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~0--~ ii u 9 2 3 <br />MORTGAGE <br />MORTGAGE, LOAN NO. L Z3,JH2 <br />ILFIIOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That Roger W. Zobel and Bernice I. Zobel, each in his and <br />her own right, and as spouse of each other <br />Mortgagor, whetltet one or more, in mruidwatiort d tiro nrm d <br />Thirty-five Thousand Five Hundred and No! 00---------- -------------- -DOLLARS <br />---- -355 ----- <br />baned to said mortgagor by The Equitable Btsndurg sml Lunn Association of Grand Island, Nebraska, Mortgagee, trpsn altvea of atodc of <br />acid ASSOCIATION, CMirrate No. L 23 , )B2 , do hereby grant, convey and monyge ones the said ASSOCIA110N the fo8owing <br />dexsibW real state, sittnted in Hall County, Nebnaka; <br />LOT THREE (3) IN BLOCK FOUR (4) IN CLAUSSEN <br />COUNTRY VIEW ADDITION TO THE CITY OF GRAND <br />ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br />together with all the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging, including attached Bour Coverirlgf, all window sc+eens, <br />window shades, blinds, storm windows, awnings, heating, au a>nditioning, and plumbing and water equipment and actsesawis thereto, pumpa,Aisvu, <br />rcfrigerawrs, and other Ptxtwes and equipment now or hereafter attached to or uxd m connection with said mat estate. <br />AnJ whereas the aid mortgagor has agreed and dots hereby agree that the rmtrtgagor shall and win pay all fazes and asaemanents levied ur <br />aastssed uprm said promises ami upon this mortgage and the Mm1 x vred thercb fxfure the saute Shan become delinquent; to twniait approw:d <br />inxwartcc upon the buildings on toed premrxs vtuatnt in the sum of S 35 , SDD. ~D payable to said ASSOCIATION snit to sanest to aei <br />ASSOCIgTION the psncies for scut insrrance: and nn! to ixammil nr permit any wore un ur about atul premixs; <br />In ~ of defaWt in the perhnmance of any u(thc terms and amdnions of tMs uturtgage ur the bond secweil htrebY, the mortgagee stun, <br />un denunJ, 6e entiUed to immediate pusxsvon of the rrwrigagcd prrmrses soil the rmotgagor hereby assigns, transfers and seu over to the <br />rnortgagec ail the rents, revenues and income to br derived from the Imxtgagrd ptemixs swing such time as the mungage imleb[edness stun remain <br />unpaid; and the mortgagee short have the piswcl to apprunl any agent or agents it may Jrnre fur the purpose at rapautrtg card prcmtaa arW renting <br />the same and collecting the rents, trventirs and incznrr, and i[ maY toy uui of sa;d income aft rzpensrs of repairtrtg soul premises and necessary <br />sxmmusiixis and expenses incurred m mnhng ar.d nwrtag_irtg the mete and uY calkcung mntats therefrom: the L+alance renuiautg, if any, to 6e <br />apptird inward the discharge of said trtortgage uxl€btedm€s; thex rights ul the n!.rtga(~ may 1>< exercasr*1 ai anp lithe Jwirsg try ezsgtanrr of scale <br />default, ierespnlivc of any tempinary waiter ui the same. <br />'fhesr Prexms, Mtwever, arc upon the ('urniiitun, ~fhai d' the tats Mortgagin Shan repay sail kart an ur brfnse the maturity Uf said shares by <br />payment; pay rrtunthty to taxi AS.'