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8°~'°ao4sse <br />31 <br />period consisting of the calendar year, <br />13<3 The General Partners agree to send to <br />each Partner (i) annual reports of the Partnership, including <br />an anneal balance sheet and related statements of income, <br />retained earnings and changes in financial position aeeom- <br />panied by a report of the Partnership Accountants stating <br />that an audit of such financial statements has been made in <br />accordance with generally accepted auditing standards, stating <br />the opinion of the accountant in respect of the financial <br />statements and the accounting principles and practices <br />reflected therein and as to the consistency of the applica- <br />tion of the accounting principles and identifying any mat- <br />ters to which the accountant takes exce~,tion and to the <br />eztent practicable the effect of each such exception on <br />suds €inancial statements, within 90 days of the close of <br />each calendar year, (ii) annual statements indicating the <br />share of each Partner of the net income, net loss, depre- <br />ciation and other relevant iteus of the Partnership for each <br />calendar year for Federal income tax purposes prepared by <br />the Partnership, within 75 days after the class of such <br />calendar year; and (iii) statements reflecting the opera- <br />tiotss (incl•.iding receipts. expenses and capital expendi- <br />tures) for each quarter of each calendar year, within 45 <br />Jaya aft+Br the close of such calendar quarter. The "Part- <br />L.... <br />