,. __
<br />_ _ -..
<br />52-A-REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE-(Wi4h Tax Clause) (Revised t962) 17u HuHm•n Geoerat Supply Haase, Lirwda, Nebr.
<br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THE5E PRESENTS: That Richard R. Robertson ~~.., ti04973
<br />of Ha11 County, and State of Nebraska , in rnneidera6on of the sires of-
<br />Three Thousand Six Hundred and 00/100----------------------------------------- DOLLARS
<br />'~~. in hand paid, do hereby SELL and CONVEY unto FIVE POINTS BANK
<br />of -Hall County, State of Nebraska the following descri6~1 prnmiaes eituefad
<br />in H811 County, and State of Nebraska ,),amt;
<br />Lot Seven C7), in Block Five (5) of College Addition to West Lawn
<br />in the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska - - -
<br />'the intention being to convey herehy an absolute title in fee simple, including alt the rights of homestead and dower. i
<br />TO HAVE AND 'CO HOLD the Pra'mises above described, with all the appurtenances [hereunto belonging, unto the said
<br />I. mortgagee(s) and to his, her or their heir, and assigns tarsus r, provided always. and these presents are upon the express
<br />i condition that i( the said mortgagor(s), his, her ur [heir heirs, executors, aalminislraturs or assigns shall pay or cause to be
<br />~i pe.id to the said mortgagee(s), his, her or their heirs, executors, administrators or assigns, the Principal sure of $ 3, 600.00 j
<br />j payable ae &dlows, to wit:
<br />t
<br />-date: Sept, L0, t"S(y,
<br />~ with interest according to the tenor and etf.•ot. o[ the mortgagors written Promissory note bt•arinK OMlti7dA1Px9tOtbUtbglQy7W011Ah[
<br />I and shalt pay all taxes and assrssmcots levied ulxm said real estate, sled al other hixea, levies and usekssmenLS I_virx) upon this
<br />mortgage or the note -which this mortgage is given to secure, befora the same Iwcomes delinquent, and keep the buildinKs un
<br />I~ said premises insured for Uu~ sum of $ 3 , 600.00 ,loss, if any, payable to the said mortgagee, then theso presents
<br />i to he void, otherwise lu hc• and mrnain in tali force.
<br />I IT IS FURTH!•:R AORlsba (11 'Chin it the said mnrtga gar shall tail la pac such rases nr procure such insurun4 •, the
<br />'~. said mortgagee may Pay such taxes and pnx:u re such msunmre; and the sum su advmu:cvl, with loosest nt 14 N~'r ~:
<br />xx~nt, shall be relwid by card mortgagor, and this mortgage shall stand us scYturity fur the :carne. (2) That a failure to puy :ury
<br />of said money. either principal ur inn•rest, when rho sainr becomes clue, or a failum to <xrmply with any of the foregoing ~.
<br />aXreementa, shall cuurx the whole scan o! money herein sitiured to tx•awnne due and aollnctiblc nt case at the option of the -_
<br />~.~~ mongaKev.
<br />I
<br />l0 Se tember 80
<br />Signwl thix day of P 1J - -->
<br />i `~
<br />i r n cc of ~}S..<.~t.c bt~.~/ ~ t,.~ f~ {. c ~V},?~
<br />f. ' '~ .? ~ _ ..
<br />r
<br />NEHRASEA Hall
<br />S'TA'LE OF. .___ _ _ __ _.._... County o1 ._........ _...:
<br />Before me, a notary public quuiilied b.r said county, parsonnlly none {t irha rd R, koberf salt
<br />ktrovvn to me to be the identical persrm ar {mesons who signed the foregoing irwtrument and acknowlcfgeal the exet•utian
<br />thereof m tee his, her or their voluntary sot and detxi.
<br />Witness my hand and nu a~=. S.eptembeL..I.0 .. 19i~~,_ -
<br />I MY a»mmission expires:.... ~~~.yj~~,~"~ • ) ,' ~ ~' ~ ~ -~~ - .
<br />~s~.~~'~""°sr ...., ....... ~Lfc:~..,ar<.. ._.... :a.~C. :s:...:... .__..NetarY Public.
<br />1 4R Iq'
<br />STATE OF .............._.........__..._._... _....._.. _.__..._..._ Enh+rad nn numerical index mrd filed for nr:ord
<br />County ......_........_..._._...._._...._ ............... __ } ~ in the Registor u( Deeds Office o[ :arid County the ;
<br />I ..............._,__..dsy of._._._._...... _. _.............._. ..,.... 19............. at............ -....._-..........o cluck artd...................... _...,..minutes ......... _._..._-..M., I
<br />end recorded in Hook._.._...._...___.._....___....._.ot.........__......._..__.... _......at Pega_.........__... ...._... ,.
<br />~ ..........Reg. of Deeds
<br />... ............................................................ _............ ..Deputy -
<br />