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RECORDING REQUESTED 9Y <br />AND wNEN REGORDCD MAIL TO <br />leer <br />aawt <br />Aadrr. <br />~a <br />~-- J <br /> <br />1 SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE <br />POWER OF iATT®RNEY <br />GENERAL <br />KNOW ALL PERSONS SY THESE PRESENTS: That I, _ xarold Ewan xorn _ <br />8614 Glenhaven Street, San Diego, California 92123 <br />the undersigned (jointly or severally, if mare than one) hereby make, constitute and appaint,_~is M. Van xorn <br />8614 Glenhaven Street, San Diego, California 92123 <br />my true and lawful Attorney for me and in my name, place and stead and for my use and benefit: <br />(al To ask, demand, sue for, recover, collect and receive each antl every sum vl money, debt, account, legacy, bequest, interest. divkend, arlnuiry and <br />demand (whmh now is or hereaner mall Oecome due, owing or payable) helonging to or claimed Dy me, and to use and take any lawful means for the rxuvary <br />thereof Oy legal process or olherxise, and to execute and deliver a satisfaction or release therefor, together with IDB dgM and power m mnprpnise M tYxnPDUnd <br />any claim or tlemand, <br />tbl 1'o axerclse any or ail of the tWlowing powers as to real property. any interest therein andAOr any Duiltling thereon: 7o epmraet tar, purchase, rerxNe and <br />take possesswn thereof and of evidence of title thereto; to leash the same for any term or purpose. Inclutlmg leases for business, residence, and dl atMyor minxal <br />tlM+elopment io seu. exchange. grant or convey;ne carne with or without warramy: and to moRgage, transfer Intrust, or omerwfse encumber a hypothecate the <br />erne to secure payment of a negvtiaDle or nomneq?tlabie note or performance al any nbigahen or agreement: <br />(q To exercise any or all of the following powers as ro all kinds al personal Rrepeny antl goods, wares and merchandise, cttoaes in actbn and otMr progeny <br />rn po55esSron 0r in aGron- To con(ract IOr, guy. 5811, exchange, Iran5ler and m any Iegai manna! deal in and Wile me same; and to rttongdge, IranslM in IrUSt. M <br />otnervnse encumber qr hypohecate the samo to secure payment of a negotiable or numnegohable note qr performance at any oDllgatan M agreement <br />Itll to borrow money and to execute and deliver negollaDle or nomnegonable holes therefor wllh of without security; dnd to loan money and receive <br />negotiiabk or non negotiable rrotes merefor wrm such secynty ds he/she snap deem proper, <br />(el To aeate, amend, supplement and terminate any (rust and 10 instruct and atlvlsn the Iruslee el any trust wherein I am yr may Oe IruStM 4r OenehciarY, tp <br />represent and vole slotk, exercise stock rights. xcept and deal with any dividend. dlstrmulion or bonus. pre m any rorporale hnarrang, reorganrzatron, merpM. <br />liquidatwn. con3ghdatwn qr gtner aChgn and the rxlenswn, c0nlpranr>e. canvrrsign, dtlrusim¢nt, Hnigrcamant 0r t0rac!as4re. vngry a rn cmqurrctwn with+dRMs <br />of any corp0laln cloak. !rood. nglF. debenlum or other saeunly to eanpmutd. rompmnus¢. JUlusl 4¢ttle and SdhslY arty nUhganpn, secured w unsecured, ovnnp <br />by or i0 m¢ ana 10 give ar accept any prgperty and: of r1101)ay WRHinel nl nqi eg4al is a Irss :n uallle IDan IRe amr`4nl gw:nq in payment, SeRlnritenf w SdiiStadt10r1 <br />thereof, <br />Iq io !ransart Dusrress of any kind