<br />UNU:oum O~FNnNTS. BOfrO\•Cr and Lender c(rve~:,nt and agree ::, f„Il::w~.
<br />I, i'nymtnt of Principnl and Intcrest, i;arrnwa ':hall pnunpcly ~; ~.~y •.,i„~n duc !hc pnnc:pai of and cote rest on the
<br />indebtedness c+idenced by the Note, prepayment acd late charges as pruvu;ed r, U,e Note, and the pruu,paf of and mteresi
<br />on any Future Ad\'ancrs srcurcd by this Mortgage
<br />Funds Eor Taxts and lnsurancr. Subject !o appheahie law or to a wnucn waiver by Lender, Borrower shaP pay
<br />to Lender an the day monthly instaflmrtt<_ of prinupa! and !ate rest arc payahlr under rite No!c, unlit the Note is paid in lots,
<br />a sum (herein "Panels ') equal to nnc-twelf!h u( the yearly laces an.! :,,•:e5,nsn!c which may anain priority over this
<br />Mortgage, and ground rents on the !'roperty, if any. plus one-twelfth n( }eu:ly prnnwm ins!allmavs for hazard insurance,
<br />plus one-twelfth of yearly premium installments for m;,ngagc uuuranee. if :,ny, ail ax reasonably cstunatcd cost+aBy and from
<br />time to tune 6y Lcndcr on the basis n( asscssntcnts ant bJis and rcaxmablc rc!une!es therce(.
<br />The Funds siudl be held is an institution rite deposes nr accntuxs of wlurh arc insured or guaranteed by a Federal or
<br />state agency (including Ler:der if 1_ender is such an instiwunn). Lcndcr shall :~f,p{y the Funds ut pay said faces, assessments,
<br />insurance premiums and groanO rents. lender may not charge far •~ ~~ hnidu,g ;.n.l app!yii:g the Funds, analyz!ng said account,
<br />or renfying and coin paling said assessments and bills, unless Lcndcr rays Burrower interest en the Funds and appiieablc taw
<br />permits Lender to make such a charge Borrrnrer and Lender unit; :,erce in wr.nng at the uo,e of execution Of this
<br />hortgage that interes: on the Funds shall be paid to Unrrower, and unless such ;tgreemtnt is made or appiieab(e law
<br />rcyuirts such inttrest to be paid, Lcndcr shall na he requucd to pay Horr„wer :u,y uttcrest cr ca Hangs on the Funds. Lender
<br />shalt give to 13a: rower, •a•ithout charge, an annual accaum:ng e( the Finds sh<xvmg credits and debits to the Funds and the
<br />purpose for which each debit to !its Fund> was mach the Funds arc p:cJ gcd :~.s add:!ional sec w~ity for the sums secured
<br />by this Mortgage.
<br />1('-he amount of the Funds held by Lcndcr, together with !ht (wore morehly nstallments of Funds payable prior to
<br />dtr duc darts of taxes, assrssmrnts, insu ranee premiums an(I grnwuf rents, shall e:xcecd tht amount rcyuired to pay said taxes,
<br />assessments, insurance premiums and ground rents as !hey fall duc, such excess shall be, at l3orroweis option, ekher
<br />promptly repaid to Dorrower ar credited to Borrower on monthly' ins!al knrn!s of Funds. if the amount of the Funds
<br />held by Lcndcr shall not be sufllcient to pay taxes, assessments, insurance premiums and Ground rents as they (all due,
<br />Borrower shall pay to Lender any amount necessary to make up the. defincnc within 10 days from tfie date notice is mailed
<br />b}' Leadcz to Borrower reyuesung payment thereof.
<br />Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this Moueagc, I cndrr sl\:,II promptly refund w iorrower any Funds
<br />herd by Lend: r. 1( ands paragraph iti hcrcof the Propcny a sold or the i'inpcrry is ahrnvi5c :rgturtd by Lcndcr, t_Cndtr
<br />shah apply, no later ;han immediatciy prior to the sale of !hc Prni`cny or uc acywsmnn 6y I.ende r, any Funds held by
<br />Lendrr at the time of apotica uan as a crtdit agatnsl the sums secured by !h:, .'Slortga ge.
<br />3. Application of i=ayments. Unicss apphrahie la\: ivov;cies :,,...,\. .., ... tvnu!t!s rr_civc 16v Lcndcr antler the
<br />Nom and paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof shall be tippled by Lcndcr first ~n p rvmcn! ~~<,( anxnntts payable to lender by Bnrrowec
<br />w,der paragraph ? herea t, then to tn!cres; payable on the P~o!c, !hen to •!he ptuxipal ri the No!e, and then to interest and
<br />puns pal un any Future Advances.
