$0- ~ 0.3
<br />SHORT FORM - -
<br />PROPERTY IMPROVEMENT Loan Number 45319 ________ ~____~~
<br />FORM No. 211 tR[~. 1777)
<br />1. Larry U. Mulligan and Lenore L. Mulligan, husband and wife, jointly and each in
<br />t e r own rigTit,
<br />hereinafter celled Mortgagore, in corlaideratioa of the ettm of.... NINETEEN_THOUSAND ONE HITNpi~En____,
<br />SEVENTY.NINE AND..41/101----------------------------------'-»»---~^»».~~--------
<br />($ 19,179.41 )DOLLARS, the receipt of which ix hereby aclnwwhtdged, do hereby MORTGAGE
<br />and CONVEY an absolute title, inctuding all the righffi of homestead and inherltaeca, uiabo FIRST''.
<br />Mortgagee. its auccexeore aad assigns, the following described rteil estate, situated in.....Il;}ll..........._......_.
<br />County, State of NEBRASKA, to-wit:
<br />Lot One (1), Ross Heig~:ts Subdivision, Hall Cotztty, Nebraska.
<br />`1Y) HAVE AND TO I;OLD the real estate atkauve described, with c1A appurtetutncex thereunto
<br />belonging untAr tho said Mortgagee, forever, pprovided rllwa„1x, asd this mortgage ie upon the ezpreex con-
<br />dition that it the atorexaid Mortgagors, thou heire, csecutare, a~lminixtreWre or arai,~nw} shall pay or cause
<br />to be psis! to the said i~fotYgagee, its snreP,sura or assigns, the principal sum herelnabove sec forth, all
<br />acrnrdinq to thn tenor and effect of a certain installment note of enid 17ortgagore bearing even date with
<br />this mortgage, end shall pay fazes and aeaeesmnata levied upon said real estate, end all other terse, levies
<br />and nseesaments levied upon this mortgage or the note which this mortgage ix given to secure, F:eforo the
<br />aame or any i:latallment thereof becomes delinquent, then this mortgage to be void, otherwise to remain
<br />in full tome.
<br />IT 13 FURTHER AGREED (1) That if the xaid Mortgagor shall fail to pay xuch tares, the
<br />Mortgages may pay the same and the sum so advanced with interest shall be paid by said Mortgagors,
<br />and this mortgage shall stand as security !or the xame. (2) That Mortgsgore covenant with the Afortpgos
<br />that they are 4wfully seized ut sau~l real estate and rovenattt to wamnt end dafxnd tho said real estate
<br />against the lawful claims of atl pereons whomsoever. (3) 7'hst in case of a foreclosure of this mortgage,
<br />the plaintiff in each proceedings shall he entitled to take on of the premises, protect the xame and
<br />mUsct the ronu, issues and proflta thereof, (4) That a ailuro to pay any of said money ar any iaatall-
<br />meet theratf whoa the name becomes clue, or a failure W comply with any of the foregoing egreementa,
<br />ahaU eauae the wholu sum of money herein secured to hernme due and collectible at onco et the option of
<br />the Mertgagae.
<br />Signed thin.:~~~......day of........:..:~ ~z:.:.....:....:,:., .. ~~.~..
<br />....~
<br />,r-. ~~'1 ..._.._......
<br />f +~ '.. Nu 111~a1kr
<br />Lenore I.. Nulllkon ~
<br />t?e ttdx .....:~'~1~,..._... ay d citi~?l,,.._.._..__....., iQ~.U baton m., tho anderotsned, s Notary i~1611e, is sad tae
<br />aakl Counb, ParaseatlY aims _Ie.+ir.LX._De...M!!j.3.~:S~.R._?lL~.~...LeRq.Ee.~:,...M.it:~.~.1:63~~...huyban~l...an~l.,wlf.e
<br />.. ..._ .. .. ..a...._...
<br />paramally Icnowa to ms to be the identical Mnaala whose names acs armed 4, the slave and toeeaulna inatruma~R m
<br />moelptaoea, sad sscb aclcnswtadaad asid in4umen! to Ee hL or her votantary act asd dad
<br />vwta.r aa• hand ass avMr4d seal aa............__ ..............4.catld...ds,lttlld..... N,Rb.t:.as.k~a ......... ......._....._........
<br />the dap Taal sbsw writba _
<br />ton A. HeetA~
<br />My cammirion uDirs-•..~h_.1r.,.w..`.3.,.1:.?~.~..._.._......_._. g_ri• ... ~.
<br />.' _~ , ~ w~.~,,, ~1y83~
<br />