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80-- a L• 4 f3'7 ",7 <br />``,1 ~~-;yam'"". <br />1~ORTGI~GE <br />moetpsa ,ads sd eumd mto the 3 do at ',1~ U \~`~ <br />14 ~, hr mdbehem Eugene F. Schuster and Lois Ann Schuster, husband and wife, <br />(hereinafter referred to u ntongasor) sad the Admiaiatrator o[ the Small Suaioar Adatieiatrtaiae, an apacy of the <br />Goverommt of the United Seta of America (hereitta(ter referred to o mortsagee}, who aniataiaa tm o~lee sad <br />phteaafhatiwaat Empire State Building, 19th and Farnam Streets; Omaha, Nebraska 6BIQ2/ <br />irew~r, tart ter tits aaatiiantiaa huaeatar atatal, erae[pt a[ trhir~ is haw6>• , tin <br />'~epitt it mo'd'! ~. tROa4 amip, sad eoaveT mto tha ~Piw+ his attaranara sari ad/h dl <br />of the tollotritas thumt~'had pnpaet~ aitaatsi tri haittR ill the CaaotT d Ball <br />San d Nebraska. <br />The South Sixty-nine (69) feet and Four (4) inches of the West Half <br />'CWT} o€ Block Ttw (2) in Pleasant Home Subdivision of part of the East <br />Halt of the Southeas[ Quarter CE~SE~ of Section Twenty-one (Z1), in <br />Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (4), West of the 6th P.K. in <br />Ball County, Nebraska. <br />Ttgtrtiter wilt sad including aN bulldltar., rll Bxturer iaeludinR but nut Umitwd to rq plumbhtR, heating, URht• <br />iteq, vratihNinR, rwhireratiaR, incinerating, air roadhioninR ygwralu., rnd rlrvuoru (the mortRraur hr rehv <br />drrlrriai{ that it i, intwmlpl thrt thr itrntn hrrria rnumrrated .hrli hw drwmrd di havr hero prrmanwntly in• <br />.tallyd r„ pan of thr rrrliy}, amf rll intprovrmrnt. now ur hrrrafirr e~i.tinr thrtwta: thr herwditrmwat. rnd <br />appunewanrww and all ndter risks, therwunto bwhtttRing, ur in rgYwiee rppenainGtR, and the twversiua sad rr• <br />rwrwlonr, eetaainder rnd rrmaiaderr, aU rlRhlw of redempliun, aaHd thw taentq irruer, sad p^tBtw of tha ahnvw <br />drwwribad propaMr 1 pwvMMni, bare»r, that the mort grgor .hrll hr rntitlyd lu ihr paw.r..ian of .rid pnrpenv <br />rnd la<rdlart msd rataHr Nte renrr. ir.aar and peo$rr wail dwfauH her*tradrr). 'Yo bars rnd to hill titr ramw <br />atais the wrepptgrlea rnd dtr .oaaerrore is ieterrlet of thr muetgtylere torevar itt fae ritaple K ruck athee ariate, <br />it say, w v natrd htterda <br />'P#o tttratlpteee ewearatr that her ~' aaiaad ra3tl paaraared et rnd hr the riRkt is rtdl std aaare~ said <br />p~Yt. thtr thtt attae i kw [tas aN eeeua3hraorr ereapt w Itatniaahare nested; attd that Ire harobY biadr <br />htaawl[ sad. hq ruranrtara la iateteM b warrant rod defend the title afaraaaid (hereto rnd every part thareaf apior <br />tha alaitaaat +tM paretw erhawtewu. <br />'i'bis inrtrumeat in Bivea to reeure the pagtneat of a promirory sate dr~led fff~~ ~~ ~_~~ . . <br />imdte.priaoiOalatma[><16F100.CO ,aiprdby Eugene F, And Lois Ann Schuster , <br />in hwhslf of themselves, <br />!rM1 Fc,ta tqT 3ID•:31 Fra.tttr carra,r w $~ tMM~ <br />