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V-3857-J 9/8/80 <br />8'+:7w UV~99! <br />5.2 The interests of the garties in the Partner- <br />ship ("Partnership Interests"} shall be in proportion to such <br />capital contributions, that is: MGI - 508 and Cassidy - 508. <br />5.3 If at any time the parties shall determine <br />that the Partnership requires additional funds, such funds <br />shall be contributed by the parties in proportion to their <br />respective Partnership interests. <br />6. Income, Gains and Losses, Distributions - All <br />items of income, gain and lass shall be credited or charged <br />to the partners in proportion to their respectiv8 Partnership <br />Interests. All sums available for distribution to the part- <br />Hers shall be distributed in the same proportion. Unless <br />the partners otherwise agree, ali sums received by the Part- <br />nership which are not required for expenses of the Partner- <br />ship shall be distributed to the partners within ten (10) <br />days after receipt thereof by the Partnership. <br />7. Sank Accounts - The Partnership shall open one <br />or more bank accounts in a bank or banks satisfactory to all <br />of the parties located in New York City or in Grand Island, <br />Nebraska. Checks drawn on such account shalt require the sig- <br />nature of {a} an authorized signatory of MGI or (b) Cassidy. <br />8. Management and Powers <br />8.1 6acept as herein expressly provided to <br />the cantzary, the management and control of the Partnership <br />business shall be exercised, and a13 decisions to be made <br />by the Partnership shall be made, by unanimous consent of <br />the garbners. The Partnership's accountants and attorneys <br />shall be designated by consent of the partners. Any docu- <br />4 <br /> <br />