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<br />80- ,,,~,~~~ j MORTGAGE <br />Tffi9 rxnsNlTrne, made thta 9th my of September la $,~, by tma-btttwas <br />Michael J. Gal van and Marilyn J Gal van husband and wife_ each ;n h;c and hrar• ne,n ~,.,ts <br />of na 1 1 County. Netrreaka, 4 mortgagor_L, and Greed Island Ttvst Company of Gtend Ialaod, s t»rpmKioe <br />orpnized and emting under the laws of Nebradu with its prinopu otfax erd plate of hueiasee at Grand Inland, Nabreeka, m mattge0r <br />WITNE33ETH: That said tnottgagor S ,for mdin txmsidaratioa of the sum of <br />Twenty Five Thousand Two Hundred fifty dollars and 00 IO! Q w***'~y„IS 2~s,25Q:00: f. <br />the receipt of which i9 hereby ackmwledged, do _ by t6ex presents mortgage and wnm~t t!'h[oatdd motiglgMS(1tRaoseanots;iaod aadgaa, <br />forever, all the following described reef e&ate. situated in the County of ._ _..____. Ha ~ ~ .. . <br />and Stets of Nebraska, to-vrit: <br />LOT FOUR (41 GALVAN SUBDIVISION, IN THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, <br />HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA <br />Tapether with ell treating, nir conditioning, lighting, and plumbtttg oeluipment and tixturss, including acreena. awnings, storm wintiowa and <br />dwre, and window ehsdas or blinds, used on a in uonrrectinn with sad property. whether the name ore now lom[ed nn said property nc hereafter <br />glared thereon. <br />'7n HAVE ANU Tt) HOLD THE SAME. together with ell and singular the tgngmenta, hereditumenta end cppurreturraa therwrnta 6e. <br />iongrng, or in aoywian appertaining, forever, erd warrmt the tftlq to the acme. Ssd morgegor ~ hereby ~ rvenant with nerd <br />mortgagee that the .Y _ . a rf? , at the delivery berm(, the lawful owner 5. of [he premittro above conveyed nrrd doscrihe[l. <br />are will <br />a~ _. _ __ aeusd o(a goal end mdefeseible estate of inheri[mce therein. free and clear of all encumhrenrea, and that t _ hay <br />warrant and detend the title thereto torevgr egeirut the claims and dernanda of all persona whomsoever. <br />PHOVIDF,ll ALWAYS, and this inetrummt u executed and delivered [o secure the payment of the sum of __ .. ___.._ .. _.. _ _.. <br />Twe_n~ Five_Th4~sdn¢ Two. Hur~f'ed Fifty__dnLl~rs_aud_OU110ll-'Dttuerals .25,250-tlil_ __ ,. <br />with interest thereon, together with ouch chargm sod edvancee ae mry he due and peynble to said mortgagee under the tertna and conditions <br />of the preminmry note of even date harowith std .secrtred hereby, executed by eatd mortgagor _.._. S to acid mortgagee. peynble ua expr«ssevl <br />io acid note, erd to aatwe the psrfrarmaore of all the tarros and conditions rnntamnd therein. The [arms of nerd note ere hereby tmapure[M <br />6atain 6y [hie retxertee. <br />1 t is the iateotioa sad agreement of the partis hereto that thin mortgagq shall also aecuro any forum edvencra malt [o :rod mongsgor S. <br />by said [naR(tagee. and any and eU rndebtednms m addition m rho amount above stated whit!. arrd mortgegorn, nr any u( them, may owe iu <br />and mor[gagea, however avdmoed, whettwr by note, bmk account or otherwise. '1'hrs mortgage shall remsrn in full ronv and effect Iwtwern <br />the pttiian hereto and tMrr hwre, perwtul reptenmuuvna, auccesaore mtl asargna, anal all amounts sarurni hereunder. ua~ludrng iutatrc <br />advanreu, are pad in full wnh rntsreet. <br />Tlr raatgagor ...5 [asebY euargn to said mortgagee all ron[a and mcnma eriamg at any std ell [ante Imm aa,u pmtwrtr and <br />hereby authonm sad trnrtgages rc ru .gmt, at na upum, upon default. to cake charge of said pmPeny nrd rolltr[ dl rrnm end rta~um« <br />thaeattmr and .Pply ehs acme to CM WYramt of intsraat. Pnnctpal, msurarree promrums, taxm, aasawmmta, nyarua „ nnpnw«nwnta <br />naoeaaary to ktwP stud prttpaty u tsrrmtabM txroditim, tv to other chugee tw payments provided Tor twrom nr in the rote hwtu>y serureti. Thrs <br />rem aasignmmt shall tmtinue d force until tM unpakf Wlance n(sad rate ie fully Paid. The taking of poatwaewn hereurder shall i n iw rnrrr.. t <br />perm[ ur eatard sad mortgagr m the colltotion of eatd auara by ftrtecloauro a Mherwtee. <br />The future of the mortgagwe la aaaert my of rte rrghte hereunder et any time shall not t,n cnnntrued na u wtuvnr of ils right nr ann«rt t hr <br />acme at my Tatar time, end W ioaiet upon and enforce ntritt corsplianca with aU the forms and pmvisiona of yard note and of t htr rmrtgr4(e <br />If nsid rmrtgaaor 5 shall cause to be paid to acid rtrongagee the ent've amount dun ~t hereunder. and under the forma and pmvtanma <br />at said note hereby eatxued, including future advenrm, and any nxtennioas ur rerrwala the+mt in at»:ortlarrce with rho tavern and Ivovinams <br />therm!, sod it cud mortpger S. shall comply with all the pmvisiotw of seal note :red of thin mtutgsgr, then thane proaents shall Iw .oai. <br />otharwtas to rwmairr in f WI [roes sad a[taet. and said murtgagm ehaU 6e entitled to the posea+sion of all ut .said Property, and may. at its oPtron. <br />dsetaro the whole of said rota and a0 ittdahtadases repaesanted thereby to he imraedutely due and psyable, sod may foreclaae thin trongeg« <br />or take any other Iapl action to ptutxt its right. Appraisemeot waved. <br />This asoregees shall bs bmdmg upon sod shall more to the baneflt of the hgfre, nxecutora, sdmirtytretoro, auceeatvva stxi eseigna ,.f ! h« <br />taapactive parties beroto. <br />IN WITN ESFa WHEREOF, acid Mortgagor 5 he .VB-. htsserrnto net titr?iY' ham! S the day urd rear lint above <br />wntuar. 7 , <br />?~'~~-''-°' `f <br />Mi~yk el J. a~r~n `,~ <br />`~` -: <br />i~a Ivn J, lal!an <br />