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(- <br />so-~; ~; .~ ~>;~b 1VIORTGAGE <br />cn~) <br />~T/hin mortgage made and entered into thin ~~~ day of V i%~~f~/XJC/ <br />19 AQ, by and between Michael A. Larsen and Janis M. Larsen <br />(hereenaftu referred to u mortgagor) and the Administrator of the Small Atasiness Administration, an agme9 of the <br />Government of the United Statu o[ America (hereindter referred to u mortgagoe), who maintains an office and <br />plaoeofbtriner at Empire State Building, 19th & Farnam, Omaha, Nebraska 68102 <br />ptrnetsttta, that [or the consideration htueindter sated enceipt of which is hetteity acknowledsed, the <br />mortgagor does hereby mortgage, Bell, Front. assign, and convey unto thn mortgagee, his satwasors and asai6ay aA <br />of the following described property situated and being in the Cotmty of Hall <br />State of Nebraska. - <br />The Westerly Half of the Southerly Half of the Easterly <br />Two Hundred Seventy Feet (270') of Lat Eleven (11) <br />Vantine Subdivision, an Addition''to the City of Grand <br />Island,~Ha11 County, Nebraska. <br />Tugrthrr with and irtrludinF aft buildiaFs, alt nature, ineludlnK but nut UutHgd to aU ptumbinF, bracing, Ntjht• <br />inF, vrnlllatintt. rx.tri;tPratina, inrinrrelityt, air ctnutitiuninµ upparptu,, pnd rlctpton lthe ntutHgattur hrrrhy <br />deetarinp; that it is itttrndrd that ihr ilrnt, hrrrin entttnrralrt) .hull hr drrtttrd lu hdce turn prrntauenlty in- <br />.tpllyd a. part of the replq ),and all impruvrmrnt. nuw ur hrrepftae anisiinµ lhrrrun; the bprrditpments and <br />uppurtrnaner, and aH othrr right. thrrrunto brlongLtF, or in unywisr upprrtslninF, and thr rrvarsion and t•P. <br />vrr.iun,, rrntaindrr and rrntaindrt., p1I rittth of rrdrnydiun, pnd Ihr rrttt., issue., and pm8ta of the above <br />tterrriltett ptwprMv fprnvidrd, hnwevrr, tltat Ihr ntnrtuuttur.hpll ter rnfillyd iu ihr Int..r.+inn of Witt prnltrrly <br />and to rrtllert stn! rrtpin tltr rrnt,. t~+.ttr~ and ptwfity unfit drtuult hrscundrr), `!'tr hav anti to hold ihp uamr <br />unto thr ntortgattra pnd thr ,urrr•wrs in intecent of the murlRaFnr forrver In fee simple or +urh uthrr arble, <br />if pray, p: is ptaltnt henritt. <br />The mortgagor eevmanu that he is fow(nlfy seised sad pastawsed of and hu the right to sell and otnevey said <br />property; that the tame b froe froth -tt tmctun!vanar a:eept u hereinabove recited; and that he hereby bGtds <br />h6nsel! and his suceasson io iuterat to werragt and defend tha title aforesaid thrrrto and every part thereof agairut <br />the alttitns ttt alt patetomt witemsoover, <br />t,~~ ~` ~ <br />This instrument is given to soeure the paymrnt of s promissory note doled ~;'~ -r~,+t.=' ~-~~7}1~~•~ ~~~- <br />in thepriucipalsnmot>:17',UQO,00 .tilt~bY Michael A. T,arsen anti .Tan l;. `1. Larsen <br />in h„hstf of themselves. <br />,w c... n:r ta-:at r».~.... ed<.~....» os»w.. <br />