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VO"~VVY9(6 <br />3. The mortgagor covenants and agrees that if he shall fail to par said indebtedness nr any part thereof when <br />dot, or shall fail to perform any covenant or agreement of this instrument or the promisaor• note secured hereby, the <br />entire indebtedness: hereby secured shall immediately become due, pavahlr, and collectible wiYliout notitt, at the <br />option of the mortgagee or assigns, regardles.9 of maturity, and the mortgagee ar hie assigns may before or after entry <br />sell said property without appraisement (the mortgagor having waived and assigned to the mortgagee all rights of <br />appraiaetnent l <br />t t 1 at judicial sale pursuant to the provisions of 2$ U.S.(:. 20011 a) : or <br />{ q) aE Lht option of the mortgagee, either by auction or by solicitation of sealed Edda, fur the hight>!t and <br />brat bid complying with the tenets ai sale and manner of payment specified in the published noti+ee of safe, fiot <br />Riving four weeks' notice of the time, terms, and pure of such salt, by advertisement not leas than once <br />during each of said four weeks in a newspaper published or dis[eibuted in the county in which said property <br />u situated, all other notice being hereby waived 6y the mortgagor (and sand mortgageq or any person on <br />behalf of said mortgagee, may bid with the unpaid itedebttdnesa evidenced by said note). Said sale shall be <br />held at or oe the property to be sold or at the Fcdera{, county, or city courthouse for the county in which the <br />property ie looted. Tht mortgagee is hereby authorized to execute for and on behalf of the mortgagor and to <br />deliver to the purchaser at such axle a sufficient conveyance oC said property, whie6 conveyance shall contain <br />teeitaL as to the 6appmiag of the default upon which the exrcuaion of the power of sale herein granted <br />depends; and the said mortgagor hereby constitutes and appoints the mortgagee or any agent or attoraey of the <br />mortgagee, the agent and attorney in fact of said tcor*.gsgor to make such recitals and to ezetnie said <br />eonveysaee and hereby coveaaats and agrees that the recitals so made shall be effeetuai to bar all equity or <br />right of redemption, homestead, dower, and all other exemptions of the mortgagor, ail of which are hereby <br />expresalr waived and conveyed to the mortRaRee; or <br />itttt take arty other appropriatt action pursuant in stale or ~r-dera: statuiz ~ith~r in ~ oft ar Faderal <br />court or nthezwise for the disposition of the property. <br />In the event of a sale as hercinabove provided, the mortgagor or any person in possr_vsenn under the mortgagor shall <br />then become and 6e tenants holding over and shall tarthwith deliver pneset.ion to the purchaser at such salt or be <br />summarily diapoasesred, in accordance with the provisions of w applicably to tenants hnldinR over. The power <br />and agemy hereby- granted are rnupled with an intrrcst and a~ .rrevorabie by dyath or otherwise. and are granted <br />as eumulativy io the. remriiea for raiketion of card indebtedness provided by isw. <br />;. The proceeds of say yak of .a;d property in accordance with the preceding patagnphs shall he applied first <br />to pay the ettsta and t=petres of acid sale, the expetrsea incurred by the mortgagee far the purpose of protecting or main- <br />tain%tyc said property, and rcasanable attorneys Errs: secondly, to pav the indebtedness aecurrd hereby: and thirdly, <br />to par say sarpim or excess to the presort or persons legally entitled thereto. <br />~. in Sha event acid property is sold at a jttdiciaE foreclosure ale or pursuant co the power of sale hereittabo-e <br />granted, and fire proceeds arc not ettieient to pay the total indebtedtteaa secured b~ this ittatcument sad evidenced by <br />srid ptoaiawry note, the texrrtgagee wiCl be entitled to r de5cieticy judgment for the amount of the re)`ieitytcy taitJrort <br />ng:d to appraiaewsewt. <br />6. 1n the treni iht tnortgagar fails to pay any Federal, state, o. local tax aasesamtnt, inconx tax or other to:lien. <br />charge, fee, sr other ex!wttse cbargecl agattwt the property. the mortgagee is hereby authorised ai his option io pay <br />the same..Any stints so paid by the mortgagor shall be added to and heromr. a part of the principal amount of the <br />indebtcdrseas evidenced 6y said matt, subject to the name terms anei conditions, if the mortgagor shall pay and <br />diseharRt the indebtedness evidenced by said promissory note, and shall par such auto. and shall discharge all taxes <br />and limos and flee costa, flea, and expeetata of making, enforcing, and executing this mortgage, then thi_+ mortgage <br />shail'he eaneekd sad surrendered. <br />?. The covenanu berets mataiaed shall 1Mnd sad ibt beoefi[a and advanuges shall iaure to the reepettive stto <br />oaiars sad a~ of tYe parties hereto. Rrixeaever creed. the singular number shallttnclndt ilte plaraE, the plural the <br />trs~alar. sad the ere of say getttder shall iatlade all gmdtn <br />[1. No waiver of any eoxettast herein or of the obDegation secured hereby shall at any time thereafter be held <br />to b! a waiver of tbt ..errret heretrf or of the txotc secured hereby. <br />9. L tarpliraot with seetiea 10E.E f d) of the Rnka and Regalatioas of the Stoall 1lnsitaeas rldmiaistratioa [ 13 <br />GF.11. 101.1(1)lr this IaM+wttrat is to lea cosrwrtutd and eofcrad is ateordae+oe with applicable Federal law. <br />I/L A judicial daeree, order, or judgment holding any provision ar pctraao of this inslrunteni invalid ar un- <br />eatatceahle shall not in any wxy iwpait or preclude the enforcrmewt of the remaining provisions or partioru of <br />tYis iaRltrt <br />wet rv.r vac west ~ '~ <br />