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TI{E f~OR~AGOR FURTRER COVENANTS AND AGREES: <br />Thatthe SNortgagor will pay the indebtedness as herefnbefoie prmdded. <br />That the 1Ctdrtgagor.i9,-the dwner of said property in fee simple and has good right and lawicl authority to sell and <br />convey the same sail-that the-earns--ta-free and~dear of any lien or rnrumbrance; artd that Mortgagor will warrant and defend the <br />title to said premises eBatr[st the dattns~~af it[t persons whomsoever: water charges, sewer serv- <br />To pay ii;nm, edtaiely when: due andpaYable all general taxes, special taxes, special assessments, t, <br />ice charges, And other-tare hd then nBinal tortAUpiicateprreceipts dtheretor.s The Mortgagors agrees rt eat there shall be added to <br />Mortgagee, open,. request. <br />each monthly Payment required hereunder or under the evidence of debt secured hereby an amount estimated by t e o gages <br />tie to pay, as they bernme due, all taxes, assessments, and vmilar charges upon the pram- <br />to 6e su9icient to enable -[Fie fHortSaB <br />Mortgagor wth the aMogagee CUpobn demandtbY [the Mortgagee sAnY de(autitnandr rymes garages hshallhhe deP nod aei :fault in <br />0~ payment of taxes, assessments, err similar charges required hereunder. <br />The Mortgagor agrees that there shat! also 6e added to each monthly payment of principal and interest required here- <br />Q under an amount estimated by the Mortgagee to be sufficient to enable the Ivtartgagec to pay, as it becomes due. the msuranee <br />premium on any insurance policy delivered to the A4oNgagee_ Any deficiency because n( the tnsutficieney u[ such additional Pay- <br />pa graph lshail be deemed a dtefautty inhthMPayment oftincurancerPr er*~ u ~ Ifdtheapolicy t+h PMoieg deposA ed areasuch asrtmme.- <br />owners or ail risk policies, and the deposits are insufficient to pay the entve Premium. the btnrtgagee may apply the depos8 to <br />pav premmms on risks required to be insu red by this mortgage. <br />Payments made by the Mortgagor under the above paragraphs may, at the spoon of the Mortgagee. tm held~by it and <br />rommingled with ether such [uncle or tts own fonds h,r the Payment of such items. and until su applied, such Payments are hereby <br />pledged as secunty far the unpaid balance of the mortgage indebtedness. <br />To procu alive red ray`?bast tmnriaa sn before the n«. pirattonr~~~t a~gaKt`hd Pdine hainrsunng age net ~Fi re and othero}trnsurable <br />renewals thereof, <br />hazards, casualties, and continge eyhleagr the M«c?irt~a~«~.«• m t}, lequtirayahl.a'-tumountQ squat andthn funmparr~rptabt~t ~th~e Mortga- <br />btortgage, and in coNipamr=~ '. agar m v scare msuranre un [he <br />gee. Sn the event any polity ts'nut n•nrwrd +en or tx~(on• ten days „f rt_s exPrrau on, the .torts ~- .'r <br />improvements. say the premium thrref<•r. and such .um shall hr.-'.me}'A ~ rl ntrtlhe Part ~nfd[hr Mortgagor to Eturrmsh such renewals <br />forth in satd note until peril and shall br ,rcu red h.` this motet KrtKrivr -hall. at the nphon of the Mnregagee. cunst rt ute a default <br />as are hemin required ur failure to pay any sums a. arced ti u <br />,hall r the « rot of r1e(ault umsUmir an assignment +d the un- <br />under the terms of the. mortgage The ~k•hcrrv „( <uch pnhr <br />earned Premium. <br />recrtved hr t..r ~turtgager h•. r~a~~„n i:f loss +•r damage msur.-d ails lost may he retained by the Startgagee <br />ti .ash sums either w-holly ur in <br />a tie, - <br />Any sums <br />and applied toward the payment of the debt here M >ecu rc•d. ~,r dt the option oft e o' g g iii ' <br />r t.. mild + w hw ld mss their plan- , r f~~r env <br />Part std o,•er to the \inrtgagur b. 6v us.~ci bt mpair wch Lw{dmgs ~ + <br />may he P w~ith<~ut :+Recnn_c the lien i t: the mortgage for the full amount ~ -u rr,l here <br />other purp~x or obl~i sat>_vi~lory to the ;t,~rte,agrr <br />by be&rre each payment ever t«rk place which map be~ <br />Tu prcttnPtly re Parr. restore ~rt rrbwid anq hwlduiKs or impruarments n+,u -.