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<br />~0-.,uU49t~1 <br />Lender's written agrccment or applicable law. borrower shall pay the amount of elf mortgngc inswancc premiums in the <br />manner provided under paragraph Z hereof. <br />Any amotmts disbursed by Lender pursuant to this paragraph 7, with interest thereon, shall become additional <br />indebtedness of Borrower secured by this Mortgage. Unless Borrower and i_ender agree to other tetras of payment, such <br />amounts shall be payable upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting payment thereof, and shall bear interest from the <br />date of disbursement at the rate payable from time to time on outstanding principal under the Note unless payment of <br />interest nt such rate would be contrary to applicable taw, in which event such amounts shall bear interest at the highest rate <br />permissible under applicable law. Nothing contained in this paragraph 7 shall require Lender to incur any expense or take <br />any action hereunder. <br />8. Inspection. Tender may make or cause to be made reasonable entries upon and inspections of the Property, provided <br />that tender shall give Borrower notice prior to any such inspection specifying reasonable cause therefor related to Lender's <br />intrrcv in the Property. <br />9. Condemnation. The proceeds of any award or claim for damages, direct or consequential, in. connection with any <br />condemnation or other taking of the Property, or part thereof, or for Conveyance in lieu of condemnation, are hereby assigned <br />;md shall be paid to Lender. <br />1n the event of a total taking of the Properly, the proceeds shall he applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage, <br />with the excess, if any, paid Io Borrnwnr. In the event of a partial taking of the Property. unless Borrower and Lender <br />otherwise agree in writing, there shall br applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage such proportion of the proceeds <br />as is equal to that proportion which the amount of the sums secure[[ by This Martgnge immediately prior to the date of <br />taking bears to the fair market value of the Propcrry immediately prior to the date of taking, with the laalance of the proceeds <br />paid to Borrower. <br />]f the Properro is abandoned by Borrower, or if, after notice by Lender tc Borrower that the condemnor offers make <br />an sword or settle a claim for damages. Borrower fails In respond to Lender within 30 days after the dale such ponce-is <br />mailed. Lender is authorized to collect and apply the-proceeds, at i_ender's eptidn. either to restoratiop or repaij• of the <br />Properly or to the soma secured by this Mortgage. I <br />Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing, any such application ~of proceeds to principal shalt nett extend <br />or postpone the Juc d:ve of the monthly installments referred to in paragraphs I' and 2 hereof or change the amount of <br />^rch installments. I, <br />t0. Borrower Vat Released. Extension of the time for payment pr modification of amortization of the sums! secured <br />by this Mortgage gnntcd h}' Lender to any surce}sor in intet,rsf of Bormwi;r shall not operate to release, in any manner, <br />the liability of the original Borrower and Bormw~er's successors in inlcrrst. Lender shall neat be required to commentt <br />proceedings ag:rinxt such successor or refuse to cxtenal time for payment or otherwiu modify amortization of the sums <br />secured by Chic blongage by reason of any demand made by the original Borrower and borrower's successors in interest. <br />t i. Forbearance by [.ender Not a Waiver. Any forbrarancr by tender in exercising any right ar remedy hereunder, or <br />otherwise stTordtd by applicable law, shall no' he a waiver of nr preclude the exercise of any such right or remedy. <br />The procurement of insurance or the payment of taxes or other liens or charges by Lender shall not be a waiver of Lender's <br />right to accelerate the marurit}• of the indchtednrss senlred by this Mortgage. <br />12. Remedies Cumulative. Ait remedies provided in Chic Mortgage arc dininct and cumulative to any other right or <br />remedy notice this Mortgage or afforded by law or may he exercised concurrently. independently er successively. <br />tl. Successors anti Assigns Bound; Joint and Scrcrat t.iubility; Captions. The wvcnants and agrcemtn[s herein <br />cannmrJ chaff bind and the rights hereunder shall imtre rt,, the respective successors and aseigns of Lender and Borrower, <br />wbiect to the provisons of partgraph I? hereof. All covenants anJ agfctmcntc of Borrower shall be joint and several. <br />The captions and headings of the paragraphs of this Mortgage arc for convenience only and are not to tae used to <br />rntrrprrt or define the prrautsians htttof. <br />Id. Notice. P_zrept for any notice required under applicih)e law to ht given in-ant+rher manner, faY any notice to <br />Borrower provided for rcr this MorigagC shalt hr given by mailing inch. notice