~.'2.t~~-L. r-. A f
<br />G'
<br />80--~'~~~~~ l~IOR~'GAGE
<br />. Thia,mortgage made and eate:Etl inn thin 8th d+Y ~ Septemb@r ~'~~
<br />19 80 .by and between Thomas E. Molacek and Eleanor P. Molacek, husband .and. wife,
<br />(hereinafter referred to a. mortgagor) and the Admiaiatrator of the Small Bttaiaer Adminiatntion, as agertuy of the
<br />Goverttmmt of the United Satre of America (hereiua[ter referred to ae mortgagee], who maiataim an a6m and
<br />phtoeofbttaioewet Empire State Building, 19th and Farnam Streets, Otaalza,"Nebraska°-68102
<br />prntiestesa. that for the eooaideration heroinafar elated, receipt of which u hereby aeiersow{edgefi, tlSn
<br />mortgagor dote hereby mortgage, sell, Brant, awign, and convey tmto the mortgagee, hie atgtwaote asd uYigna,`all
<br />of the following described property aitaated wd being fn the County of Aall
<br />Sate of Nebraska.
<br />Lot Six {6) and the Northerly One Half ',{Nli) a£, Lat Seven (7)„, Ii I
<br />in Block One (1), in Second, Addition to"HoT~amb's Highway Homies
<br />Subdivision in tl}e Northeast Quarter o{.:the No'rtheast',Quarter',
<br />(NE'yDiF}y) of Section Twenty-eight (28), ~'Townsh~'p Eleveti {ll)
<br />North, Range Nine {9), Weat of the 6th P.M. Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />Totteiher with and ioelading aU baUdinge, all fixtures including but nut lirnitrd to ail plumWng, hearing, lights
<br />ing, vrntiiating, ref»gerating, inrinrraling, uir amditiuninµ apparunte, and rlesalur* (ihc nmrtgagor hrrrhv
<br />~Irr!aring that ii G intrudr+i that the itren> herein enttntrrarrd ..,hull hr drrmr+/ to hove been permanently iit-
<br />daHrd rn part ul' rhr realty 1, uod all iny,ruvrmrnr,: now or hrrraftrr exi,tint; thereon: the hrrrditamsnts anti
<br />appnrarnanrrv and ulI other »ght. thereunto 6eluntting, or in anvwiae appertaining, and the revstrion and re-
<br />vrr.H,n~,, rrmaind«r and rrmaindet+~, all »Rhte of rrdsmlrtion, and the rrnt~, ia~uee, and lrmgt« of the afNtvr
<br />de.rrihed praprrty (prnvhisd, however, thrt the nt+rrtgnt;ur .hall t,r rntitlyd iu the pu+„•+siun of wi+! pntperty
<br />unrl to t~lrrt an+i retain the tFiite, iw~re, anel prefita until tlrfault hrrrandrrt. `t'e hour end to hail tits cams
<br />uaty the lnortgugee and Ittr surssswra in interest of the mortgitgss forever in fee -1mpM of ~ttth mhrr estate,
<br />if any, wtia eaten heroin.
<br />'[Yie tAett6aRor aevleapta that he h bwfafiy aedaed and pesaeaasd of and has the right to asB wd ooeivey acid
<br />property; ehkt the cams it less frmet all enettmbntttw accept u hereinabeve trocited; and that he hereby binds
<br />himse![ and 6ia sneesawn in interest to warrant and defend the title afnreaaid thereto and every part tbeeeo[ agaimt
<br />the elMhtu et all percale-wharaaerer.
<br />Thin inxtrumrat is given to teener the payment of n promiaeory note dated Septemkaer 8 , 19 80 , ~ a
<br />in,the p»steipalatrmoft 26,6Q0.00-:aigaad by Thomas F. and Eleanor P. Molacek, Husband
<br />in Mhelf of themselves, and wife
<br />ws #t'P:t-ia t r:.w,e, ageor.... as„aw.
<br />