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<br /> . �j" . ' _ . _�a7�NFi:-..asatrJic��or��. ,
<br />- �r . _•___ . _
<br /> w LQANNO. 1539211338
<br /> � 96�- iu0948 �t-
<br /> 1.P����ant af ihinslpal,Int�rat Nnd lata Chtr�o. 8orrowor shW pAY wtwn duv ihe prir�ctpal 01.and lnierest on. _
<br /> � the debt evidenca�by the�lofe and laia ehar�as duo urx��P the Nata. ;�
<br /> : i �.�aw,u�►�ym�,�a sw��,I��su:i��o�i��Gf�+:��. Borrnwsr shail Include in et�ch mont�ty �
<br /> � paymant,to�lher with thw and tnterqst ss s�t torih tn the Note and any tate char�s,e siuti tor(a)taxi�arki _Y
<br /> : specta�l asseasrrtiants levlod or�lavlacl aqalrtist ttw Property,(b?IeasQhoid paYments or pround renta on the '.!
<br /> � Pr o p e r t y,a�d(c)p remlwns�(or uuur�nce re qulral urxtar Pe�ra��,.In eny yeatr In which the I.ende�r±nust pay e E,_
<br /> ' n�+t�a�qa i�war�ca p���«:im ta tiw Sxro.aty a!Nausln�anc!U �Deveiopmerk("Secreta�'),or In Any yoa�In whfch _ -
<br /> _ i iliC�tp�at'i111U11 W01J1C�(k1YQ p8W1��Ult@tl tt 10i10Yr Sil�l 11610 t(18.'y'BCWiIy II1SirUnw�W.lAll����tlV+iii1�rµ�y�iwiw'a`.a1i w�a'v ��
<br /> In�l��da�fther.('i)a s.eim fcr the annual mo�i�g�{Fwuf�nc�pramium tn ba pakf by t.ondar to tha S�cr�ry,ar(a)q =
<br /> j maMhty cltiargo Inst�d d�mortpoye i�surence ptstnlum�thts Seciuity Insinunent ts heid by the�ecretary,i.�a
<br /> ; raaso��ab�a amou�-�t t�ba daia-m��by tha Sacra�.�ry. Exc�s ior tt�rseanthly char�e�y the Suc►etary.tlwse�ana �_.
<br /> i are called'Esc�ow Itertw'and tha aumsp�tki ta lender are caUed'Escrow Funds.'
<br /> j l.ender may,ai any time,cNloct end hdd amtxutits tar Escraw Items In an ttQgreQate amount not to exceed tha -
<br /> i maxtmum amou�t that may be reo!uued for Borrower's escrow account un�er the Real Estate Settleme�►t Procedwss
<br /> � act a 197e. t2 U.S.C.9 2sot et seq.ana Im�Ie+ne�ting repulatlor�s.2�1 CFR Pan 3500,as tney may be amendea trom
<br /> ' tlme to tkne('RESPAy,except that the cushb�or resen►e pem►itted by RESPA tar unantklpated dlsbursements or
<br /> distwrsemer�ts betore the BorreM+e�'s payrrtents ate evaYab�e In the account may not be based on amounte due for the
<br /> mcrt989a insu►ance prernium.
<br />- ; If the amou�ts heid by l.ender for Escrow ttema exeeed the amau�ts permttted to be hetd by RESPA,Le�xiar shall
<br /> � dea!wi�h the excess funds as requked by RESPA. If the amounts d iw�ds held by l.ender at any tlme sre not s�u(ficler�t
<br /> ' topay tfie Escrcw Items when d�a,Ler�der may notMy the Borrawet and require Borrower to make up the sFwstape or
<br />' � deiiCiency as pennitted by RESPA
<br /> . � The Escrow Funds are pledyed as a�tid�bnal secwity for all sums secured by thls Security Insiriunent. If Borrower ':
<br /> tenders to Lender the fuU payment d aU such swns,BoROwer's account sha11 be credked with the balanc.e rerr�aWnQ
<br /> t for a11 k�rr�ent�ems(a).(b).and(c)a�d any mortgaye tnsurar►ce pretntum InstuNment that Ler�der ltias not becorne t--
<br /> � ! obl{�ted to pay to the Secretary�and L.ende�shatl prom(xly refund any excess tunds to Borrower. Immedlataly p�ior to �'"=°
<br />` ; � e Mrecfosure sale�f the P'rops�ty�as acqu}siNon by Lender.BoROwer's account shsll be credited wkh any b�alarxe �°^
<br /> rema(nlrg foreU innallrrter►tsfor�t (a).(u).arxt(c). ��.
