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$O- ;si;4340 st•:N1:FT(Tnlzv <br />DEED OF TRUST nv(o F1NAN(Tn~ s~RVU•~s <br />INTERN.AT'I(3NAL, 1N('. <br />(iKnN)OKIti1: 309o~77r. <br />.. ,.,.. ...,. ,..,., a.,, ..... .,.,, .,.., ~ rrx.. <br />Hclmee -2lJZ'~-\ - ~ may, ~ ~?^,~ '•?est 2nd Street <br />Iyw ~a `C.:a•'est .:ort _ront, ^anfl' Tan:(, *'T' ! reel r(t!: s'. -s~ar:d ,NEBRASKA <br />AGRF tU RATP OF ('HARGE ON PROMISSORY NOTE t:XE('UTF.D ('ON('IiRRENTLY' HF:RhK'ITH: ?'E per month on that part of the unpaid balance uF <br />the Amount Pinanrrd nut exceeding EL0(y0: I s'i'p per month on any part thereof excceding f 1,000 but nut exceeding S5,(HIO; Y(a%per month on the remainder. <br />THIS DEED Oh TRUST, Made this 'C ~l_d~r on - ..- ` 19 ~ ,between ^+~f ^Pr,rn r---l n vD+~p; <br />hrrrinaRer caled TRUSTOR, whose address is_ - ;'eG ~ . : _ c `^a~_~ _~ and _=PJ "'++~ e <br />_ ^. o' ~D2L,,, ,hereinafter tilled TRIiSTIfh, whose address rsti''._",1~ 'rr^~z, _'j?4F ^ , ~r-,~,- yag~,~+ <br />rind kYCO FINANCIAL SERYIC'ES INTERNATIONAL. IN('., a Nebraska usrpuration, hereinafter called BF'NF.FICIARY, whose address is <br />WITNFSSETH: Thar Truster GRANTS. ('ONVEYS, SELLS AND H'ARR,\NTS TO TRUSTGE, IN TRUST, WITH POWER OF SALE, the iuilowing deuribrd <br />property, situa[ed in .._-._-._ _ Cusmty, Nebraska: <br />together wtsh all huildmgs and rmprnvemenrs now or hereafter err. red thereon and all ,. nlnKS. ,bodes •r sash anJ IusnJs, and hearing, Isghting, <br />plumbing, gas, electna•, ven[iIa«ng. refrrgrrasing and au-srondinoning eympmrnt used m ~¢neanun rhrrrw uh, all ,.rrtwhi. h. for me „f !his (teed of <br />Trust, shag be Arrmed lixmms and whyecl to the lien hereof. and the hrrrdilmnrnn and uppunenancrs !*rrtammK ¢: Ihr prtrprr» aMvr dra rihed. anA ail <br />strats, (arses, alley s. passages, ways, watrn, wafer courses, rights, lilsrr ors and Pnvslrges,. whalsr~uvrr rhrrrw rise (w•dongmg •+r In answrw apprnatmnK and Ihr <br />rcveruons and nmainden, alt ol" which a re.ferrcd «s hereinafter a.s the "premises''. <br />TO HAVE ANll TO HOLD thn alsovrdesrribed premises, with the appun<nannss and rixrun^s. unu, the aW lyrnef islary, its ar~a•ss~•n .cod ax ,, iorcver. !+ <br />the purposes and uses Narern wr iiuth. Erne from all rights xnd benefits under ,cod by ,Inu:a 1•f .ens Hnanr,IC.Itl f, rmpnon L,rwa •,r :hie ~uilc ,,, Veber sl ~: <br />which may hr rnacsrd, which sand rsghex and benefits the ,ard 'fmstor Jue, h<rek,y exi,rrsxly nI}cuw and waive. <br />9rusto I us sgnx I Brrsrl ieiay all renu, sasurs and pmiits ni rqW I rise c i s, ah nKls - seco w the t wren i tit -a i.:ny <br />pusMGSSton of the prrmisas, during cominuansr of default hereunder. and durfnK rantinuan+r ..I ash Urfisuk amhurir rng Hat r;¢up ru rmer upon sand <br />premises and Yoe a colter( sod enforce nc~ time without rcprd se adryaacy of s:ny rs:cursL fare qse tltplrh+.