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~~ 4v is .z~L3 <br />Ut+moxnt Covt:xnNrs. Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows: <br />i. Payment of Principal and Interest. Borrower shall promptly pay when due the principal of and interest on the <br />indebtedness evidenced by the Note, prepayment and late charges as provided in the Note. and the principal of and interest <br />on any Future Advances secured by this Mortgage. <br />2. Elands for Ta=es and Innaanee. Subject to applicable law or to a written waiver by Lender, Borrower shall pay <br />to Lender on the day monthly installments of principal and interest are payable under the Note, until the Note is paid in full, <br />a sum (herein "Funds") equal to one-twelfth of the yearly taxes and assessments which may attain priority over this <br />Mortgage, and ground rents on the Property, if any, plus one-twelfth of yearly premium installments for hazard insurance, <br />plus one-twelfth of yearly premium installments for mortgage insurance, if any, all as reasonably estimated initially and from <br />time to time by Lender on the bast. of assessments and bills and reasonable estimates thereof. <br />The Funds shall he held in an institution the deposits or accounts of which arc insured or guaranteed by a Federal or <br />state agency (including Lender if Lender is such an institution). Lender shall apply the Funds to pay said taxes, assessments, <br />insurance premiums and ground rents. Lender may not charge for so holding and applying the Funds. analyzing said account, <br />or verifying and compiling said assessments and bills, unless Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable law <br />permits Lender to make such a charge. Borrower and Lender may agree in writing at the time of execution of this <br />Mortgage that interest on the Funds shall be paid to Borrower, and unless such agreement is made or applicable law <br />requires such interest to be paid, Lender shall not be required to pay Borrower any interest or earnings on the Funds. Lender <br />shall give to Borrower, without charge, an annual accounting of the Funds showing credits and debits to the Funds and the <br />purpose for which each debit to the Funds was made. The Funds are pledged as additional secttnty for the sums secured <br />by this Mortgage. <br />If the amount of the Fun& held by Lender, together with the future monthly installments of Funds payable prior to <br />the due dates of taxes, assessments, insurance premiums and ground rents. shall exceed the amount required to pay said taxes, <br />assessments, insurance premiums and ground rents as [hey fall due, such excess shall be, at Borrower's option, either <br />promptly repaid to Borrower or credited to Borrower on monthly installments of Funds. If the amount of the Funds <br />held by Lender shall not be sufficient to pay taxes, assessments, insurance premiums and ground rents as they fall due, <br />Borrower shall pa}• to Lender any amount necessary to make up the deficiency within 30 days from the date notice is mailed <br />by Lender to Borrower requesting payment thereof. <br />Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this Mortgage, Lender shall promptly refund to Borrower any Funds <br />held by Lender. If under paragraph 18 hereof the Property is sold or the Property is otherwise acquired by Lender, Lender <br />shall apply, no later than immediately prior to the sale of the Property or its acquisition by' Lender, any Funds held by <br />Lender at [he time of application as a credit against the sums secured by this Mongage. <br />3. Application of Payments. Unless applicable law provides otherwise, all payments received by Lender under the <br />Note and paragraphs 1 and 1 hereof shall be applied 6y Lender first in payment of amounts payable to Lender 6y Borrower <br />under paragraph '_ hereof, then to interest payable on the Note, then to the principal of the Note, and then to interest and <br />principal on any Future Advances. <br />4. Charges; Liens. Borzower shall pay all taxes, assessments and other charges, fines and imposiiwns attnbutable to <br />the Property which may attain a priority over this Mortgage, and leasehold payments or ground rents, if any, in the manner <br />provided under paragraph 2 hereof or. if not paid in such manner by Borrower making payment, when due, directly to the <br />payee thereof. Borrower shall promptly furnish to Lender sll notices of amounts due tinder this paragraph, and in the event <br />Borrower shall make payment directly. Bon ower shall promptly lumish to Lander receipts evidencing such pavments- <br />Borrower shall promptly discharge any lien which has priority over this Mortgage: prrnnded. that Borrower shall not 6e <br />required ro discharge any such lien so lung as Borrower shall agree in writing to the payment of the obligation secured 6y <br />such lien m a manner acceptable m Lender, ur shall in good faith contest such lien hy, or defend enforcement of such lien in, <br />legal