<br /> a 3.Applic�t�on of PaynMnls. IW payrnents wxte�Para�rap�hs 1 and 2 sha[t be applied by Lender as tdtows: :�
<br />, � FlRSS'.to the mortgage tns�usnce premium to be pald by Lendet to ths Secretary or tQ the montNy clatge bY tha _
<br /> Seaetary k�siead of the montF�ty mottga�a�tsurance(xerMtun: ��
<br />-:� SECQND,to any taxes,spectal assessments.leasehotd payme�ts or�rourd rents,and flre�flood and other h�s�rd =
<br /> t�su�t�cep+ as requued: �-
<br /> ` rHl D.to kae�ue und�the Note; -
<br />° � �.to amorttzation of the principal d the Nate: _-
<br /> = F��,to late chanpes due under the Nota _
<br />- � 1.Fir'�.Fbod and OtlNr Hasard Insannc�. Bortower s�all lnsure a{I Gnprovemersts or�the P`ro� ,e.fo�whetherwhich -
<br /> �,aw�,�c«�ce o+�sunsequ�►�x�a.e�eny naza�+da�s�,�c�s,a�a�,�
<br />:- 1 Le�aer requtres t��st�uance.Tl�ls In�uance shau be malntained tn tt,e amounts ana to�the periods tnat E.ender reauiros.
<br /> Barra+Yer shaY atso insiue all ImproMements on the Pnopeity.whether now In ex�tence or st�Sequent�Y erected. -
<br /> aga4►s�t lass by 800ds to the eocient required by the Secxetary.All instxance SF�aU be catried with companles ap�x�ved '
<br />,_ by I.ender.The i�uance polfcles and any rene�rals sheY be heid by L�nder and shad kicfucde bss paye�ble dauaes in
<br />_�� favor af,ac�h a farm acc�ptabte to.l.sr�der
<br /> in ibe eve�u d ioss,ocxruw���a�iva L'aw�a N.M��,«�.-.�-a���:.:.�;..�tr:�a^����•�!^��sw
<br />_ made promptly by Borrawer.Esch tnstuance comPany concetned is hereby at�horited snd dkected to meke payrne�t -
<br />= for stx:h loss di�ectty to Leoder,instesd d to Borrower and to Lender jointly.Ai!or any part d the insurar�e p�ooaACis
<br />- may be app0ed by Lender.et ks optbn.e�her(a)to the reductlon d the indebtedness untier the Nate and thF.a Security
<br />= �nstrumerrt.&se to any deii�,q�,ent amounts apMlea In tne onier in P a.ana then to prepaymene a p�rx�pel.or
<br />- ro)to the rest«aHor,«r�pafr af a,e aame�ed p�ope�ty►.Nri►appllca�na`e`grapt'��g tc the,p�x�pel shaM��ot
<br /> N o�
<br />=S e�end or�OStpone the due date of the montWY PeYmerrtS wNch are re�eaed to tn Pategteph 2.or chnn�e the amocint
<br />=�� �and�Secu�ty Ir�stnxn�x � ave�an amcunt re4�to P�Y��0 kxiebtedness tx�der
<br /> s h a i l p a t d to the entity IegeYy entided thereta
<br />—� tn t�ae�uent d faredosu�e of tl�s Seduky Instrtunent or dt�er trans�er of t�le to tha Propetty t1�ai e�Qi�gulshes the
<br />.-`� t��de�0�s,a11►ight,Utie and k�terest of Borr�ower in and to Insurance pdides in fo�ce shsdl pass to thep
<br />-- �.�ncSl.Pns�rvatton.Yainl�nanw�nd Pnot�clion Af th�Prap«Ry;Bamow�'s Lo�n A���i��
<br /> - L�s�1�Oda. Bort�o�wsr shall oax�py.est�blish,and use the Property as Borrc�wer's p�x�pal residence wkhin sbdy�aYs
<br /> alter the exeqnion of tl�is Securky Instnunent and shaM cor�tkxie to occupy tha Properry as Bor�+aw�ers princ(pal
<br />� residance for ffi least ane year after the date of ocxuperxzyl.unless the Seae�ry deRem�ines U�ls requiretnerx w➢I cause
<br />-- undue hardsF�tp for Bcrtvwer.or uNess e�deruia�ing c�cwr�rroes exlst wt�ia'�are bey�ond Botrawet'�conRrol.Borrawer
<br /> shall noci�c Ler,aers af any e�aenuacing circurtutarx�s�e«rnv�er sr,au noc oommic waste or aestroy.asmage or