by renified mat) addrcucd m Borrower at <br />the Pmprny Address or :u tech other address as Rotrowct may Jrggnate 6y notice tp Lender as provided herein, and <br />tt ! ar.v notrer €o i nder shall tx given by eertilitd mail. retort, rreegaY rrquesled. to i ensicr's ad~ess stated herein or to <br />such -1.thes address as Ltnsirr m:+y virsignsit by notice t,+ Rare+wrr as procidrd hrrtin. -Any noii8r provided for in this <br />Mortgage sh:dl be deemed ua hart htrn grr'rn to Borrower nr Cooler ss hen given in the rttannrr designated herein. <br />15. lJniform ~fongugr; Governing Law; tirvernbility. Phi, Corm nt tnnngage cnmhtues unifnrrd covenants ter national <br />use and nnmumiunn covenanu with IimiceJ variauans by lurisshction m Constiutlr a uniform securitc instrument courting <br />real propertx 'lhts Mnrgagc Slrall he govensd t*y tlse Ltw nt the IurisdiGion in which the P(gperh' n !a<ated. In the <br />went chat any pmv,vun or souse ut this MortgagC or the 'yule rnnllictc with applicably law', pooh conflict shall not alTeet <br />other provistons .tf Il:n 4tnrtgagt ar Ihr '00.• sshuh ..:n: be eevma rlTcet w}hpp! the .ucvlfJicf ing p«,vicion. and io this <br />end the pros uinns u( the Mortgage and !hc ti,•te .,re dccl.ucd to ho +yvCrahlc. <br />tti, florrawer's Copy. Borrower shall be Ilun,shrd .r ,oat,+nncd .cps' of the N,,tt anJ of Ihr+ Mortgage at :he time <br />ut exrauion or after rr. ordatinn hcreitf. <br />17. 'Pransfer of the Property; .t<ssumption. It all ar out p.ut of the 1'ralkrt}' ur an interest theryiu i. salt or transferred <br />by florruwrr w,thuut Lender'[ pour w,iota a,mm~t, excluding t,n the rrralion of alien or encumbrance +,uhor.iinatt tat <br />thss Mortgage. Ib) rhr ,rcat,on of :s par. base mnuys` .crunls ~nterrst Far h,q,seh:,ld :rPPliuneec, fcl a transfer by JCS isr, <br />desvunt or by olxraoan of low upon Ihr death of ., u,t tenum ur <br />Lender nay, .u 1 ender'. :+puon. deefutc ,r!I thy anus scoured by thla MonFatgr ro he <br />immed:atels due .rod nayatar I ruder .hall hate . , .rd s ,:h opoun to aerelet:rte d, prior 16 Ihr +alc ,+r Feansfer. Lender <br />and the ~ non In attune the Pmperp- n t-, hr x,IJ~,e uan,~lened reach agreement ut urning that rho ctrsht of ,uch person <br />is s~hst ack,rs h, LcnJrr and lh-.1 the hucrest hu}ahlc un the .nms sr. un•J hs thn !Siatlgnpc ,hull Pc .o arch rate .a Lrudct <br />shall request If l ender has wtnveJ Ihn option to ,u•ericrue piavlJed ~I, th,t paragraph 17. and if Ilarmwyr', atccr%cor tit <br />,tttenst has rsrcuteJ a wntten assumpann ~+grtrment accepted in ss ntmg 6v Lender. t ender sh:dl ;rirase Oarrusecr ;rum ., 11 <br />,shiignuons umter Chi, A1onRayn and the Nate. <br />if i ender ,•xrr.ISts such ula is>n to necdur;dr. I ender shall mail Iiurraa rr nrnre of a .elcr:J,un n..,,.unlance st,th <br />.,.t., < „ <br />paragraph Id hertot tin,=h n+.t,rr sh.ail p,ovid4 _t prn!,J u[ nut Irss th,m alt J,r1e !., .. !i:t' Jtur khr !,.+ftzz ~...!atlc-l wu!rr., <br />whrth 6or rowel mar psy the wins dtNsrrJ rhlr- It Harrower !o pat vah ~nma pn.+t r„ rhr ci pt r.m„n ..I ,,.h pen:,Q. <br />[ender ntu}. ss shout Curs hxr uonet ur Jrtnand ,tit liar rower, un~s+ke .ens rrnx^dtc, penndtea ht t+arayraph Ix •.-rcut~ <br />Nns;.L'rvu oar.[ t'ove.rvnrv rs lhrtrowcr and I ender hmhet vnvenam .mJ .,grrr .,+ iollows- <br />lg. Accelerntiau: Remedies. kxerpt as provided in parukrrrpit 17 Irrreol, upem IM+rrower'. hrrw'tr of nn} rpvrtraat r+r <br />aprerment of Burrower in this \tnrtgugt, inrh+ding rhr vnsrnnalr to pay when rhrr nrry sunrv srcarrd ha this \Uartgapr, <br />!.ender prior to artalrrallon shall malt natter to Borrower as pnwidrd hr paragraph IJ hereof specifying: ell rhr breach: <br />t2) rhr action required to curt such breach; Ili u elute, not Irxc than 10 davs from rhr date rhr uotlcr is uruiird at Bavower, <br />b} wleivh such breach mace br cured: and Wl Iitui (allure Ua curt such 6rench tin nr before the dote spea•flied in the notice <br />may rrsuit is atcrlrration of Ihr sums secured b} fhi+ ylort{tagr, furrcitrvurr br jndirial prorrrdinK anti salt tit the Property. <br />7•ht nutter shall further intone borrower ui the right W reinstate utter urcrlrratlua nod rhr right to uavert in the furertu+ura <br />prorerding Ihr nun-esiatencr of u default ar any nlhrr defense tit Barrowrr to ua•rlrratiar and turrttaaure. if rhr breach <br />is nut cured on ar before the dair spedtied io Ihr notice, Lyndnr tit Lrudrr's option may drvlure ail of Ihr wins srcarrd by <br />this MorlRaKe to br immetliatrly der and payable without further demtoul wed may furecloa• h} judicial proreyrling. Lrndyr <br />shat! br rnlitird nr cotlea•t in .uch pnn•red{n>; all expenses uT tarrdusurr, iaduding, hm nut limited ta, costs of ducuntrntary~ <br />rvidenrr, at:strarks and title reports, <br />19. Bprrawer's Rlgla Ie Reinstatx. \orwith;taml;ug tender; ,. ylrraurn .. Ihr ,nms ;reared by fhi+ ~icrigagr. <br />Itor«+wcr shall have the right to have any pnncrdiugs hrSUn b} irnJcrslo enlo,:c tlu, Mu«t;egc Jtsconn noel .it ,ws umc <br />