<br />H®'° U C '~ 9 I B MORTGAGE
<br />This Mortgage is entered into between LARftY L. EVIItS , a single T)erson
<br />- - -(herein"Martgagor,':)and .. -
<br />- --Mortgagor is indebted to Mortgagee in the pdncipal. sum of $ 10 000.00- , evidenced,by;Mbrtgago2s•riote -
<br />- - dated 9-5-80 (herein "Note") providing for payments df peincipai and interest, with-the lrtflsnxa:o[ tEte ..-
<br />indebtedness, it not sooner paid, due and payable on X1-81.
<br />' To secure the payment of the Note, with interest as-prodded therein, the paymedE oCa1T-other sums witfi~lgtereat,
<br />'advanced by Mortgagee to protect the security of this Mortgage, and the performance qt the covenadts~tiridtag!'eet7Mnk oC -
<br />' - the Mortgagor contained herein, Mortgagor does hereby mortgage and convey to Mortgagee the foNowingdesetibed -
<br />property located in FIRM -~ County, Nebraska:
<br />A tract of land ootnprising a part of the Southwest tduarter of. the _
<br />Southeast Quarter (S4>~SE}) of Section ;Thirteen (13), lbwnshig
<br />IIeven (11) North, Range 2dine' (9), West of ',itijle 6th P.M.; in A611-
<br />County, Nebraska., rrore particularly,described on the attached II
<br />I~cttibit +'A+•
<br />I
<br />i ii
<br />i
<br />i
<br />I ~
<br />I ~ ~ ~i
<br />Togvthrr with all buildings, imprgvements, fixtures, streets, alleys, passageways, casements, rigb4s, pr}vilegea and
<br />appurtenances located thereon or in anywise pertaining therntq, and the rents issues and profits, reversions and remainders
<br />thereof; including, but not limited tu, heating and enuring equipmem and such personal property that is attached to the
<br />improvements sq as to cunstitutr a fixture; all of which, including repiq+:ements and additions thereto, is hereby declared
<br />to bq a part of the real relate tiecured 6y the lien of this Murtgagr and all of the furegging loving referred Ea hereto as the
<br />,•Property".
<br />Mart~agor frt. 'brr convenan4s and agrat,s, with Mortgagou, a>, fnjluws;
<br />!. Payment. 7'a pay the indrtrtrdnrss and the ~ntrre,t ebrnaon {+s pr=itl+drd in this Mangagr and for Nota.
<br />~. `line. Mortgagor is the owner of [he Prnprrty. ha. the right and autbnnty to mortgage the Property, and
<br />warrants that the lien created hereby is a first and pour lien oa :hr Property, oxorpt as may otherw+ar br se[ forth herein.
<br />J Tt+r Property is sub7eet to a 6/urtgagr wherein _ _. _. _. _.._~.._~
<br />is the Mortgages, rec+rrdrd at Book __. _--_- .Page - of lh+• Murtgagr Havards of ...._..__ _ ......_.__ County,
<br />Nebnska, which Mortgage is a lien prior ter the lieu rreatrd hsndty.
<br />CI ikher pour liens qr aneumbnnec+: ......._. _....f-.~.
<br />J. 'Perna, Aweasments. 'I'o pay whru due x11 laxr,, slt.•ciul aasrsxmrnts and nll uthrr charges against lhr Property
<br />and, up+m wntUm demand 4y Mortgages, w add to the pay'menty reyu+red under lbr Nuu• xscurvd bsee4y, such amount as
<br />may be aatflcirnt to ritabir the Murtgagrr to pay .rush taxi+, annnsamints or other ohargr> as they tr+•romr due.
<br />4. insurance. 'I'u keep the ugpr+•;utnrnts nuw ur herraflur l+xatrd on the real refers dsscnbrd b~rnan msurrd
<br />agalttat dantags 4y fire and such Other hazards up M1lurtgager may' require, in amounts and with companies acc+*ptahlr to the
<br />Mortgages, and with luM payabis to the Mortgagrr. to cun+~ of io+a under xuch pullet+x ihr Mon~grn is authad[~d to
<br />adlwt, Urdlsel and rampromira~, In It dlsrrektuu, all ria+mv thrrrl+ndrr at lie Cdr upuon, uuthuri[rd la+•itn,.r apply t@v
<br />pnrk~tts tq tlkr tesWratlon of the tktt{ritty ar oyes the indehtsdnrt, sound hereby. but payments herruud+•r ahull run-
<br />Urtue tmtll the auras secured hereby are paid iu full.
<br />5, Ll hscrow For 'Faxes and hreuranoe. Natwithstartdbtg anything oantnn+wl +n pangnphs 3 and d hareaf to lbs
<br />contnry, Mortgagor shalt pay to the Mortgagoo at the time oY pnymg 6he monthly' Installmvntx of principal and interest,
<br />one-EweltEh of the ysady taxes, asreagmsnts, hazard insurantxr premiums, and gn+und rents ttf amyl which may AttaM a
<br />priority aver this Murtgagr, art as reaxoaabiy estimated from time to isms by the STurtgager. 7'hr amounts su paid xhall t+s
<br />held by the bfortgegee without interest and spelled to the payment of the items in rrsprct to which such amounk wsrv
<br />+iepoaited. 'T'he soma paid to btortgager hereunder are pledged as additional .ecurity fur the indrbtxdnaws secured 4y this
<br />Mortgage. Mortgagor shell pay to Mortgages the amauni of any dePcirncy between the actual taxes, assrasmrnis, {naunnm
<br />premiums and ground rants and the depatsita hereunder within 10 days after demand is made upam Mortgagor requesting
<br />payment thereat.
<br />ti. Repaie, Maintenance and Use. Ta promptly sepals, restore ne rrhuiid any huildinp+ or impmvrmeats maw or
<br />hereafter qn the property; to krsp the Ikoperty in good condition and repa+r, without watt+•, a+td free from mechanic's or
<br />otherliena not expressly suburdtn_ated t~ the lien hersut; oat to make, softer ur pprmik any nuisanxr to exist, our to tGmin-
<br />iskk ur Impale khe .aloe nt the Prgparty 6y any ac'_t er omission to set; and to comply with all requirements of taw with
<br />respect to Che Property.
<br />