<br />~. Charges; Liens. Borrower Shall pay ati !awes, assess n,. n!s :,rid otr i .;,ergs., !tires and tmposmons attributable to
<br />;he Prent rty x~hirh may attain a pnonty over this Mer!ga ge, and '.c :!,„h! ;•:.}mcnlc yr g-our;d rents, i( any, in the manner
<br />rroc,ded under paragraph 2 hcrcof nr. ii not patd m s~dch n,.u,ne:. i~.s li,~nm.,ci :,taking payment, \. hen duc, directly to the
<br />payer thorn (. ISorcowcr sh:dl promptly fumtsit u, Lcr,Jcr a!I nn r.\c, t,! .uni n:nn ,lac ;,nder ties paragraph, and in the event
<br />iorrower sha'1 make payment LrecUy. Borrower shall prom; t'. ~, !, m,n ::, 1 ender r-cctp;s c,~ideiuutg sudt paynr•tts.
<br />Battowrr shall pron:puy discha:gc any hen ~.vh+eh has prom, : ,rr ,hr. !,Lxtp.,e , ,~iJc,l. !he: t1orrowcr ,hall not be
<br />reyu,red to discharge any such Len s ~ song as Borro,er 59ai1 tierce m ,. ~~ aun• :,• !i,c ur, .in! nl the nLhgauon xc::red by
<br />u<h i,nn in a manner acct ptabie to t_cnde r, or shall to goad Lntn ,Quit,! 5:.5 It ~: -n h~, o. c.. J ntR,r;emcnt of s:.ch icon m,
<br />lrgaf procccCangs whrch operate tc prcvrm she cnl orcr,,tcn; ei d,e !:;:., .~r :.,i:c.;.n5 „( .:.: Prnpcu\' or any part !hereof.
<br />5. Ftnzard Insurance. borrower shah keep tht tmpm\cmc;;t•, n: „ r,"u:~~ i,r t-:c rc a(;r -; rcucd on !!,c Pr., eny insured
<br />against less by fire. hazards included within tht term "euendcd n \ t=~ .,,;t s i,h r!h^r hazards a5 Lcndcr :nay regt ur:
<br />and :n such amounts and tot such periods as i_e nder may regwre. u. u!cJ, tl^r, i cnt!r. ~.::.. ~ ,n ,cq u:re !hat ti;e amount of
<br />wch .ovrragr escecd tha; amount at coverage regwred u, pay the ~,um, :e:t:rrl ;~ !!,:c "~?.v:ra~c
<br />lit irsurance camcr pravidutg the insurancC shall he chosen by B:,rt,~.,,r 5`~!~-;cu '., ::pprnva; by Lcndcr. pruv,ded,
<br />tAat sacs; approval shall ..^.ot L-t ;mrrasonahly •. ithhcid. :V! pn'mnnn, ~.:: .,,., .Hue. {,:•hc:_s ,hail be past :n the manner
<br />pravtded under parav_.nph 2 hcrcof or, a not pa,d in such mannc r, h~; B:~r: e•.er nick tug pay:ucnt. when duc, drtectl}~ to the
<br />li]S:a!anCC Ca.'F to r. -
<br />Ali insurance puhcics an,: renew als :hcrcof shall be m torn, ,:ctcP!,, b:~< !.' i u,. ~.~, cuts sh;ai .-rau!a - stn ndari nuxtgag`.
<br />ctauze m faeor of and ;n form accept a'o!c to Le nder Lcndcr 5;,::11 ha\r rtes , Vii,: i:, hot,! th•, attics, .~ ,.! :ect\, ai, 'hcr•vf.
<br />and Bozrou•u shall promptly furnish !o Lender all renew ai notices ar,J .,': fro: ~p!x ui ;:ud Ixcnu:;m5 f.; the c\~au or loss.