~r hr n•xt t~~r ..n the <br />come damaged nr destroyed; to keep said premiers m g~ condit.tun and repair and free from ary mrchame s Len ur other ben nr <br />claim a# tie~vn Rt'r to >Frmrt w ~r aned~rdtF rrmrse'sr r><,r ~tr~+rdu anygether ar~tr w'her+'hy'ihle prUtpr rtv hr rrbynr•,nvev~dcsha}I(hecome <br />said ProPe - r . mi<srm L, .:cr . ~ ~•~mplr with ell rrgw mmrnts of law wdh respect <br />less valuable, nor to dtmrnrsh •,r imi'atr itc value h, any art •• - <br />to the mortgaged Pmmr~es and the use therm[ <br />That should the Prrm+ws or env Dart [hereof tx taken ..r :{amagee+: by rra~.m .d an• Puhhr mpn•.rmrnt ur u>niiem nennn <br />proeeerhng. ar under the right ...,f rmurent +iomem, ..r to any other manner. the ~tortgaKrr hall hr• sort«~+1 to sit cnmpensa tons, <br />n, to rnmmencr_ aPf>k'ar m and Prosecute in its <br />awards, and any atixr PaYmetrt ter rebel therefor. and shall ire entitled. at its nptui <br />own i~ne env aeUon nr Prnceedang, ur [u make any cnmprtmtse or :settlement in <unr2he r!vlortlas rear whonmaY(i after ederlucung <br />eorapertaation. awards, damages. right of aeries and Proceeds are hereby assigned t g K <br />~~~ ~ ifs .eapexraes. release any moneys so received by tt or apply the same un any indebtedness secured hereby. The \lort- <br />B~r afr'e~ in ezatyte su~'t fisNher aaeigrtments aF any rnmpensatntm awards, dan:sges, seed nRhts of actrun and pr<xeeds as the <br />Mort~a[ee.may re4urrr~ <br />That ut case rat failure to perform any of the covenants herein. the- tortgagrr ma}• do nn the iltortgsgor's brhaii everything <br />so covertaated- that the btartgagee may assn do any art a may deem ae~t'r-•ssary t° Prr!ter~t the lien thereof: that the Mortgagor will <br />repay uPost derrtatd ~` moseys paid ar disbursed by the AtoNgager for any n[ the above purposes, and such moneys togetiier~w't~h <br />ietarest thereat[ at ibe rata P~'d~ in said rwtnds ~llpatrecotnr of the t'rentsrlort Praocrr ds of sate of ~ypsrrem se's f nattotherwtse <br />clLded in any ~~ foreclosing this martgag <br />plaid- that it shalt trot be ob,lcgatary upon the Mortgagee to tnqutre into the vaLdity of any lien, eneumhrances, nr claim to a - <br />vatrtirK.y~ya d above auUw~rizedda anyatact hereunder: ant dt thak M~rigagee strait nnsi~irt ur~anngpr'~unal habl ity thecausrnof anv- <br />IaOalYa-for aaY filch Purge <br />thia{it rttaY ~ or omit to do }tereundex. <br />In the event d the default by Mnrtgag°r in the payment of any installment, as required hY rice N°te secured hereby. nr <br />in the-perfornlarux d the obligation in Lhia mortgage or in the note secured thereby. tree Mortgagee shall be entitled to declare the <br />dabt,oecarad hereby due and payable without notice. and the Mortgagee shelf be entitled at f anytc ecu tit ?tor the indebtedness set <br />or by a rotxiver to be appointed by the fouN thereof, and withaui regard !a the adequacy <br />cured 2tereby, to esker upon and take paeaesston of the mortgaged premises, and to catlect and reserve the rents. essurs and profits <br />theied sail aPPtY ti`s ~+]ms coats of nperetion and rnlleetion, upon the 4ndebtert~nt ost a'.! indebieclnrs+ms<vturrvi Bert by tints, <br />iawes aril P~fa bzdtK hereby asti{rted to the Mortgagee as further security fur the P Y <br />Tito MoHisK~ drab have the pewee to appoint any agent or agents it may desire fur the puxpaar n{ rrpatring said prem- <br />. lase: reaping tom, teams: opti ,Sdnt 4he rents, revenues and income, seed it may pay nut of said ux~vme ail exxr>_wa'n incurred m rrnt- <br />ia~ seed man>K~n{ the-.same aril of ootleeting the rentals therelmm. The balance rematrttng. tf any. shalt he appherf toward the <br />e frdebttdnc+s 'f'ltjg assignment is to terminate and trt~<«me null and vrnd uWn rrieacw' t'[ this mnrtgaKr. <br />diaebarye d the nwrliat <br /> <br />