proceedings which oper:ue to prevent the enforcement of the hen or forfeinvc of the Properq• or :m} part thereof. <br />5. Hazard Insurance. Borrower shall keep the tmprnvements now r:isting or hereafter erected on the Property insured <br />against loss h}' tire, hazard, included within the term "extended awerige", and such other hazards as Lender may require <br />and m such amounts and for such pencils as Lender may require: provided, that Leudar ,hall eat myuire that the amount of <br />such coverage exceed that amount of cmerage reyuired to pay the gums steered by this Mortgage. <br />'rho insurance carrier providing the insurance shall be chosen 6y Borrower subject to approval by Lender. provide' <br />that such approval shat( not be unreasonably withheld. All premiums on insurance policies shall be paid in the manner <br />provided under paragraph Z hereof ur, if not paid in such manner, 6y Borrower making payment, when due, dvectly to the <br />insurance carrier. <br />All insurance policies and renewals thereol shall be in them aceepuiMe to Lender :md shall include .i ;taraiard mortgage. <br />clause m favor of and in form acceptable to Lender. Lender shall hate the right to hold the polities and rencwaM thereof, <br />and Borrower sha!I promptly furnish to Lender all renewal notices and all receipts tit paid premuuu.. In the erem tit lox. <br />Borrower shall give prompt notice to the insurance carrier and Lender. Lender mar make proul of loss it not made pn,mpd, <br />by Borrower. <br />Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in scnting, insurance proceeds shall be applied to restoration or repair oY <br />the Properly damaged, provided such restoreuon ur repair is economically feasible and the >ecunty of this Mortgage n <br />not thereby impaired. If such restoration ur repair is not econumtcallp feasible or rt the secunty of this Mortgage would <br />he impaired, the insurance proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured b}' this Mortgage, wuh the cu'ess, if am, paid <br />to Borrower. If the Pmpern' is :d+uuduncd by Borrower, or ii 13orrnwer fails [n respond to Lender wuhm 3U daps Innu she <br />date notce i, madcd by Lender to Borrower chat the insurance Darner alien m settle a claim for irotirance beuctits, Lender <br />is uuthonzed to collect and apply the insurance proceeds at LcnJer'z opuun either to restomuon of ropuir of the Property <br />ur to the sums ucured by this Mortgage. <br />lhdess Lender and Horrower otherwise agree in wnting, any such application of proceeds iu pnucipal ,hall nut extend <br />ur postpone the due dart of the monthly installments referred to m paragrtphs 1 and .hereof ur change the ,mount of <br />such installments. It under paragraph Ig hereof the Property is acyuied by Lender, all nght olio :tad interest of Harrower <br />in and w any unurance policies aad in :aid m the proceeds Ihemot resulting fain danr,+ge to the Properly prior to he ,alo• <br />or acyutsnion shall p»ss w Lender to the extent of the was secured by this Mongage nnmediateb' poor u. ,uch ,ale ur <br />ucquisif ion. <br />6. 1'resen'aHun amt 1laiatentmce of Property: 1-rasehalds: /.'undmniniums; Planned Vtdt Uevelopments, Borm•s cr <br />shall keep the Property in good repair and shall not commit caste or permn impairment or detcriorahun u( the Prudxny <br />and shall comply with the provisions ul any lease d chi, Mutigagu is on a lexsc6old. 1( thix Mongage ie cm a amt in a <br />condominium ur a planned unit development, Borrower ,hall pcrfonn all tit Burnwwt's obhgunans under the dert:u'xuan <br />ur covenants creating or governing the condominium or planned unn development [he by-laws and regulatiuu, of the <br />wndominium or planned unit development and constituent document,. I(a condominium or plamxd unn .kvrlol+nmm <br />rider is executed by Borrower and recorded together wnh [hu Mongage, the covenants tool agreements tit ,urh nJer <br />shall tax incorporate) min and shat! :uncnd anJ supplement the covenants :rod agreements tit this Mortgage as it the rider <br />were a part heron[. <br />7. Protection of Lender's Security. If Horrower fads- u+ perfoi~ ;the cmenauts uvd agreements contained in chi, <br />Mongage, or if ay action or proceeding a commenced which materially alfcds LenJm's interest in the P~ofxxrt}, <br />including, but nut limited to, eminent domain, iusokcucy, code enlomement. or :urmgements or proceedings involving a <br />bankrupt or decedent then Lender at Leader's opuun, upon notice u+ Horrower, may make such appearances, disburse xwh <br />sums and mke such action as is necessary to protect lender's interest including, hm nut limned u+, disbuncment nl <br />reasonable attorney's fees and entry upon the Properly to make rcp:urs. It Lender reyuired mortgage insurance a. <br />comiitiun u( making the loan secured by this Mortgage, Horrower shall pay the premiums reyuired to maintain such <br />itsurance in effect until such time as the requirement for such insurance eerminares in accordau~e w,[h Burr--,woe's told <br />