<br />MORTGAGE LOAN NO. L Z 3 , 76O
<br />faowALLMENBV7tftsEPRrsENTS:Tnaf James P. Ogden and Geraldine K. Ogden, each in his and
<br />her awn right and as spouse of each other,
<br />Sixteen Thousand Five Hundred and No/100----------- M«epw,r'whefnarotteormore'mootmae<'aon~me.~moF
<br />----------------------------DOLLARS
<br />loaned to said trtortgagot by The Equiuble Buaditµ and Lrun Asaocution of Grand Island, Nebnalu, Mortpgee, upon 165 dare of gocy o{
<br />acid ASSOCIATION, Certifiwm No. L 23,760 , do hereby gent, convey and mortgage unto the said ASSOCIATION the foBosriog
<br />tkanibed rnl Baum, situated in HaB Cuunry, Nebnska:
<br />together wtth all lire tenements, hercditamenr~ ,red appurlenantts thereunto belonging, tncludsng attached Rout wwrtttp, aU wtndow screens,
<br />window stude, blinds, smrm windows, awnings, heating, air conditwning, and plumbing and water eyutpment and atterwsries theroto, pumps,uove,
<br />refrtgenturs, and other futures and equipment now or hereafter atuched fu ur used m connecta>n wnh sod real estate.
<br />And whercu the said mortgagor has agreed and does hereby agree that the nwrtgagor shall end will pay all taxes and aatewsrnu levied or
<br />assessed upm said premises and upon This mortgage and the bond secured therebv before [he same shall become dettnquent; m furnish appnatrod
<br />inwransx upon the buildings on sad premises utwmd.tn the sum of t ~ 6 , 50D. DD fayxbb to ssW ASSfX'IATION amt to deBva to sad
<br />ASSOCIATION the policces !w sad insunnar: and not to wmmit or perrmt any waste on ur about sod promtaes;
<br />1n case of default in the performance of any of the Berms and amddions of this na>rtgyte or the bsmd mcured hereby, the rrwngagee dull,
<br />an +mnund, Ise enbtbd [u ^rtrltedule q>ssesswn of the mortgaged premises and the mortgagor hereby axsyfsts, aarufera and sets user to the
<br />rrongagee all the rents, rewnrae and income n+bc denwd (rum the nwrtgaged prennscx dwtng such torte as the mortgage mdebredner shall remain
<br />unpud; and the mortgagee shall haw txe paswer ro appornr any agent or aganls d nay drsne foe the purpux ni repatruµ rod pnsrtue and ranting
<br />the same and coBectuµ the renal, revenue and mmmc, and tt may pay out of sad inmme all experues of repairirµ sad pra(((ise and rresxasary
<br />axemussams and rxpenra incurred ;n renting and rttanagutg the same and of .ollecttng renta7a therefrom; tMs babrsx ranuudrµ, if any, to ba
<br />applied toward the discharge of sad mungagr tnoabtedness: these rights of the nwrtgagee may br exeretsed at any rune dwuµ the eaWantx of surd(
<br />default, urcs{tec(rw ut any temporary waiver of the same.
<br />~ftase f'rcnntx, twwewr, are upon the i i+ndkasn, Yhat if ttte card Mortgagor ,hare repay sad loan on +x before site rmtunty of vtd sfueae ny
<br />payoant, pay naanthly to .,std ASSOCIATION ++t the sum spactfied in the fWnd secured hereby as tenter( and prmnpal un road hue, on m talon
<br />the fwentceth day ..f rash and rwrv rra,nth, un(d sand loan ,x lu4y pod; pay all taxer and assessments levied agamn sold premnea and tin the Mortpp
<br />ud the Hund secured therebv, Mforc delwyuatcy: fwntsh approved ittwrarsce upon the buddmgs theeon m the sum w S 16, SDD. DO payabk
<br />to said ASSOCIA770N, repay to ud ASSO('IA110N upon dtmapd all money by tt pad fur such texas, axxernenls and tnsunax wnh menu at
<br />the maximum kpl rate thereon Irom dale ul laymen( all of whu:h Mortgagor hereby agrees to pay; perms( nu waste on ud premws; keep and wnpty
<br />wth ell tho ngreements aed cnndstwnr of the &nid fort 16 , 500.00 (xis day given by the asst Mor[ga~por to sad A5S(X'IATICNV, and vmfAy
<br />wth aft the requnertcenn of the C'oirtnwwo rend By-Laws of sad ASSOCIATION; then these presents shall become nuB asd vod, +uMrwm they
<br />aluB remain m fuq rwtt and my to loreckteed at the ugwn al the sad A5S(Y'IATION after laduro fw thrx mtmths w mdie any of rand
<br />PaYmenu ur be three nwn[hs in areeus to triatuµ sad rnuxlhlY Vsymews, w to keep and wmplY wtN the agreements and mndntons of told BwW;
<br />pd Mortgagor agrerx to have s roeawr app.nnted fwthwtth in ruck Iwech,awe pruaxedings.
<br />If then a any cttanp m ,swrrrshtp w the real Baste mortpgal heroin, by tab ur otMrwiae, tMn the roan remwung indsbmdtsea Irmby
<br />secured atoll, at the tsprton w The F.ywtabk ButWtng am! Least Asstacutrtm of (:rand (abed. NabsaYu, (acoane isrtnrduuly due sad pyabb svtlha,w
<br />funhsr out ua, and the antrwnr remwutµ due wader ud borxl, and any other bond for any Wdtttwtal -dvance nude themtroder, rhW, Irom the
<br />date w esarcue ul sad uptam, Wu moron at the twawum lepl ran, and thw riasrtpge nay than be forocltiaW to ntrsfy tM amount due sa sand
<br />bond, and any whet hood !w addttanul advances, tuptlrr wdh aB suiro peal by road 'flr fgwubb Budduµ tad Lwn Aaattcsatvan of t hand (sand,
<br />Nebraska iar tnnuutu, taxes sad tseurronu, and abnracluµ ex/enaNM1 chops, wnh moron thereon, from date of paytsrnt at the tnaxsmum
<br />bpl ere.
<br />Aa provded to the Bond served hereby, while tAts mtirtpp rerruura m clfect the rrwrt`.reo may harealtar adranax addrtsunal soma to eh.
<br />rssaksrs of sad &snd, (hoar aaaµsu sa xuccarsxa a wsareu, whbh sums shag be wstlun tlw secwdy of this murtpp the Boars u 1M fwsb wiginaBy
<br />sscureJ tharoby, fhe (veal asraswtt n1 prmrtpal dabs nut to eatrad a say tame the tnigirta) amount al this rra,rtpp.
<br />,,-'~raai fhb ~~th day ut september° A n,lv QO
<br />era n-Td~ e~Tfg~R'~
<br />srArE o>: NEBRASKA,
<br />COUNTY OF HALL } "~ rln tea 5th day of September I v !30 , before rm,
<br />James P. Ogden and Gera 1 di rte K. Ogden, the ursderaµned, a Nunry Ixubbc m and for tad County, prrx,rtaBY ante
<br />each in his and her 17YIR WF~1-t and as spouse of each other, vex„ are l»rsunally known to
<br />rro to ba the ttbnttcal perasxy, ~ whoa-nswb& are atYiaed to the abnw uutrunnant to nrwtgagssr S and they awnlly
<br />acknowledged the aril inurypbot to be the~i r wluxury acs and deaf.
<br />WITNESS pry htos4 aM NueWal SN1 thkdau aforasad.
<br />My Cnsnsrdasiprexpissz;f~_ ~ _ /(~ fr'
<br />twaer xs ~ Noury Public
<br />