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80-tail f~28 <br />MORTGAGE <br />MORTGAGE LOAN NO. L Z3,J63 <br />KNOW A[.L MEN RY THESE PRESENTS: That Keith A. Phelps and Konnie K. Phelps, each in his and <br />her own right, and as spouse of each other <br />Mortgagor, whether aoe or room, io coaadention of the Wm of <br />Thirty-four Thousand Four Hundred and No/100------------------------------ - ppL~g~ <br />baacd to said mortgagor 6y The Equitable Budding and Lunn Association of Grand Island, Nebraska, Mortgagx, upon 344 slutea ~ tttnrdt of <br />said ASSIX'lATION, Cep®te No. L 23,783 , do hereby grant, convey and mortgage unto the acid ASSOCIATION the fo6oamg <br />described real estate, situated in Nall County, Nebraska: <br />LOTS NINE (g) AND TEN (10), IN BLOCK ELEVEN (11) <br />IN GILBERT'S ADDITION TO THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, <br />HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br />together with all [ht tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto bebng,ng, including attached ^asr waerings, all window screens, <br />window shades, blinds, storm windows, awnings, heating, air wnditionmg, and plumbing and water equipment and aCaxsnsries thereto, puralq, stnva, <br />refrigerators, and other futures and equipment new ur hereafttt attached to ur used in connection with said real estate. <br />And whereas the aid mortgagor has agreed and does hereby agree that the mortgagor shall rind wiH pay aH taxes and ammnenls levied or <br />asmaed upon aid premises and upon this rnortgagt and the band secured therehv 6efure the amt shall become delinyuen[; to Cmnidt approved <br />insurance upon the buldurgs on aid prrmims attested in the sum of S 34 , 4DD. DO payable m said ASSOCIATION and [o deliver to aid <br />ASSIX'IATION the policies for aid insmana; and not to aimrnit or permit any waste on ar about slid prtmims; <br />in ,xaa ai default in the performance of any of she mrmx and conditions of thix rtwetgsge or the bond secured hereby, tht trwrtgagee shall, <br />an demand, be entitled to imnsedute pussessson of the mortgaged premises and the naartgagar hereby assitpts, transfers and sets aver to the <br />mortgagee cell the rents, revenues and incrrnm m he derived from the mortgaged premises during such time as the mortgage indebtednea shall rcrrtain <br />unpaid; and the rtnntgagee shall rove the pawtr u, apprsml any agent ur agents it nwy desist fur the purpose of mpatrhsg aid pmrttaes and renting <br />the ame and rxslkuting the mots, revenues and inmtm, and it may pay ow of said income all tzpentea of rcpavtng aid pmmims and naoesary <br />eommiesicros and expenses incurred in renting end rttauaging the ,amt and of coHectirtg rcatals rltertiium: the balance rctratning, a` any, to <br />apBlitd toward the disthsrgc of aid murtgege indebtedness; these rights of the rrturtgaget nay bt exeraaeJ at anY time during the exigrnrx of web <br />de assts, uresptetrvt of any Itmptarary srairer of the aart~. <br />'These Premntx, huwtver, art uprrn the Condition, Thal rl'thc std Mortgagor shall rcfWy Gard !s+ur un ur before the maturity of ad shares by <br />fWYasa,<nt; pay rr,aathty to out ASSt1C1ATii3N of the sum specified rn the Bernd secured IrCrehy as interest and prsntrpel oil aid Iwo, on ae before <br />tlss ltirentxhday of tack sad every rsaaath, ttetul said lean a 1'aHy patd; pay aU taxes and asatssnrents levied xgamst said premtsta amt ou this MarigyTa <br />and Iht &md secured themby, before delinquency; furnish approved insurance uprm the buildings themua m the xttm of S 34, 4 DD. DD payable <br />to std ASSOla AT10N; repay to said ASSIXIIATION upon demand all money by rt paid for such lazes, asmaunenu and inswana with mierast ai <br />the maximum legal rate thereon tram date of payment all vl' whreh Mortgagor hereby ayeas to pay, permit rice waste un seed prmniaes: keep and wmply <br />with all the agrmmcnls and conditbns of the &ntd for; 34, 4DD. DD thn day given by the aid Mortgagor to ad ASS(ll'IA'fION, and vnmply <br />with all the requtrernenu of the Cunatitutrun and Hy-taws nC aid ASSOCIATION; then these premntx shall becortw null and wad, uthtrwiae they <br />shall remain m full fora and rruy be fbrtcMaed at the option of the aid AS,SC1taATtON afrnr fadurs foe thmt months to make any ui •md <br />payments m be three mumhx in arrearx rn rrakmg aid monthly pnpnemx, or to keep and comply wiN the agreements and conddions of satd Hand, <br />and Mortgagor agrees lu love a rneiver xpprinted furthwtlh m xuch lorecloxwe pruceedutgs. <br />II' there b any change of nwnerah:o of the real estate mamgaged harem, by sale ur otherwiat, then the entire renaming indebtedttea hereby <br />socurad dtaH, at the upkiun of The Equitable Bulldogs and l.wn Asaucutwn of (:rand laland,Nebrasks, hawrne itnntediately dot and payable without <br />ftuthar nester, and the atmunt remaining due under std bond, and any other frond tot any addihonal advanax dude thereunder, dull, Irum thr <br />date of exercixe of said opthan, bear interest at the maximum legal rata, and this rnorigage may than be furectamd w atisfy she amount due un sod <br />Mend, and rosy ulster Msnd fur additbmil auivuttes, together with all vents paid by aid 'fhe Equuabk HuiWing and l.uan Aswciatiun of Grud Island, <br />Nebraska for inswance, taxos and aaacaatmntx, and abstracting exlnnsion charge, with interest thriven, from date of paynnnt m the maximum <br />legal rate. <br />A; provided in else Hand securW hereby, while thu tmutgagt mrnain: m elTect the tmutgagce riuty hercilter advance additional sumx to the <br />millers ut said &md, thav aagMts ur atta~aaarc m intamst, which suns ahull 6n within the xecmHy of this rsturtgaKe the xanw ax the funds urrysutly <br />secured ehemby, rho rota{ anaunt of printipil debt m,t lu txctrod at any time the original amount ul'thu mortgage. <br />))ued tm: 4th rl,y of September A. n., ly 30 <br />!1 <br />Kelt~~he~lp~`~`~ r` ___._ ._ <br />r.~-4~ _ <br />Konn a K, Phelps - <br />STATE OF NPBRASKA. ~ a. on Ihu 9th day ar September 1,a 80 . befute era, <br />COUNTY pF HALL <br />the undersigned, a Notary Public m and ti,r seal CauntY. peerisnat{y GLala <br />Keith A. Phelps and Konnie K, Phelps, each in his and her own right and as spouse t)f each <br />other wfi" are parwnally known to <br />me to bit the iekntirad perwn S whom names are al'nzed to the about inskament~ mortgagor S and they semrally <br />ga their y <br />adtnowkd d the said instrument to be wlunur act and died. ~ - i ~ `~ <br />VgITNGSS my hand and Nuterial Seal the date afortaaut. ~ "'~~ ~'(' <br />My Comrnisaion exp"vex ' "~ ~ -,~ \ <br />Notary Public <br />tamaar Rt <br />r,~ J, / -~ ~ ,,y ~~~~ ~CENFRAL NpiaRV ~ Sme at Nelraaia <br />t JAME6'N. OLSON <br />~!"~ My Gm~a. face. Nor. t2. 1l17 <br />