a class and vs my art and tleed to sign, execuio, aokrwwiadpe antl dehyer any deed, lease, assignrnnnnl of baae. <br />-~0vanaht, indnmure. mdrrnnrtY. agraronrant. mor;ga-gn. OaM} dt Trust as,:gnme~~t u; nx,rtyaye ~nr dt Ina Dana!:clal ,rl~est order deed of Irusi, extensipr ar <br />rrnpwJl ul any obirgatron. suwcnmatron or walvM or prror+tY. hYpnlna:alron Ddianry. cnartel parry. ore n! :adrny, pre or sale. fall, bond, rtSa. wNMher rrogottiWO <br />pr -nnnnngel!?DI _ reesrpt, avleenen 01 debt, full nr panlal ~n!?>iSe ~~b<!?:'ti tl? mongaga, iUagmpnt .ard tither debt, re3ueg(fnr par(ial pr (yll reypnyey~!a~a M <br />dead 01 !refit NM such o(f+er r SlrunlantS :n carding ur any km0 a csaxs a5 'aY tW nCfeSylaiy or Pnyper to !ne Pra+nl5as <br />[g1 tStnflk it~-.t.Rd~%a>s"e.~' %~fgd'R,r~` r1smYKdr~4rgfy dt;;,~a°w~`n~.=.-:,~5':76gYtfsArth~m~fnn~pflTi~u7lfary7 AXtl:d~:fynlA'.iTYr~;411Ho~a'k`{Is~tr~ <br />evyi a~ldcY~d ~r ~~ rhea ~~ x f •'- _Y ~ ~ ~r ~n~r>~.v:cv~iy nkl~. ~n~ike~ :~ $ - ~i ~1 ~ i>FSriia~n+~i. X>,r rat min <br />pmnlllt~5 ]6y pr111~IVaI11YCe 6l ldsrd~ltlY~xns~ <br />GIVING AN D GRANTING unto my sine 4tl0rney fun power anti aulh0nty I0 04 and perPomr :df ,md every act and fnrng wnatsaever regwsde. <br />rMde55ary or eppruprlate to oe 4nne in and abRN ten RrMnlseS as !uU to ail in18n15 and purpasns as I inrgm m s auto du it per5ataly present, hereby rattrylrtg tll <br />Thal my card Attorney Shall IJwiuliy dp qr cauSp Ia bit dhne by wriue O~Inese pleseMS the PUWeIt arW .lulhonly nnrnUY cgnterrMt ulkm my Sara Ahwney SDall De <br />dpphcabb to all real and pnrsonat property a +mMests InMan now owned or hereannr acquued by err and wherever snwtn <br />My 5m0 Anarney Is empvWeeed nareRY to dMMmme In msinaT vile drscrelron Inn timtl when, poi lX)se iM and manner in wRrch any pOwM nMan conferred <br />upon DIRT Sndll Rr exMC15t0 dnd ten Cam1110r15 pr0ylarons and cmronaniS ul any mSlt4mrttl 0f ttautnMn winch .mdY br exfx::litld Dy hlrfll Mr paSWni nermb, <br />end id Inn d'_gWLign Ur nrspdsnxu+Pt r,;,v a pMSatal FrOpMiy. my saltl Adprney shall ndYR buau9vr pr+wer Ia iu Inn rnnRS IoM WI fur I:aan credll Ndlur <br />PrW~Y. and it on credo wrih qr wanaui security <br />Wtrprl Ilre CMnexl 50 requues Ine nI2Y, 411ne yMidM in61Mte5 inr lennhlnn dnd/ar tteuiel. ,Intl Ine slnygl.fl nurnpM nleludeS Intl plural <br />WITNESS my hand this _ 2q ctl day of _Augus t_~ ~^* --}~ Tg _ HO <br />1. $ee lBVefSe Side. <br />STATE cal cnllt~HHtn ~ _, <br />COUNl'V OF (?range <br />On ._ August 29 , 1440.. betorr md, ter undttltlpned, ,a Notary Htlhltc In and fur sold $lale. <br />perspnallyappnarrd Harold E. Yon Horn _ _-, -,_ - - _ _ _ ____ _ _ . <br />known to ma to be the person - _.. whose name - suhscnhed to the wnhra instrument and ackn^Wlrtlged that he.- <br />executed the saint. <br />r <br />WITNESS my hand and official seal ,(Scat}.- ~,,(~+e?+~e"`~---- <br />~( ~^ Notary f ubbr, m d for sal ~ eta <br />OFP1ClAL tiF.AL ~( <br />TRINA M, BALSIGER , <br />rypTADY PUdtif - CAIir OR NIH k~ <br />OMNtlE COUNTY <br />MY cwnm. exptras AUu 14, 1482 ~~ <br />RYwifl qL alil"l~"IV 4.MA:.,-,...x....:,.-.,a~.~,r,,.a~'>a,-,.rw.rn. :c.;a :a-i ,:, H:,,.a .a. TMw <br />.. n, ~~., ._~ ,. -.. .. ~ ~. , .. .,, <br />W4l l.U[IS rgNM :Nn iMr ~ rN - a.rt:-, z- , ~-n i n...x,.x~ .. .~ , _nra' r- cars i,4 ~.s~~ . rt,x - hF w ,~ i ~ rvx <br />1ltw MVrl:m rS. ~NL <br />