.'OCIATlt3N of ihr win spnctCtrd m the (sand aecwcd tterrby as mtrmst sad ptmcspal un tats lust, un ut baforr <br />the 'Cwentuthsay of each and every vnuttth, outs said luax is luny paid; pay all taxis and axsrsvrtwnts levied agaisut said premises and un the Mortgage <br />and tree Bond soured thereby, bcium Jelmyurncy; (wmilt approved inwramz upim raw buildings thereon w the wet ut S35 , 50D. DO payable <br />In uW ASSOCIATION; repay w sand ASSOCIATION upwt Jarrund all rtwrwy by it paid for auh rases, aaseaarwnts and uuwutca with inroroat at <br />the maxrmum legal rate theram from dart ut payrron{ all of which Mortgagor hereby agrees to pay; permit nu waste on mid prerttiaes; keep srW asmply <br />with all the agreemems and wrulamnx of ihr Bunt fur S 35, SDD. DDthia day givrn by the mid Mortgagor to said ASSOI'IA'fl()N, and wmply <br />with all ihr requiroments of tru Comtitunnn and BY•Lawa of said ASSO(IATION; than thex prcxnts shun hrcutm nub and volt, utherwtx they <br />shall rcrrvun in tun fcnix uid tray be liuecrnxd at Ihr uplwn o(thr sail ASSO('IAl1UN after failure fin three months to nuke any of wd <br />pavmeuts ur be then Itnmths m arrears •n making uid tmrmhly paynronts, or to krap and comply wnh ihr agrremcnrs and condiuuns u! mid &ntd; <br />uid Mortgagor agars to have a mcrnrr appnmeil funhwith in wch i'ureclosurn proceedmga. <br />tl there is any change N ownership of [he real eaute nturtgalSGd herein, by sale ur ultwrwttr, ttwn the entire mnuuning tndebtedrtexa hereby <br />tlecwed slWl, at the optiim of The Equitable Budding and testae Amocntmn o((:rand Island. Nshraeka,lx vrrw immrdulrry due and payable wilMwt <br />htrihet riutiix, n+a ihr ar:asustt mmaining due udder said bond, and 'shy other bond for any aiWihunal advances made tMmwukr, than, fwm the <br />Jate ul' ezrrpx of sssui option, bear interest a1 itce ttuzimum legal role, and this mortgage troy then be Ibuduxd to satisfy the arrtuunt due oa said <br />Mind, and any other Iwnd for additiurud advoncrs, ingather with all sums lord by sod 'lies I?quitabk Budding arwl l.uan Assucutwn of (;rand lalartd, <br />Nebraska (ar imutanix, lams and rarrssnxnu, and absuacnng ratensun charges, with intrtosl ihetaun, from dart ui paynsent at the rruxtmunt <br />legal cote, <br />As parvided m ihr Bond stewed tterrhy, while this mortgage mrnams in effect the ttturtgagrr nup ftmeat{ar advanceY addituntal tutu to the <br />trrakeu rat said &rml, trteu asgtu m stxs:nsaun w intarest, whkh sums shoe be wtthut tha xcwrly nl' this rnortgge the suite u the funds iuiginally <br />aecurad thereby, the rata! arrsuunl of principal debt mst W rxs:eil at anY torso the urigirul atrount of thu rnurtgage. <br />Daub. w 9th day in ~ September q. n., ty BO <br />U ~ O e - , <br />t-- <br />6ernice 1. ZobeT ~~„ <br />S?A PE Ur NEBttASXA, a. 6n this p <br />4th dar nr Se tetnber re tS0 , 6efurc me, <br />couNTV op nAl.t. <br />ihr untkrsigrwd, a Nntary Fgtblic in and t'm said L'uunty, personally canes <br />Roger W. Zobel and Bernice I. Zobel, each in his and her own right, and as spouse of each <br />Other who ar,e parwmtBy known to <br />rue to be the identiml parson 5 wrx,se name S d re afY'izcd to Ute aMsrr insitwtumt as Irwrt~igisl 5 arts tf ieY severany <br />adrnuwkiiged rtes said utslrurtwnl w 6c their voluntary act and decd. ~ - J <br />wITNFSS mY hxnd wsd N treat tieai ihr Oat. afurrsaia- - <br />MY Camtniyaurn export ~ ,vL ~ , ~ }`~ ~ , " <br />afgt~, '1 1%i 31 1- - 944I.rl3 i ~#- _--_~.~ ,_._ <~- <br />10.faTMgl ®® .lUY A,~±. '~:.I.ri i ~ Npt~~;. <br />MY fumm. Lau ~Suvi.L1981 ' ' <br />