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r <br />.J <br />so. ao~ s8 MORTGAGE <br /> <br />,s <br />T6a tsroctga6e made and entered into thin ;'~;}~- day o[. fj.~?,tt,~..y„~i.t~iq~-` <br />19 ~). , by apd between Donald R. Fillinger and Marjorie A. Fillinger, husband and wife,' <br />(hereinafter referred to ae mortgagor) and the Administrator of the Small Business Administntim, m agency of-the <br />Government of the United Statee of America (hereinafter referred to ad mottgagee), who maintafm m~offtce and <br />plaaeofbaainesat Empire State Building, 19th and Farnam Streets, Omaha, Nebra§ka`68102 <br />prta+ssstrra, that. for the eoneidendon heroinafter stated, receipt of which is hereby aektsuwledgad, Bic <br />,ntretgagoc dare hereby mortgage, Bell, Rrant, usign, sad convey- unto tho mortgagee, hie anocesaoru, µtd: a~a,.;all <br />o[ the [ollowirtg described property eitnated and beiag in the Cotmty of Hall <br />State of - -Nebraska. <br />A11 of Lot Six (6) and the Westerly One-Half'(W~) of Lit <br />Seven (7), all in Block Sixty-one (61) in Wheeler and Bennett's <br />Addition to the Gity of Grand Island, Nebraska. <br />Together wish and intluding all buildings, aH 6swre. inrludinti bw not limited to all plumhinM, hrming, light- <br />ing, w•ntilatinK, refrigerating, inrinrrating, air ronditiuninF appurum., and elevator. (the nutrtgagor hereby <br />dn•larin}t that i1 i= intended that Ihr item, lerreiu rutnnc rated .hall 6e drrnu•d to hove- hero permanently in- <br />.tallyd ar part oC the rraltv), and all ingtnwrmrnt+ now ar hrrraftrr esi.•tini; thereon; ihr hrrrdiuunrnle and <br />appunenanre+ and ali uthrr right.. thnrrunto belonging, ar in anyw-isr apprrtuininp, and the rrvrcian and rr- <br />vcr.ions, rrmuiadrr and rrmaindrn, all right. of redeoyttion, and Ihr re~h, is+ue., and prnlitn oC the above <br />daserihetl property (prosided, howrvr r, That the mort gaLUrhall br rulilled to the p.r*.r.~ion oC aid prnperta <br />and to eollert and retain the rent», ivs,nes, and prnfit> until drtault hrrrnndrr}. `I•u have and to hold the setae <br />unto the mnrtgauer and the !:nrcessora in interest of the nwrtgaser ferrvrr in fee >;imple or such other estate, <br />if any, as is stated herein. <br />The mortgagoreovenao4 that he is lawfully seised and possessed of and has the right to sell and convey acid <br />propeny;: that the same is free from all encumbrances except as hereinabove recited; sod that he heroby binds <br />himself and his succroson in interest to warrant and •lefend the title aforesaid thereto and every part thereof against <br />the claims of all ptnrtasu whomsoever. <br />This instrument is given to secure the payment of a promissory aotn dated ~ -~~- _ <br />in the principabatsm of i 2I, 500.00 • dtSn~ hYDOnald R. and Marjorie A. Fillinger, husband and <br />;n iw,half of themselves wife, <br />WA Earm 8.' (Y»ial Ps~siem rdiaaa, ax 06.a!«:. <br />