<dnesa !trreAar' srcutrxE hp an) taw fui means mcludiny <br />appomtmrnr of n+ senor rss the name of tiny party here tu, and a.:apply the sa e Irsv sosrs and rafcrn+r, •t iq,rraw n+ rent ::: Jlmnun. un:Iudmg nasuna hln <br />attorrrcv's ices, upon any indebtedness ,ecurrd hereby, m such order as Hrm•ria sanmma\ drtrrnunr <br />FOR THE PURPOSE Uh SECURING 111 Penoimancr .d rash .rgrernicm ,d fnrstor .onlameJ nere~n. r Y.,y::;rnr a 'h, pnnop,J rub <br />interest, as provided m e cordance wmh the corms and Pnrvrmms of , Prumtsa,q 'Jute L,:an aKn•enums-:!trumal err reR•nvd :,~ .n 'pnanl..on <br />nose"I dated ~(~ ,_..,___.__ _. _________. hrrrw trh esa, ulrJ h, Irusror .scot pa\ahlr :o the <br />order W Beneticury, In the pnncrpa! sum .J f_.._...~_.-_, and having the Jate or Itr tenor pay lens .fur ,n.__-,,.-~__ _ ,_ -__ __ <br />extended, deterred „ reu~hrduleJ M renewal ,+ rrlinamr, Ill Fe\mrm .,t , aJAstlonai aJ+ansr,. +s:th In I,•rc,i <br />tharcon. es may hurafter brr tuarsed by Bertefiaury I,r~ Trusser i maximum s of 3'.171m.00 wsthus Ili , Iron: nc~ Jar< ,~t ~Inr Iyr<J ,~i <br />Trust: 111 'fhn paY merit of any m ne> chat n r M sdvancrd y+v the Brnrrrrrarr to frusrur cur a ,. to eh,rJ car «a•,. wuh :n lrrv,I ;br <br />amnunta are adrans:mi so prutr<s the vrronry s. r m a snJancr wuA the ,- rrnann of this Drrd ,a I ru,r. r <, 4nr ~, mwd, rrnnam me „r , \n nw n .a ..ud <br />promrsxsrY norr, nr any usher agrcemrnr ro pay whirhs may br suhr«su reel Ihrrrfor. <br />All pa>mrnts made by Iru+sur tin the oMy;e«on ,r, tired by thr+ Drrd ~,r l cost ,hull lh applrrJ .n the r,:u ~,w mr ~~uv• <br />FIRST. To the paY mem ul rams amt a tessmenlx that nay Ire leveed anA ssx cart agamss wd prcnusr,. ,m.t. ar..c pre:^.ru:ns. ~. i'au,, ,nJ a0 o~hrr ,h.u.c. <br />and exf+rnses agreed to tse yard by the `rustur <br />SEf ONU~ "fn the payment or mreren Asst on msJ loan. <br />'THIRD: Tu the paymec: of Prsnclpal <br />70 pRO7F:(`f 'fHE SEC'URITV t#HRhuF, fRUStORSy [~oVLNANTS AND AGRPF& sll m Aaep wiJ tnnnrw, n u,-J ~ ., -~ ,n.l .. <br />haxardx, cawaltY arW rnnlrngens:tes up to the lull value of all Improvementr tut the protr.«un of Bcnrlraur'. .. ,u. 1, n, ~ ~ ,nJ ~~..~: <br />c mppames as Bennc~iary may from rime Io rime appns a and the( loss pruarrJs rlrss r.xpense .,s .olle.l+onr ,hall. ,t Rrnelr.~un~. ~{•'.~ , ,nni~c.l .s ,~rJ <br />indebsednru, whether due nr nut , r so Ihr res«,unon Vn usA scot+nu-rnyrnts. by evrm ,d has Inn«v wall c ,rdarc n ~,rd ~I µ~~, l:. hvn, <br />who may make prswl tit loss tl nut Triode prompH> by lemon, and each m urann• :unspem a neJ r, ha•rrbre ui no,~vru aria ~wv gal ,::as. <br />such lost direrUy to the H<netlcury' mural of to the )ru+b•r 1't L, pay all laves anJ ,petal re rni. ,~ , send m.; ~ „ .,a~d~~.. <br />assessed upon said promises, and w delivery «, Berwtiuaq, upon rryurst ul Ihr Hrne(ta tan. Iha•asrrtrota , „~mr _h:~„rr.r r+, "~: n~, ,.. , n,l <br />asussments. 131 In the event of Jef.uis hY fnrssor under Paragraphs i nM+ve. He-nri icwn.., - ~,f•u.,n . rra.a r.-!