<br />80-- ii fJ ~ ~~' 1
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<br />17th mottgase made and entered into the a 'day of ~'
<br />19 ~ ,by snd between Gerald E. and Sharlene I. Riess, husband and wife,
<br />(hereinafter refereed to u mortgasor) and the Administrator of the Small Boaiaer A.dtttiniatratiao, an a~q of the
<br />Government of the United States of America (heroinafter referred to e• mortgagee). who maiertaias an edlsoe~and
<br />pbtesef6uaisarat Empire State Building, I9th and Farnam Streets, Omaha, Nebraska'68102.
<br />Arrnsasarit, thrt for the onasideratim heraiaaftar stated, receipt of whie6 u hereby aaEoawladepd,..tle
<br />taoetgagor doer heeeby mortgage, sell, Brant. assigrt, and convey unto the moetgagee, his aaeoesearv and aup~as, all
<br />of the folbwing described pt+operty sitwted and being in she Cottnty of Hall
<br />State of Nebraska.
<br />Lot Eight (8) and Lot Ten (10), in Block Six (6), in College
<br />addition to West Lawn, in the City of Grand Island, Hall County,
<br />Nebraska.
<br />Taµrthsr wltb and inetuding all buildingn, all 6xture» inrludlnµ but nut lintitrd to x11 plumbinµ, htwtinµ, liµht•
<br />iMt. vrntllatinµ, rrfeiµr retina, inrinrratinµ, air eewditioninµ apparmu*, and rlrvroh,r+ (thr murtµaµor hereby
<br />derlarioµ that it is intrude+i thnt the itrtn~ herein rnuntrratrsl .hall la• deemed to have 6ren permanently in•
<br />.taHrd an part of the realty ),and all imprnvrnrrnt+ ttu+. ~r ltrrnafter r~i•tins; thereon: the hrreditament+. and
<br />appuretrnatter» And aN odter eiµhtn thereunto belunglnpt, ur in anywr.r appartaiairta, and the rovenian rnl re•
<br />venionn, rvmaiudrr and remainder,, all right„ of reslrntptiun, and the rcnt., inrue., and pn,fitr .d' the alutve
<br />deeeeittetl propeety (provided, however, that the tnurtµuk+sr ~hstll !a• rntiUrd to tfir po,«eYnion +.t' .ai.1 l+rnprrtt
<br />and ter txdl«t•t seat nfatn the rwni., is,+tx+, and prwlits unit default heranadrrl. 'Fn have end to held the name
<br />unto-!ht ntortre and the ntteee~etrn bt intere»f of the mortµaµee forrcer in fee =imply nr +ttet: saber eatiite.
<br />it any, as is rtatrd herelm
<br />1'b• taortgrgor eovsgttttL that ha i• lawfnlly seised and passetsed o[ end has the risltt a arH and cimvey aid
<br />property; that ths~ ame G free tram d} ettetrmbranes eaaept a hereinabove trx:ited; and that he betroby buds
<br />himself and his suevrosson is interest to warrant rad defend the title sfure.aid therew and every part thereof against
<br />the daitea of all penotr whtansoerar.
<br />.~-
<br />' This instrument is given to 9erure the paymtmt of r promiswry nets da~trd
<br />inthn peiaeiprl sum.of i 29,SOO.OO .sigttsad by Gerald E. and Sharlene I. Riese, Husband and .
<br />iohrb»ttFlt themselves. wife
<br />ssi Pass •arY 1 YTbi ens+ea, i31Yaa, ,n ulwNa.
<br />