _ - -
<br />Togatkar with ail heating, air conditioning, lighting. end pkumhing egurpmeat acrd fixtures. mcludmg screens. awnings, swan windows and
<br />daces, a~wmdow shades or blinds. used on a is conmtion with ssrd property. wnetlxr the same am now trxated on card property or hereafter
<br />plead theraan,
<br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME, togethv with aU and singuLr the tennnents. bareditamencs and appurtenances thereunw be-
<br />longipa, or in anywise apQwtaiaiog, forever, and wartnat the Litle w >_he same. Said morgagor S- hereby covenant -___ _ with said
<br />ooft~ae that ._ t be f _ _-.-___~~e. , at the det~very hereof, the laxful owner ` -- of the p:rrnrses above conveyed and described,
<br />sad arP ___ salad of w good sad irdetrsibie saute of inheritance [herein, tree sins dear of all encumbrances, and that _~he~ will
<br />xarrant and deteod the title thereto torever against the cLrms effi demands of all persona whomaorver.
<br />PROYiDED ALWAYS, and this instrument is eteeurad a~ delivered w secure the payment nt the sum o£ - _ - _ __-- -- __..
<br />fifteen Thotisdnd ~Ciy_~_1s3r~_.3LUi__~~1_~'"***•******** t)auarsis 15.iZcl tin
<br />- - --- !.
<br />with intataet tharaan, together with such chnrgea< and advances as may be dce a»d payable w sad mortgagee under the terms and conditions
<br />at the premirary mote of even date herewith and serttred hereby, eaetvted by sad rmrtgegor _i_ _ to said mortgagor, payable as ecpn.,sed
<br />is rid safe. sad W astute the p~foemaooe of all the terms and conditions contained thetein. The rerms of said natr era hereby ixurlxxated
<br />kcal l+y tkia re6aeaate.
<br />It is tie iotaatioe sad apeamrt. of iha paetrw hweto that thn mortgage shall abo sataue any future advances made w sad mortgagor S_
<br />by said mortppa. and soy and aL' indebtedme in eddiuon w the amount above stated whit4 said mortgagors, or any of tMm. may owe to
<br />rid mottpgw, hi.eavar evideooed. whether h3' rota, twok account or otherwise. 7`his mortgage afro[! remain N tt:Q [nnx and effect hetwten
<br />tie pertir beets rrd [hair beta, peraaaal representatives. suxeaaors aced assigns, until al( amounW assured hereunder, irn:luding future
<br />advaaoea, are paid in fuP wits interest.
<br />Tie mo[t~or-,}_ fsareby wrga -_-_ wand nrortgagw all rents and income arising at any amt all tunas tram said property and
<br />hMVtry aatiorsa rid mortpr{w ce its agent. at its option, upon defaui4 w take cttarga of said property and rnllect all rents and income
<br />tin6m and _aFfP~>j' tit ra to tea payment of intanah peiodpal, inaatapce premmme, cartes, asaesamMts, repeus ar improvarnents
<br />aaaoarfy to keep said praprty m tarrtaNe condition, or w ottrtx charges or payments provided £or herein w m the ante hereby secured. "1'hrs
<br />teed aaateanseot shalt t»ntinrra in Lorca unto the unpaid Galante of sad note is {ally pnxt. The tatting ut possesswn hereunder ,hall rn no manner
<br />pnwrrtor-rro~ard aeid.rawtpgos in iha ooi4ititte a said soma by forecleeure or otharxme.
<br />The Earlars u[ tM W araart aoY of iu rights Ireertader at airy time shall acct be amstrued as a waiver of its tight w assert the
<br />gain at soy IafM-class. sad w inai.N. epos and eniorre acrid. comPiierce svtt6 ail the terms and provisions ut said note std of this mortgage.
<br />If rid 5 shall cauaata be paid to acid mortgagee the entire amoum dire it hereunder, and under the wince and pmvrswon
<br />of acid sate ttaniby aaoned, inclttdinig Estate educates. amt any e:faasioas a rmawai5 tiro of d accordance w-tth the tnrtn and provrswns
<br />tjisrwf+ sad d said malfppor _5__- Shag carnWY with ail the provisions of said note and of this mortgage, than these presents ahal! be void:
<br />'atiMwilatorwrsiait®krgandaf~agt. aadwidmartgagt9aMdi bsenilt4d w Che p3aaession of sit of said Property, and maY, at it.s upuun.
<br />drdaea tea wh4la d Mid rota rd all iodaktadrraaa repraartad thereby to be iauaadiateiy due anti paya6k, and mry torecfoaa Phis nwrrgaxr.
<br />or take aatq o{it legal action to P eta rigit. Appraiawr'at waived.
<br />Tflr shalt ka trpao sad shall sauce w tfx+ heoefn of the hers. eaacuwts. ndmtni5trawra. eu+x~esrwrn arxf assigns of the
<br />fN W1TNia68 WHEREOF, acid Mott~or.-;, _ iu yg-- harptota sot_ -,i}~__ hand rr :he day and yeuc fin+t abuv.•
<br />xriNaa. ~ r n
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<br />~"~nur~w f ~i«ck
<br />?c~an(rx i>., P~1oC1.
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