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80- ~cj~s31 <br />prior to entn' of a judgment enforcing this Mortgage if: (a) Borrower pays Lender alt sums which would 6e then due under <br />this Mortgage. the Note and pates securing Future Advances. if any, had no acceleration occurred: (bl Borrower cure all <br />breaches of any other covenants or agreements of Borrower contained in this Mortgage. (c) Borrower pays all reasonable <br />expenses iacurred by Lender in enforcing the covenants and agreements cf Borrower contained is this Mortgage and in <br />enforcing Lender s remedies as provided in paragraph 18 hereoL including, but not limited to. reasonable attarney's fees; and <br />(dl Borrower takes such action as Lender map reasonabh• require to assure that the lien of this Mortgage, Lender's iattrest <br />in the Property acid Borrower's obligation to pay the sums sesurcd by this Mortgage shall continue unimpaired. Upon such <br />payment and cure by Borrower, this Mortgage and the obligations secured hereb}• shall remain in full force and effect as if <br />no acceleration had Decocted. <br />20. Assignment of Renls; Appointment of Receiver, Lender N Possession. As additional security hereunder, Borrower <br />hercbp assigns to Lender the repo of the Propert}•, provided that Borrower shall, prior tD acceleration under paragraph IS <br />hetxof or abandonment of the Property, have the right to collect and retain such rents az they become due and paya63e. <br />Upon acceleration under paragraph I S hereof or abandonment of the Property, Lender, in person, by -agent or by <br />judiciaity appainted receiver, shall be entitled to enter upon, take possession of and manage the Property and to collect the <br />rents of the Property, including those past due. All rents collected by Lender or the rcttiver shall be applied Htst to payment <br />of the costs of management of the Property and collection of rents, including, but not limited to, reteivers fees, premiums on <br />receiver's bonds and reasonable attorneys ftts, and then to the sums secured by this Mortgage. Lender and the receiver <br />shall be liable to acoount only for those rents actually received. <br />21. Futnre Advances. Upon rogues[ of Borrower Lender, at Lender's option prior to release of this Mortgage. may <br />make Future Advances t~ Borrower. Such Future Advances, with interest thereon, shall be secured by this Mortgage when <br />evidenced by promissory notes stating that said notes are ucurcd hercby.,,At nD time shall the principal amount of the <br />indeb[edness secured by this Mortgage. not includiog sums advanced in accordance herewith to protcd the security of this <br />Mortgage, exceed the original amount of the Note plus -USS.. ,2 r~,.QQ.pp.'„ , , , „ ~ ' <br />22, Rehase. Upon payment of all sums secured 6y this Mgrtgage... Louder shall discharge'~this Mortgage without <br />charge to Borrower. Borrower shall pay all costs of recordation, if any. <br />IM WITNESS WAEREOF, Borrower has executed this Mortgfige <br />j/'i~'r <br />.... / us.Lk ... ... ....... <br />Gerald E. Gard: -°°"°"" <br />i-< -~ k-, <br />Betty ~ J, Gard! ~0^Owar <br />STATE OF NEBRASIU, ...HALL ...................................County sa: <br />On this......T.jj/ of...~eptember _ , , „ 19. ~~., before me, the tmdarsigned. a Natarv Public <br />duly commissioned and gtrali5ed for said count}•, personally came, .Gerald ~..rard, atttf..iietty .J.. Gard .. . <br />husi;and .and wife , , . , . , „ to me known to be the <br />identical prson(s} whose names} arc subscribed to the furCgoing instrument and acknowledged tine execution <br />thveof m be .... ri=te ~#"....... voluntary act and deed. <br />Witt~s my hand cad notaria3 sea[ nt, ...Yt'Bns3..i,~l~g4 ......... . Said', ctrunty, the <br />data aforsaaid. <br />i 'on 'rear r/(~(y. ~~ i A~ , f ,~ ~ ~ ,/~f <br />wwnrwrr-wra~M.W ~ ..~=!',cf~ti2CcG; ~Cr'.X,.~t~.~z~;• ... .......... <br />111aaMgf.~~~ t+esarr Wnik <br />aN{laataa4.~~tM <br />;anarfl tM1aM ihlr IItN aaaarwa ~t# LaaQaf arw lM6prtla/1 <br />