<br />Borrower shall give p: or?tpt Haute to the ,.^sura nee carne ::rid I cater I c,a.'~.- :,,.,t mine , n,o! .,I {.ass ;[ n.~t r„ade p: on.pt!y
<br />by Borrewcr. ti -
<br />Unicss Lcndcr and Ba•raw\r ^'~c^,5.sc agree +n wr,;:nq, uuur,uuu pn 55ra, s: .,!I he :y,;,i,ed u, ; :oration t, •cnafr of
<br />the Praperty damaged. prrvadeu su.h restorat:oat or a.:pur t c - nu - -',l :! -. ~!) :.' .'!p-s,. a
<br />rot thertuy impa,red. 1' su:'`. restoratron ar rapair is ~o! cx,. c n.i. a. y .,,, .c the z_\t ..n 5d ,i.n V nga55 \oufd
<br />be m'apatred. the tnsu;anet prcex^dz sr.:?: tit applied to the sums scr. ~,eJ by•ihi5 ?Ion Cegc. .:ih !nc execs. ,:` any, paid
<br />to Barry+•er. is tht Preptrt}• +s abandancd by Burro:vcr, t,: ,! Bor,ow c, !.:,!, ,,, , ~.u t:, I .~,J.r wnh:: ~. ,(! days from !hc
<br />date notitt is marled by Lendtr to Borrower that :hc ,nsurancr car r.er ::tier. ~, :, ,\`~ k ~: 5..,~~n !;-~ ~i:,.v:utcc oc:r_h;\. tender
<br />n au:honud !a ealiert and apply the ansu ranee proceeds .tt Lc nSiets n;": n,n n!i,u !o !a~n:.: u, nt nr :epa:r at the Property
<br />e:(; ' t):r SURl$ SCCi:rrd by 1!it$ hlortgagt-
<br />Unicss Lcndcr and 3arrower othrn5 tic sgrcc m wrung, any s^,, it ::; pt,e: u„n ed pr oeccJ, :; ~ .,.pal ,':el! m.,: extend
<br />U ,°„sipune tl:e duc daft of the monthly instalimcnts :cfrrred .o in ngr.r,~a. ~~ :nJ .'_ .. ,..: ,.. .oange: '~._ ., n,ou n! cf
<br />such as:,iatJmrnts. f[ under parag:a~it iS hereof the i'ro perry a at y:nrrJ 'r, ~. I .-:J~:. ~, ,1:,. nsui ::aar~ ~' 13-grower
<br />m and to any :nsuraacr pef:acs .:rid ,n and ,c the pncc~ J< tt:c,rM •c- i + - ! i:,. ~ h 1'r(,• ~. -, .-
<br />ant aeyuua,on shag pass fo Lcndcr to !hr eu:ent of the s.. ti's 5r. ,rcJ I } .his ', tt d~-' , .... it - Ic ',.
<br />acquisatacn.
<br />E. Presenatio~ and Dltinlenaner of Property; t_ra,rholds; (bndonun;un,,; I'ianneA t~nu Uc, clupn,entx. Borrower
<br />snail ktep the Proptny is good rcpar cad shall not cornmd waste or pe nnu ~:,, pin: incur n, detCn:~ratton u. !rte Propcny
<br />;end shalt rampky with tbt ptovsswns of any least :( the A[ou gage a on .. ...:.ch,:ld !` to:~, `•kvthagc is oa .. i~,,a r :,
<br />condoeuauunt or a planned unit ~dcvciopmtnt, Borrnwcr stud! pctfrnm ai, <:l slue rower, ,.Ll,s;.:apns ..:;der the decl:u quern
<br />at covtnams cztating or governing the mndomimum o; planned ue^ flee,. i+,;unr;,;. ;hc C,y-saws .:rid reg~.dat,oni o,r .hr
<br />;~dtimiarum 5?r planned unit dtvclopment, and renstitucn! do:wnr,u, i! ., .ondnuwuum or ;,,.:nncd i~n,i Jc\clopmrnt
<br />racltt is uxerutcd by Bartowcr and rtcordcd together s5 nh this M.'itg.,gt, rift .u'+cnams and ;. grccmaus of wzh nJcr
<br />shalt 'x takcl:">oraied auto and shall amtnd and suppirment the co\Cna nts ai.u age cc incurs rl rh,s t`f or:gage ;:i d the rtJer
<br />acre a part hcrcof.
<br />7. 1'rottetion of Lender's Security. It Borm'.ver (ark to pri.,nn lire .,,vcn_,nis ant ,:preemeras coman:cd .n th,s
<br />SdoraeayC, of i{ any action of procetding is cammcrtcJ which ntarcriall\ alTeciS Lentlcr s ~merest m !i,e 1'rni:.ry.
<br />- ancEudsnQ. 1lUt n^.4 iimilCd {O• CminCa?! damain, iaSe)vrnc y, cod= en{prcr uncut, i : ar ra ngC mrntS nr pi occcdin gs n:xgrv:rig a
<br />::an1.-rapt or dreedtnt, thin Lendrr at i.x gdeis opuon• u(u~a rohse .o L'nrs.,u,t ~n,,~v n,aAe >uch :,ppcaran~e, d~,lmrse suds
<br />stains and ralw such ar_tion as a necessary to p: oter. Lender's ~ntacs6 ~-,. Ir.Jwg. nu! r, o! imu!cJ !o, d~,n~,; r,cmu,t
<br />rtasonablc attorney's Lets aid entry upon the Proprrty to ntal,c rcfa:ur+. Il I tn.tcr ,cyuue,l n?ongage unuranvc ns .t
<br />candnwn cf rttaktng the ?Han secuttd by this Mertgagt, BOTMw[1 sh.,it ;,,,y ii,e !„cut:e:n;, .c,!.,ucd la n:atn!:a: sash
<br />tea tee. ,: ~.:.\., i \t-,Ih B;,11,~wtf•': :nJ
<br />infuran~r itv Gifcct until $JCh tlmC aS !Pe rC(jtl; rime:r: (or Sucle -:.5n. e.,._ , •,:-~ ~ ~~ -' -
<br />~-
<br />