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t <br /> <br />s <br />i <br />~=~1f<<~~ut3 <br />GRAND ISLAND ABSTRACT COMPANY <br />BONGED ABSTRACTER <br />r[wwowc net-.eel - r. o. sox e[> - as w[sr [[coax [rwcaT <br />GRAND 19LAND. NEBRASKA <br />ABSTRACT OF TITLE <br />TO THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED REAL ESTATE SITUATED IN <br />HALL COUNTY. NEBRASPCA <br />A tract of land comprising part of the East Half of the <br />Southwest Quarter (E~,S;,~), Section Twenty~Siz (26), Township <br />Eleven (11) North, Range Ten (10) West of ,t he 6th P.M., Hall <br />County, Nebraska more particularly described as follows: <br />Commencing at a point on the north line of said E~1 St,~}, <br />nail ;;v_n_ ~rlr:g .:«ven Hundred Twenty and Eight-`ivR ?iundredths <br />(7X.85) feet west of the northeast corner of said E~ S',~}; <br />thence continui:.g westerly along and upon the north lizie of <br />said E~ SW} a distance of One Hundred Thirty-Three and Sixty- <br />five Hundredths (133.65) feet to a point on the southerly <br />Right-of-Way of the Union Pacific Railroad; thence southwesterly <br />along and upon the southerly Right-of-Way line of the Union <br />Pacific Railroad a distance of Five Hundred Forty-Five and <br />Eight Tenths (545.8) feet to a point on the west line of Bald <br />E~ S4Ft; thence southerly along and upon the west line of said <br />E+~ Si~f}~ a distance of Eighty-One and Siaty-four hundredths (81.64) <br />feet; thence northeasterly and parallel to the southerly line of <br />the TJn1an Pacific Railroad a distance of Seven Hundred Two and <br />11-100ths ft. to point of beginning, I acre more or leas. <br />