• .,„~n -: ., ., ., <br />prowled Im in terse throughout the h1e of rho U«J .,t 1 ruse anJ y th - - - r 11 1 r i ^I" ~ W 1 - - t 1 <br />n tin ai r il. I nra ~~ r r +-..., , ' <br />without determining the vaisdilY thereof amt tai Psy wch sw s amt a~lasmh Jishursa nsl.m -hall tw• 1 , I ar a. s+ •. " <br />Trutt and shall be imnsedutel due mi <br />y a pay ably by Truss t N ^I rs at\ IJI to seep rhs hudJtns, ,nJ I ~ I -. ~ ~ . i~ , <br />aa'reJ N good cundiuun and repau, not to ,mnw or suer ny ~ ssr ~a any use ,d satd perm untr u\ t„ 1 1 <br />to permit Baneficury to corm as all rnasorubk times roc tha Pu riarae ul mvpex sing the premise, tow «, « r Jun. lid , s u hiun hu, r , <br />prompHy and in a good and workmantikr manner any holdings whrch may he damaged sir destroyed thereon, and 'o par, when Jue. .sit .-lam,s t,~: ,a'~r<„~ <br />performed end materials lurnishrd theretur, s51 That hr wrH pay'. pnnnpHy nc~ rndrhteJnr,s ra urv,l h, ,, l„ ~o,I 1`"~~„~,,, ,::: ~I~,: "::...-~ .,. ." <br />umpliance with the terms ul usd PromisuirY Nute and thn IJeEd of 1'rusl. 16t flea( ihr cone ~~1 pa\mroi .,i ~n, ~:,,Irr:,•Jo, .. ~~ ~ ...,. ~ .. <br />porsion thereof, may tse extended a renewed, and any pornons of she prrnuws harm de,.rifxri i s~h„ui 1•,- rla.r.a,i `., ~ ,~ <br />without releasing sir aliening the penunal liabdisy of tiny peuon m the priority of Ihss Deed .,t Innt 1'1 liar nr~mw• uncn+ ":. ,, +.,i ra.. „•,I ., n. <br />turcva defend the title and pususuon thereof against the lawful storms of any and all frerums whatroesrr <br />!T IS Nlfl•UALLY AGREED iNAT: <br />(ly Should Ttnster fail to make any paYmnnt sir do xnY acs ac hereto pnwWed, , sf any ... uun , s pro r<Jm. r ed olio ii ~ r.,rcnads an„~~. <br />Bennfsrgry'r interest in the Premises, then BerreliciruY sr Trustee, but wathuut o6liga nun to Jr, , anJ ,rnhoul ~, ~ ,~`Jrn i.inJ ~rp~~n liu.r": ,. <br />without rdeasang Twtor Ymm any obligation hereunder, may make sir do thr sa r, anal may pay. pmchuse, , nur,I ~ ngrt, in bran.,, .lu a <br />or lien, whrch in she judgment of either appears «+ affect cord prupeny: and in exercising any wch I,owrrs, in tin hehdu\ .mJ rxprnJ who n•u•r r con „ <br />the abwWte discresiun of Banefieury sir Trustee either may dorm ryecrswrY therelur. All scans so IncuveJcss wnJaJ Py &me n: ass , • torsi, ~rl~.b dl la_ <br />without demand immediately due and payable by Truster. shall bear in krrss at the highest rate penmurJ bs law. ~uW Js.dl Ire raaun'd hr n•I:s <br />tJl shwld the Premraas sir any Part rhercof 6r taken by reason of any condrmna',son pro,crdmK. lienen. ors ds.J! Iu• rn!1!IeJ !,• .II ;,,n:I,an.e~r,-.~~ a„.,:,I~ <br />and other payments thnmfar, and m apply she same an the indebtedrsess secured hereby <br />tJl BY accepting paY merit of any sum hereby secured after its due dose, o tiler the tiling tit n ~I J~'laulr .inJ „ ,. .. ~ Ir, o, i„r,,. - <br />waive ns nghr so require prompt paYmant when due ui all usher sums w secured. „ > declare deruuh nn Luiurc „ ~~ p,r°irr ,a,l s <br />L,. . <br />eny such ounce ul dafuult and of elnettun su sell. for any unPmd balan of surd indebtedness. II .m :.I , u, ,ram `~hhua n~,n <br />sewrcd hereby, a may ,mlorce she sale therusf at its upnon, nisher he«nvs, mrrm porane, gush wuh. "~ ,u,. ~m ,,dc ~. ~, ,,I~~I~„:, ,i ~.I r <br />za ~oare INlV. ~-ao <br />