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<br />$~° ~0~~76 1VI(~RA~E <br />Tbir tivurrga~e made and entered into this ~ ! ~' day of ~~~~~~~ <br />i9 ~~ ,by and between Roland L. and So Ann K. Hyde, husband and wife, <br />(hereinafter referred to as mortgagor} and the Admitsisuswr of the Small $usineaa Admiaiatration, as agency of the <br />Government of the 1Uniud Staten of America (hereinafter referred to as mortgagee}, who maintairo an office and <br />phaeaofbatineasat Empire State Building, 14th and Farnam, Omaha, Nebraska 68142 <br />>Ant+tlsstra. that for the oooaideratioa hereinafter etaud, reuipt of wFtich is hereby aeknowletl`ed, the <br />atartEasotr dow hereby tnortaage, cell, +pant, aaaign, and convey unto the mortgagee, hia weoewnrc glad aeeilyna, all <br />of the [ollowin6 tlearsibed property aittuted and being is the Cotrnty of llall <br />State o[ 1+7ebraska. <br />Lat Seven (7} in Block Two (2) and she Northerly Six Feet (fit) <br />of Lat Six (6} is Block Two (?) of Pleasant L'iexa Third Addition <br />to the City of Grand island, Hall County, Nebraska. <br />To>cethter with and iacludirrg all buiidfrtgs„ all fix{n.-r. incEudint5 but ntr{ t;m6ted tea ai3 f+tumbing„ heating, iight- <br />iag, rretilrettna, refrigerating, inrineratit~q, air rundi{iunin;; af,paratu~, and r1e.aWr~ (the mortgagor hereby <br />declaring [lui it is intended that the itrxn. herein enutnrratrxlhall be +#ernted to havr been lrrrmaneatiy in- <br />+ta$ed a.: part •.f t1ti- malty }, and ail impravrment. naM or hereafter exi,•ain~ therrun; thr hrrctilitamen{_, snd <br />appuricnaaue9 and alitrlher riF.bta tlterenrtto brfongist„ tar in anp~uizx°- apfxrtai .ira, ansl the sever-ion anal rr- <br />vtrioa*_+, remainder and remain:ler., alt right- of redemptiuu, and the rent-,,., and l:rnfvtr of the akro.e <br />dta+:rribetf. pvsper{y {pravidtd, hu.+esrr, [hat the mortt;a~~,ur..hali hr rntiiled to the tw~.r,ni~~n of aid prol>trty <br />and tarellect and ne+ain tfie rrnis, issttec, anti pro6ta until +#efauh hrr•rundcr) . 1`te Itavr and to hold the came <br />unto the mnrttgtmetr and tier cueees.ura in iutere+t of efir mortgagee foreversn fre *impie or .welt Defier estau, <br />if an#. as to genteel-herein. <br />Y'~i-mattyaRarcawtaaata then fee.ita lawtfttlly +aiaad gad" paaaaaactl of and lqa the right to sell gad convey acid <br />property, tbal ~ aattae it free frcra atf etteuadtraneoa e:eept u hctroinrbovr recited; :nd that he harebY biada <br />hiaaeal[-.gad 1Naauearaatra in iatereat,to warrant and defend tfie title aforeaatd thereto and every part therea# a{fainrt <br />titFdltilir-at[aH'Panaea+~aaoorer. °, ~°`~ <br />'Phh iaatruwtea! is given to ae, urr the payutent of a Promiay~y.-mte.dateaf. ti ~'~' v :.t<~r _ .~ ~ r . ~ ~ "• <br />in;tike;peiarapaiaom-oF~ 33,4.Di}.QQ.• , Roland L, and Jo Ann K. }lyde, . <br />in irhalf of them&elve& . <br />w t... vrz ts.rat r...t.w wu......n t>,,. <br />