<br />--� substan��►ahar�e the Prope�ty or allaw the Property to�iorate,reasonable weec s�nd tear exc�p�ted.l.ender may
<br />'�� inspect tPoe Property if the Ptope�ty!s vac�uk or abarxJoned or tt�loan ls ire deiault. Eender may take reasor�abie sr�f�n
<br />.'� to protsci and p�eseNe such vacaM or abandoned Rr��e�ty.B��rt+ower sh�t�aiso be in defauft ff Borro�er�dur&p the _
<br /> ��Pp��P��•9��Y ialse a I�sa�xurate t�fom�atfor�or state�nents ta t ende�(or taYed to provide
<br /> Lender wsth any matetlal i�tortnatiot�)in connectiott wkh the loan evidet�ced by the lYaec�Ihduding,but not limltec!tc.:
<br />.g� n�presen�ons ooncert�k�9 Borrowe�'s oxupancy of the Pt�o�ty as a prirtcipal re,si�ec'rcQ.lf thls Security►1�b _
<br /> o�a teaselx,td.BoRa�w�er shall ootnply wdh the pro�vtsions d th�tsase.If Botro+Ker aC4ufres fee t�le to the Propotty��itr3
<br />-= leasehold and fee title sFtaY noR be mer�ed unless LerxJer a�to the merger io wn�irtg. =--
<br /> 6.Cf��s to 8omotiwr and Pnot�ctlon ot Lender's Ri�hb in the Peop�rty. BorPawer sftiell PeY�90'�+�� w�
<br /> � or muMcipal char�es,fir�es and i�t�positlons thaR ate nat Induded in Paragra�tn 2.BdreMrer SheU pay these obii�atlo� �
<br /> � _ on Yime d'aectiy to the er�tay which is ew�d the payrnent.tf fa�ure to pay wauld adve�s�Lender's interes�in tne =
<br />; T Propeaty. upon LsndePs request a«row�er snall prompdy fun�issn to tsnder receipcs ev cr�ese payrr�ents. _-
<br /> {I If Borro�w�er faYs to make these pa�s or the Pay�nertts re4uired by Paragtaph 2.OT�YS t0�fO�f17 8�1�I O�ISQf
<br />-°° cavenants and agreemeras co�tak�ed tn this Sectuity Instnunent.or there is a legal P����9��Y�9��Y
<br />"� aflec�L.erxier's tphrts in the Prope+ty(stx:h as a�roceedin�in bar►icuptcy.for condenu�atlon or to anforoe laws or =
<br />., � regWations),then Lsnder may do ar�a pay wr�atever is necaSSary to procea aie vatue o�tne Property and Lenac�Ps =
<br /> ri�hts In the Prope�tY.Indudtny PaYn�ene of taxes.Ftiazard tnsurance ae�d other�ems meMlor�ed in Paraqrapt�.2. -
<br /> " Any amotx�ts dlsb�used by Let�der under this Paragraph sf�all become an additional debt of Borrowe►and be
<br /> secured by thEs Security InsUumet�.These amo�x�s shaN bear interest ftom the date of dlsbursement.ffi the Nate rate. _
<br /> � and at the optio�af Lender.shall be Irturtiediately due ar+d payabte. -
<br /> 7.Co�tf�tnrwtion. �he proceeds of any award or clalm for damages,di�ect or cor�sequeMlal.In cax�ection wwith
<br /> any oondertnaRion or other takktg of any part of the Prop�ty.or for conveyarsce in place of condemnatlon,are hereby =
<br /> assigned and st9aU be paid w t.srxfer to the e�dent of the fi�Y ar�au�t of the kidebtedness that rerr�ak�s unpafd under the =
<br /> Note and tF�1s� ' Instrumer�t.Lsnder sFtiatl apply suc1�proceeds to the reduciion of the Indebtedness under the _
<br /> Nate and thls Securiry instrument,fust to any deilnquer�t amouras apptied In the order prwided i�Paragraph 3,an�i °
<br /> then W prePa►N'��a Pt�k��Y aPP�d tt�e proceeds to the pruicipal shall not exte�d or postportie the due -
<br /> FF{�NEdR/I�KA QEEO OF TRUST PAiGE 2 OF 4 s,�
<br /> ISC/F410TNE//G6�1/(5��6},L
<br /> • • i
<br /> �______-----•--•-----.__. --�----.�.,...__ _.. . —-----°---- _ _ --a.
<br />