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<br />,~~. <br />3. The mortgagor covenants and agrees that it be shill fail to pay said indebtedneee or any part thereof when <br />due, or +hall tail to perform any covenant or agreement of this instrument or the promissory note secured hereby, the <br />entire indebtedneee hereby secured shall immediately become due, payable, and collectible without notitt, at the <br />epKon of the mortgagee or assigns, regardless of maturity, and the mortgagee or his assigns may before or after entry <br />ssR Laid property without appraisement f the mortgagor having waived and amigned to the mortgagee dt rigbte of <br />appnisement) <br />It) at judicial sale pursuant to the provisions of 28 U.S.C. 2001 ta); or <br />(n) at the option of the mortgagee, either by auction or by eolicitatioo of aeakd bida,~for the bigltaat and <br />best bid complying with the terms of sale and mamer of payment specified k the published ttotia of oak, Ent <br />giving four weeks' notice of the time, terms, and place of such Bale, by advertisement not toes than oaax <br />during each of said tour weeks in a newspaper published or distributed in the county in which wid property <br />,r situated, all other notice being hereby waived by the mortgagor (and wid mortgagee, or soy panda as <br />behal[ o[ wid mortgagee, may bid with the tmpaid indebadtter evidenced by wid note). Said wk shall 6e <br />held at or oo the property to be sold or at the'Federal, county, or city courthouse for the county in whitdt the <br />property u located. The mortgagee is hereby authorised to execute for and on behalf of the taorlgagor and to <br />deliver to the purchaser at each sale a eul6cient conveyance of wid property, which cooreyanee slid) contain <br />redtals as to the happening of the default upon whicb the execution of the power of wk basin granted <br />depends; and the said mortgagor hereby comtitutee and appbinta the mortgagee or say agent or attorney of the <br />mortgagee, the agent and attorney in fact of said mortgagor to make such reeitak and to ercecate tttid <br />eonveyaace and hereby covenants and agtcee that the recitals so mrde shall be eBeetual to bar ail etptiq or <br />right of redemption, homestead, dower, end all other exemptions of the mortgagor, all of which are hereby <br />expressly waived and conveyed to the mortgagee; or <br />1 m 1 take any other appropriate action pursuant to state or Fedenl statute either in elate or Federal <br />court or otherwise for the disposition of the properly. <br />In the event of a sale as hersinaboye.provid:.d, the mortgagor or any person in poeeession under the mortgagor shall <br />then become and be tenanie lmidinq over sad shill forthwith deliver possession to the purchaser at weh wk or be <br />wmmarily disposerserd. in Jtecordattce with the provisions of law applicable to tenants holding oven The power <br />and agenry~ hereby granted are coupled with an interest and arc irrevoeablr Ly death or otherwise, and arc granted <br />ae eumularive to the remedies fur coilretioo of said indr6ledneee provided 6y law. <br />4. The proceeds of any wle of wid propertr in accordance with the preceding paragnplu shall 6e applied teat <br />u pay the eosb and c:pemd of wid wk, the a:petrw incurred by the mortgagee for the parpese of protecting or main <br />raining ,aid property. and rrawna$Ir attorney: free:.rrondly, to pay the indebtedueu second henby: and thirdly, <br />to pay any wrplus or ezrer to the person or prrwm legally entitled thereto. <br />5. to the event aid property u sold at • judicial foreelwurc wle ar punttsat to tha power of wk heniaabore <br />granted, and the preeeeds are not soRcieet 1o pay the total indebtedner seeund by thin instrument and evidesed by <br />aid promiwory note, the mortgagee wit) be entitled to + defieimcv judgment for the amount of the dejtrieney roirAoat <br />ngard to appniaemeret. <br />6, !n the event the mortgagor fails ur pay sn+ Federal, sate, ur local ua assessmen4 ineomr ua ur other ta: lien, <br />charge, fee, ur other raprnse charged sgsimt the properh~, Ihr mortgagee is hereby aulhorianl at his option to par <br />the wttu. Any sum. so paid by the mortgagee shall 6e add«I to wtd become a part of the principrl amount of the <br />iadabtedruss erifknerd by said note, eobjeet to the came terms and ronditimts. If the mortgagor shall pay and <br />discharge the inde6lednrss evidenced by «aid promissory note, and shill pry such sums and shall Jisrharge all lases <br />and (isns and the soars, /rev, +nd r:prnaes of makroK, rnforrinq, and rarcuting this mortgage, then thin mortgage <br />rh.R be esnnlyd and surrewdrred. <br />7. TM enveaanu heroin contained .hall bird end the baaefiu sad advamagw sball faun to the napsetivs stse~ <br />aataare sad assipta a( eha Partin Inner. ~'heawer used. for siagalar number shat) iaeledr the plan!, tM plan) tha <br />aityuMr. oral tM rte stay grtadrr shall itsehtde aft grtsdrn, <br />8. No waiver of any oovenata henia or of the obligation savored henby lilts!! at lay limo therratter ba held <br />b be a waiver of the terms henof ar of the note second henby. <br />9. [n oomplianee wick sestina 101.1 t d) of the Rule. wd Regu4liow of the Small Busiaer AdmiaiN,ntios (1Z <br />GF.R. 101.1 f d) J, this ittaeeaaetr to 6e oaawroed and enforced la accordattee with applicable Fedenl law. <br />10. A judicial decree, order, or judpnegt holding any provision w portion of this itWrutnent invalid or um <br />eafeeeeabte shill ant in any way impair or preclude the entoreement of the nmaiaieg prorieiasr or portioss of <br />tbk irtrtuateat. <br />r ~. <br />nos -+,. nr ia-ru <br />