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r <br />gp,_ U04972 MORTGAGE <br />TAI9 INDENTURE. made this 3rd . day of ~ 5'eptember 19 $~.. by and between <br />David Joe Thesenvitz and Edeltraud M. Thesenvitz, husband and wife, each in his and <br />her own right and as spouse of the other <br />of Hal 1 County, Nebraska, ae mortgagor 5 ,end Grand Island Tmst Company of Grand Isiated, a carlwmtlon <br />organized and ezisting under the laws of Nebraska with its principal office and place of busitresa az Grand Iahmd, Nebraska, as mortgagee; <br />S _ <br />W ITNESSETH: That said mortgagor-- ,for end in coosideratioa of the sum of <br />Four Thousand Six Hundred Seventy Nine dollars and 23/100 D~al$ 4,679:23 6 <br />Lhe receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do - by these presents mortgage end warms[ unto avid mortgagee, its successors and, easigna, <br />forever, ell the following described teal estate, situated in the County of _..~ld..Ll___. <br />and State of Nebreslte. to~wic: <br />Lot One Hundred Eighty-Three (183) and'Lot One Hundred Eighty-Four {184), Blemont <br />Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska. <br />Together with s11 heating, sir conditioning, lighting, and plumkinR ryuipment and fixtures, including screens, awnings, storm windows and <br />doors. and window shades or blinds, used on or in connection with said progeny, whether the lama arc new locattd nn said property ur hereaftev <br />placed thereon. <br />TO HAVE ANU TO HOLD THE SAME, together with all end singular the tenements, hereditament: and appurtenance-s themtntu be• <br />longing. or in anywise appertsitting, forever, and wnrrenc the title to [he same. Said morKagor __5 -hereby covenant ... with raid <br />mortgagor that the y. dt'e -- , at the delivery hermL the lawful owner S . of the premwea shave convey d and descriWai. <br />and-. _ ~ 1'@ .seized of a good cord indeteasfbie estate of inharitanco therein, free and clear of all rncumbronces, and that L he,Y_... will <br />warrant and defend the tide thereto forever against the claims end demands of all persons whomsoever. <br />PROVIDED ALW Al'S, and this instrument is axecu[ed and delivored to secure the payment of the aura of _. - - .... __ _. <br />Four Thousand Six-Hundred ~eventy_Nine and 23/100 ****** nnuaral3 i,Fl?.23 __ {• <br />_. _ <br />with intereec therms. together with such chargwt and ndvencea as may be due and payable w said mortgegm under the terms and mnditionx <br />of Cho promissory note ut even date herewith and recured hurehy, exeeu[ed by said mortgagtu ,. 5.. to said monKagae, Iwynblr. as rxpressral <br />in said rate, end to eacwe the per(onnmce of all the terms and conditions cantainod therein. The farms of said note ore hereby incvrporoteti <br />hereirt by this reference. <br />It is the intention and agreement of the parties hereto that this mortgage nhaR also xewre any future ndvencen made to said mortgagor '__ <br />4y nerd mortgagee, and any and all indebtednoaa in ndditinn to the amount alxrve ntntotl which said monKaKprs, nr nny ui lham. mxy owe in <br />said mortgagor, however nvtdencud. whether by note, book nccuunl or otherwise. 9'hiv mortgage shall remain m full furcv and rHn•t tot w,r•n <br />the pertiea hereto and tbau heirs, personal rtpreeentatives, successors and nsa+gns. unW all amounts sonund hereunder. ineludim; later.. <br />ndvenan, ore paid in fah with interest. <br />'1'hn mortgagor S_,, .,_ hereby sastgn - to Haul murtgagm n1I rents and income arising at xn}' and ell times from raui prupert>~ :cod <br />hnrnby authorize raid rmrtgegen nr ns ngnnt. a[ its option, upon default, to take : barge of smd property ~nA cralart ell rents and mcoma <br />themfmm and apply the acme W the payment of interest, IuiMipal, maumnce prmnmme. testy. asneeamen[s, rrpaus a +mprr+vrmam.s <br />nnceeeary W keep said Pttrpnrtv is tenincabk tnnditian. or lu other rhargm nr pavrmmts provtdad for herein rc m tf~ note hereby secured. 't'his <br />mot wreignment shall continua bt force until ttw unpaid bslenoa of said trots in fully paid. 't'he takirtg nl lweaeaainn hereunder ahnll in no manner <br />prevent o: retard said mortgagee in the rntlecema o! saKl auma hp fornclpaure yr athorw•iaa. <br />The failure at the mortgagor m aseen any of its rtghta hereunder at any ume shall not tw rvnntrutal ae a waiver of its right u+ axnerc t ho <br />same at any later limn, end to looter upon and enforce artier compiience with alI the forms and Ixnv+swna of snrd note and of this na+rtgnge. <br />1t said mortgrgor S shall cause to fro paid to said trlattgegra the onure amount duo n hereunder, and under 4he trrntx and provtsums <br />of said note hereby setvrad. including future advnta:ae. and nny -- -tennarns or rrnuwale thntml in ntt•++rclartcn with rho farms and provixa,m <br />therm[, and it said mortgagor _.. S _ aball mmPiy with ell lha proviarom nE said opts and of rhea mortgage, than them prexnnb shall he void; <br />otherwise to remain in fall form and effect, and avid mortgagee shaft M, entttlad re the {wsaasaion of ag of said propaKy, and may. u[ iua option, <br />declare the whob of said mte sad sU iadebtedneee repreeeatad thereby to hn itmnadiately dun and payable, and cosy forerhwe this nwrtgnge <br />or take say Mher legal actfoo tv protect its right. ApPraieomenc waived. <br />This mortgage aball he binding upon and ahsll enure to the benefit of the Mars, ezecutnre, admvaeGatom. succenwxs and naxigns of the <br />mepectivo pertias hereto. <br />tN W'iTNF.S5 WHEREOF. said Mortgagor. 5.. . he VQ.. horgtnta nos ~t,E'lS'.. +hend. S _ rho day nd >ear tirxt ul ovr <br />wnat+m. <br />~ ~ ~~ t <br />Dav,Id Jo'. ~`h -senv~ tz -~, <br />E'del traud ^1. Thesel',v i tz ~..,• <br />